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Can you still maintain a healthy diet while using Invisalign?


Many people are finding Invisalign to be a wonderful way for them to straighten their teeth without wearing traditional braces. If you’re using Invisalign currently or are considering having this appliance for yourself, you may be wondering if you can still maintain a healthy diet when using this method of orthodontics. It is not only possible to maintain a healthy diet when you have braces, but it is also encouraged by almost any orthodontist out there. When you’re eating healthy, you’re able to live in a healthier manner and this can easily help your treatment whether it is for other medical things or orthodontics.

What to Know About a Healthy Diet with Orthodontics

Your orthodontist can sit down and talk to you about a healthy diet and eating schedule if you are curious about these things. When you are first fitted for Invisalign, they will most likely sit with you and talk to you about the foods that you can and cannot eat when you’re wearing the appliance. This doesn’t mean that the appliance can’t be taken out while you’re eating, but these are things that you’re going to want to talk to your orthodontic specialist about before doing anything on your own.

Have a smoothie. Smoothies are great option for a delicious meal in a glass, offering a convenient, balanced option. Throw whatever you like in a blender, add protein to make it more filling and even try a handful of spinach— if the smoothie is made right, you won’t even taste it!.


Think soft. The first day or so of having your new braces on will mean you may not feel like chewing a whole lot. But that’s fine–try something soft but delicious like tender turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. Soups, chili, pudding, oatmeal and yogurt are all good choices during your first few days with braces.

Easy to chew. A steak dinner is not the best thing to have at your “congratulations on getting your braces” dinner. But meat shouldn’t be off the table completely–how about some shaved turkey cold cuts? Or tasty baked haddock? Scrambled eggs, omelettes or quiche? Maybe you know someone who makes a mean meatloaf—there are lots of protein choices that won’t make you chew too hard.

Try new things. Having to change up what you eat for a few days is the perfect excuse to try some new foods–how about a soft cheese you haven’t had before, like Munster or Brie? Or a grain, like couscous or quinoa? How about a new smoothie recipe for breakfast? Baked apples for a snack or dessert? You may end up discovering a new staple for your everyday diet.

Stay healthy. Don’t fall into the ice cream trap. Sure, it’s good for a treat, but it won’t give you the nourishment you need to look and feel your best. Eating soft food doesn’t mean eating unhealthy.

Foods to Avoid When Wearing Braces


  • Popcorn
  • Nuts
  • Hard taco shells
  • Sticky and hard candy
  • Gum
  • Ice
  • Corn chips
  • Pretzels
  • Hard cookies or crackers
  • Sticky or hard chocolate


Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

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You Can Only Hold a Smile for So long


The Smile

Are your teeth crooked or do you have an under bite or overbite? There’s nothing more beautiful than your smile and because your smile is so special let us help you make it what you want it to be. This summer, come see us at Beach Braces Orthodontics for a consultation. We would like to give you your best SMILE when you hit Manhattan Beach. Our orthodontist will transform your smile from just teeth to a beautiful and healthy smile you will want to show off everywhere!

What are the options?

Orthodontia is not what it used to be. Today there are many different types of braces and options for straightening your teeth such as:

Benefits of Straight Teeth

Not only does a straight and beautiful smile make you feel happier and more confident it also has health benefits. One health benefit of straight teeth is healthier gums. Straight teeth fit more snug around the gums and help fight periodontal problems. Straight teeth are also easier to clean. Floss will clean plaque build up off straight teeth better than crowded teeth. A third benefit is a decreased risk of tooth injury. In an accident, crooked teeth break easier. Face and neck pain, as well as headaches, can be caused by crooked teeth also. Straight teeth will also improve self-esteem. Studies show that a great smile leads to more smiling which lowers stress levels. The last benefit of straight teeth is less tooth decay. If untreated, the bacteria from the tooth decay can cause mouth sores, bleeding gums and possible tooth loss. These type of oral infections can lead to heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and pneumonia.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile! Contact Dr. Panucci.

Beach Braces
1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B
Manhattan Beach
CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006
Fax: (310) 379-7051

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Can I Consider Further Treatment [After Braces Come off?]

You remember the days when you wore braces. At first, you may have felt as though you were the only kid in school with braces on, but slowly, all of your friends started to make regular visits to the orthodontist as well. Yet a major difference exists between them and you. They are happy with their results, and you are still staring in the mirror wondering what is wrong with your teeth.

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The Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

When most people think of braces, they think only of having a perfect smile.  But they don’t think about all the health benefits of having straight teeth.  Having straight teeth and gums can lead to improved overall health.  Here is a little infographic for you about this and the many benefits of having straight teeth.

straight teeth


Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

The Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

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How Is Invisalign Different from Traditional Braces?


