
woman smiling on beach

What Are Retainers?

A dental retainer is a device that supports the teeth and prevents them from shifting out of position. Manufacturers usually craft them out of metal, but some providers do offer plastic devices. Each retainer is custom made for the patient according to the plan that the specialist has for him or her. Several types of retainers exist. A reliable orthodontist can help a person to decide which device fits best for teeth alignment progress.

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Benefits of Invisalign #5


Benefits of Invisalign #5 Healthier periodontal tissue and less risk of enamel decalcification by avoiding brackets.

You probably have heard of the many benefits of Invisalign clear aligners, but there is new information concerning these dental appliances. Researchers have discovered that aligners help to reduce enamel decalcification such as the type caused by metallic brackets on traditional braces. In addition, patients wearing plastic aligners have healthier periodontal tissue. This means that orthodontic treatment with removable aligners is even more appropriate for mild malocclusions in the mouths of teenagers and adults. To determine if Invisalign aligners are recommended for your dental problems, schedule an appointment with an orthodontist. California residents can check online to see if Manhattan Beach Orthodontics is located nearby.

Brush Teeth Each Day

Selecting the orthodontics needed for your particular dental problems requires an examination with medical imaging. When clear aligners are acceptable, the orthodontist creates a series of molds using a three-dimensional computer software program. You receive 30 sets of aligners with different configurations to straighten teeth gradually. Your orthodontist decides how long each set is worn before throwing the item away to wear new aligners. For most patients, wearing each set for two weeks is recommended. You should wear the aligners as much as possible, but remove the appliances to perform oral health care.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Individualized orthodontic treatment is available at Manhattan Beach Orthodontics from Dr. Patricia J. Panucci. She offers a variety of orthodontics at her facility, including:

• Self ligating braces – allows fewer office visits
• Lingual appliances – worn on the back of your teeth
• Wild Smile brackets – great designs to express individuality
• Aesthetic appliances – ceramic made to match your teeth
• Invisible appliances – thin wires and small brackets
• Plastic aligners – made of clear but durable material

Contact Manhattan Beach Orthodontics today to schedule an appointment to determine the type of braces you or a child needs to have a strong dental bite and attractive smile.

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #5

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Benefits of Invisalign #4

If you are considering orthodontic treatment, you are probably torn between traditional alternatives and other innovations, such as Invisalign. Each type of orthodontic treatment is different and you will need to sit down with your orthodontist to determine what is the best path for you. At a Manhattan Beach Orthodontics office, learn more about orthodontics and your options for orthodontic treatment. If you thought metal brackets and wires were your only options, think again.

Exciting Innovations in the Orthodontic Field

Invisalign is an orthodontic alternative that is growing in popularity. These clear aligners mean fewer trips to the orthodontist’s office than you would make with traditional treatment options. After careful evaluation, your treatment plan will be tailored to suit your needs. Every two weeks or so, you’ll be given a new set of clear aligners that will gently shift your teeth into the proper position. Length of treatment and cost compares with traditional braces as well. You will have the added flexibility of being able to remove your aligners when you sleep, take part in active sports, or have a special function. You’ll be able to maintain better oral hygiene than you would with brackets on your teeth and your aligners are practically invisible. No one needs to know that orthodontics are at work. Soon enough, they will see the results.

Find Out More About Manhattan Beach Orthodontics Today

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, or would like to learn more ways to help keep them healthy, contact Manhattan Beach Orthodontics at 310-379-0006.

Beach Braces has the right team of orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach to help you achieve that beautiful smile.

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #4

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Benefits of Invisalign #3

invisalign benefits

No one likes losing a tooth, especially if it has to be pulled professionally. Manhattan Beach Orthodontics works with patients every day to help them keep strong, healthy teeth working effectively. Professional orthodontic treatment preserves teeth while straightening and aligning them for permanent benefits.

Protect Your Teeth

Whether you already have missing teeth or are trying to keep from losing them, invisalign orthodontics can help to protect teeth and move them into place where they can last indefinitely. That is the purpose of orthodontics, to preserve a person’s teeth by shifting them into correct spaces in the mouth.  Although it used to be that orthodontic treatment was mainly geared towards adolescents, today adults of all ages are enjoying the benefits of invisalign treatment that is making their smiles better than ever for long-term health and an enhanced appearance.

There is no stigma to wearing braces. In fact, because it is a cosmetic procedure, patients are eager to get braces and willingly commit to the time and effort needed for a successful outcome. Busy professionals, moms of young children, and even retired seniors are excited about having this type of work performed by a qualified orthodontist to change their appearance for the better.

Strong, straight teeth do a better job of chewing food and enhancing the digestive process. They are less likely to get cavities, with proper care. Aligned teeth make beautiful smiles at any age, and a lovely smile is arguably the most attractive feature anyone can have.

Find out if you are a candidate for this type of procedure that can lead to great results in a relatively short time by consulting with an orthodontist. Manhattan Beach Orthodontics offers helpful information about the procedures offered and are happy to consult with those who are interested in protecting their teeth and oral health.

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, or would like to learn more ways to help keep them healthy, contact Manhattan Beach Orthodontics at 310-379-0006.

Beach Braces has the right team of orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach to help you achieve that beautiful smile.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #3

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Benefits of Invisalign #2 Can approximate the treatment duration more precisely than with braces.


People often fret and wonder about the length of orthodontic treatment when faced with the knowledge that they need braces. Let Beach Braces Orthodontics help assist you in choosing the right treatment plan. Our Manhattan Beach orthodontics office offers a wide array of treatment plans including Invisalign, a system that can approximate the duration of treatment time more precisely than the traditional treatment. Instead of worrying about a lengthy treatment plan with no end in sight, this system will give you an approximate end date to look forward to every day.

The treatment system

Invisalign is a system that includes specifically designed trays that you are expected to change out approximately every two weeks. After you come in for an appointment, our orthodontist will discuss your previous history and discuss the treatment plans that are right for you. One of the perks of this system is the ability for your orthodontist to approximate the treatment time needed.

Have a wedding coming up? A graduation ceremony? Another major life even that will require a lot of time invested as well as photographs? By being able to approximate the treatment time, you will be able to plan ahead in regard to your orthodontic care. While this treatment is wonderful due to its virtual invisibility on your teeth, it is often imperative to patients that they understand the duration of treatments and have an estimated end time. Busy schedules often conflict with your orthodontics needs and by being able to plan ahead in regard to the length of your treatment is a definite perk.

Call us today!

Make an appointment with Beach Braces today to see if this is the right orthodontic treatment for you. Our Manhattan Beach orthodontics office features a trained and skilled staff of professionals ready to assist you in obtaining the perfectly straight smile of your dreams!

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, or would like to learn more ways to help keep them healthy, contact Manhattan Beach Orthodontics at 310-379-0006.

Beach Braces has the right team of orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach to help you achieve that beautiful smile.

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #2 Can approximate the treatment duration more precisely than with braces.

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Benefits of Invisalign #1 No food restrictions.


Orthodontic treatment is a special service for people who have varying degrees of alignment issues. Our Manhattan Beach Orthodontics firm specializes in reconstructing the smile while providing a warm atmosphere for patients. Invisalign is a revolutionary teeth alignment system that offers a wealth of benefits over traditional braces. The following are just a few of the benefits that Invisalign has over other types of orthodontic treatment such as metal devices:

No Food Restrictions

The best benefit to using the Invisalign system is that it comes with no food restrictions. The system consists of plastic aligners that fit perfectly over the patient’s teeth. The patient can remove the aligners at any time, which means that he or she will have free access to teeth cleaning. Therefore, the patient can enjoy all types of food.

Complete Discretion

Discretion is another benefit of using the system. The aligners are clear and plastic. Other people cannot see that a patient is using the aligner system without being extremely close. The orthodontist and the patient are the only two people who know about it.

Faster Correction Time

The clear plastic orthodontics system has a faster correct time than traditional braces have. Metal orthodontics systems can take up to 24 months to produce results, whereas a patient can improve within 10 months with the plastic system.

Less Pain

Standard orthodontic customers have to worry about the pain of bracket tightening. A person with the plastic system only has to swap out aligners every two weeks. Switching aligners is a painless process that eventually results in a beautiful smile and increased self-esteem.

People with alignment problems can contact our Manhattan Beach Orthodontics office for a consultation. Patricia Panucci is a compassionate orthodontist that strives for perfection and the highest level of patient comfort.

If you’re interested in straightening your teeth, or would like to learn more ways to help keep them healthy, contact Manhattan Beach Orthodontics at 310-379-0006.

Beach Braces has the right team of orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach to help you achieve that beautiful smile.

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #1 No food restrictions.

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Types of retainers, Orthodontist in Manhattan Beach

Which Retainer Suits You?

What Kind of Retainer After Braces is Better, Clear Plastic or Wire?

After someone undergoes orthodontic treatment and has their braces removed, it is recommended they wear a retainer to prevent the teeth from shifting position. However, there are several options to choose from when selecting a retainer, and some argument exists as to which is the better type. The two most common kinds are clear plastic and wire, and there are benefits and downsides to both types.

Wire Retainers

Wire retainers tend to be made of bendable wire and acrylic. The wire fits across the front of the teeth, while the acrylic is molded to fit the inside of the mouth. These retainers last for long periods of time without the need of replacement, and allow teeth to touch in a natural way. However, they’re also very noticeable, and sometimes cause patients to speak with a lisp. Many people dislike metal retainers for this reason. Wire retainers are also adjustable, so the orthodontist can make adjustments to it if necessary.

Clear Plastic

This is the most common type of retainer, as well as the most commonly known. The upside to clear plastic retainers is that they are nearly invisible, allowing patients to show off their newly straightened smiles. They are also sometimes more comfortable than wire retainers. However, clear plastic retainers have a tendency to wear out after a few years, and they don’t allow the top and bottom teeth to touch one another in a natural way. They also can be difficult to properly clean, and can trap water and other liquids against the teeth.

Which is better?

The ultimate choice of which retainer to use is up to the patient. Neither holds any significant medical advantage over the other; personal preference and comfort come largely into play. However, cost should also be considered; if someone is on a tight budget, wire retainers may be a better choice because of their increased longevity.

Retainers are necessary primarily because teeth have not stopped moving after the braces come off. While the teeth may be in the correct place, the muscles, gums, and jaw bone will not yet have adjusted to the change. As a result, the retainer helps to keep the teeth in the right place until the mouth adjusts as a whole. Retainers will need to be worn every day for around six months, and then only at night after that. After a few years, it is possible to only wear them a few nights per week. However, you should never stop wearing your retainer completely, lest the teeth become crooked again.

If you’ve ever seen braces before and after photos, then you know the difference they can make in your smile. Don’t ruin that by not wearing a retainer. There are different types of Braces Manhattan Beach. Selecting the kind that works best for you is important. Pay a visit to Beach Braces, your local orthodontist at Manhattan Beach, to get started towards the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Which Retainer Suits You?

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Orthodontist, Southern California,

Wearing an Incredible Smile – A Fashion Statement

Orthodontist, Southern California,

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey # 7: Nicolas Cage

Where’d he get that smile?

When you’re mesmerized by Nicholas Cage in an action movie like National Treasure, you don’t really ask yourself how he got those perfectly straight, dazzling white teeth. However, you’ve probably wondered what it would be like to have a smile like that.

Nick Cage is not shy about sharing where he got that much photographed smile. He found it through lingual braces that were fitted to straighten his lower teeth. Invisible to the observer, lingual braces work below the tongue area to gradually bring teeth back into alignment.

The freedom to smile

Today, braces for adults have become fashionable and liberating for many users. Nicholas Cage serves as a famous example of what lingual braces can do for a person. Yet who doesn’t wish they could smile with the ease and brilliance of a movie star?

You may not know it, but many people experience lower teeth crowding, and it isn’t until later in adulthood that it becomes more pronounced and begins to impact confidence. You are seeing more and more people take decisive steps to correct their smile because today’s new braces have been put in the reach of so many people.

Order up a new smile today

If you are thinking about braces for adults or Lingual Braces in Manhattan Beach, call Beach Braces today at 310-379-0006. As her testimonials indicate, Dr. Patricia Panucci DMD, MS, is one of the Best Orthodontists in Los Angeles and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about braces for adults or today’s Invisalign braces. At Beach Braces, new smiles are mandatory–treasure map optional.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Wearing an Incredible Smile – A Fashion Statement

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orthodontics manhattan beach, Braces in Manhattan

Ways to Get a Celebrity Smile

orthodontics manhattan beach, Braces in Manhattan

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey #5: David Beckham

Soccer great David Beckham has a smile that makes women swoon. The moment he flashes his beautiful, pearly whites, cameras begin to snap. Every place that he goes simply lights up the world. However, his teeth did not always look like they do today. In his younger years, David had some issues with the appearance of his teeth. Thanks to some simple adjustments, his teeth have been adjusted to form an incredible smile. If you would like a smile that is the envy of all others, a trip to the orthodontist could be the beginning of your journey.

Learn About Alternatives to Braces and More from David Beckam

For David Beckham, braces were not the answer. While he might have some minor issues with the alignment of his teeth, Beckham chose to go the path of veneers on his front teeth to give his smile a more appealing appearance. From that point, he went on to have whitening performed as well, a procedure that can be done regularly to make his smile glow. Every situation is different. If you have an issue with the appearance of your teeth, rather than the position, you may find that an orthodontist can point you in the right direction. It’s up to you to learn about your options.

Find Answers to Your Questions About Orthodontics

Make an appointment with Dr. Patricia J. Panucci and learn how you can have a smile transformation with orthodontic treatment in Manhattan Beach. Take a look at website to begin exploring your options and set up that initial consultation. Dr. Panucci can discuss your concerns, perform an examination, and share your options. You can have a smile that is out of this world, but you have to move forward. Let Dr. Panucci help you to make that smile shine. Call us today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Ways to Get a Celebrity Smile

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Beach Braces

Popularity Didn’t Hinder Her

Beach Braces

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey#3: Serena Williams

Every time tennis powerhouse Serena Williams flashes her smile, you can only admire those beautiful teeth. For someone in the public eye, it’s important for Serena to have a smile that she can be proud of. However, in her younger years, Serena and her famous sister sported braces. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, she’s happy to flash her smile everywhere she goes. If you have problems with your teeth when it comes to too much space, crowding, or issues with your bite, an orthodontist can help you to have a smile transformation as well. You simply need to take that first step and find out how orthodontics could change your life.

Serena’s Path Might Work for You

When Serena had trouble with her teeth falling into perfect alignment, Invisalign was the answer. Ideal for a person who is always in the spotlight, Serena began her journey with invisible braces when she was sixteen. Within two short years, she was able to walk away with a smile that lights up the court with every victory. Look at Invisalign pictures and you can’t even tell that she was having orthodontic treatment. If you are self-conscious and don’t like the idea of wearing traditional braces, you could still get a smile that is the envy of all others. With Invisalign, no one would even know until your orthodontic treatment is complete. You won’t know what will work for you unless you take the time to find out. If you want a smile like Serena’s, you have to see an orthodontist.

Visit an Orthodontist Today

Stop and browse at Beach Braces. Find out how Dr. Patricia Panucci can help you to get a new smile. As a preferred Invisalign provider, she’ll be able to answer your questions about Invisalign and more. Find the orthodontic treatment that will make you smile. Schedule your life changing session today.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Popularity Didn’t Hinder Her

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