If you feel self conscious about your smile, you are not alone. There are many people who do not naturally have perfectly aligned teeth, and have to deal with gaps in the front teeth, crooked teeth, and all sorts of other problems. This can be hard on a person’s self-confidence, because he or she will feel like it is necessary to hide his or her smile all the time.  Fortunately, there is a very easy solution for this kind of a problem. Many cosmetic problems are very hard to fix, but this one can be fixed by simply going to an orthodontist.

The Difference

If you go to an orthodontist, it is likely that they will give you two main options for straightening your teeth. The two mainstream treatments in modern orthodontics are Invisalign and traditional metal braces. These can both be very effective in giving you the smile that you have always wanted, but each one is best suited for a certain set of cases. Traditional metal braces involve brackets being glued to your teeth and held together tightly by wires, and Invisalign involves clear aligners that you put over your teeth to straighten them out.

Traditional metal braces are typically recommended for people who have severe misalignment issues. Some of these people have teeth misalignments that are actually affecting the rest of their faces, causing problems in the jaw and other areas. They can also have bad bites because of the misalignments in their teeth. For these individuals, traditional metal braces are often the way to go, and they may additionally need other dental appliances placed in their mouths to correct the issues.

Traditional metal braces are more restrictive on an individual’s lifestyle, because they cannot be removed as long as they are in. A person who is wearing these braces will need to avoid certain foods while they are wearing them. They cannot be removed, so it is easier to stay disciplined in wearing them and allowing your teeth to straighten out. If you were able to remove them, the temptation would be there to keep them out so that you would not have to deal with them. Traditional metal braces can cause soreness and discomfort in the mouth at times due to the brackets poking your mouth.

A Desirable Option

Invisalign is often a desirable option for people who want their teeth straightened out for primarily cosmetic reasons. These people typically do not have misalignments that are that severe. The obvious difference between traditional metal braces and Invisalign is that Invisalign, as the name implies, is invisible for all intents and purposes. The aligners in your mouth will not be very conspicuous to other people, so you can straighten out your teeth without other people even knowing about it if you choose this option.

Additionally, the aligners are removable, so you can take them out anytime you want, although you do need to be wearing them for 20 to 22 hours per day. Unlike the case with traditional metal braces, there are no food restrictions, because you will not even be wearing the aligners when you are eating, most likely. You will need to brush your teeth after eating before you put the aligners back in, however, in the interest of hygiene. Another difference between traditional metal braces and Invisalign is the amount of times you will have to go to your orthodontist’s office for appointments.


With Invisalign, you will have more appointments, because of the way that the process works. A mold of your mouth will be taken at your orthodontist’s office to start off, so that the aligners can be made to fit your teeth. You will need to have a new mold made every two weeks, and you will need to get a new set of aligners every two weeks as well. With traditional metal braces, the same braces stay in your mouth the whole time, and you typically only need to get them adjusted every month or so. Invisalign is different, because new molds will need to be made as your teeth are moving into their new positions, and this needs to be done quite often in order for progress to be made at the rate that you will want it to go. With Invisalign, you will not have to deal with the discomfort that comes with braces and their brackets poking at your mouth.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

How Is Invisalign Different from Traditional Braces?

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Benefits of Invisalign #10 No chance of discoloring teeth


Benefits of Invisalign #10 No chance of discoloring teeth

If you are concerned about tooth discoloration from braces, Invisalign may be the right orthodontic treatment for you. This advantage is thanks to a lack of metal brackets and the ability to remove the aligners for daily dental hygiene. Here is more about how this treatment keeps smiles looking great.

Invisalign Does Not Use Brackets

With metal orthodontics, brackets are bonded directly to the enamel. If plaque, tartar and stains develop on the teeth in the meantime, an unsightly contrast between the bracket-covered spots and the rest of the enamel may be obvious after removal. Removable aligners eliminate uneven distribution of stains on the teeth during orthodontic treatment.

Cleaning Is Easy with Aligners

Because patients can easily remove their aligners to brush and floss, significant amounts of plaque and tartar are unlikely to build up on the enamel. Occasionally, patients can also use whitening toothpastes to removal any stains from lifestyle factors. By cleaning the aligners themselves, patients can further reduce risks of tooth discoloration. Our orthodontist can recommend a good cleaning solution for keeping the aligners clear.

Stains Can Be Avoided

Without brackets, patients are less likely to experience stains from foods and drinks. However, stains are even less likely to occur when patients limit or avoid dark-colored foods and drinks during orthodontic treatment. Tobacco, whether chewed or smoked, is another common source of stains and should be avoided altogether.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #10 No chance of discoloring teeth

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Benefits of Invisalign #9


Benefits of Invisalign #9 Overall better dental hygiene

Anyone seeking orthodontic treatment probably wants to wear Invisalign braces because the devices make overall dental hygiene easier to perform. These clear plastic aligners are removable to permit brushing or flossing of teeth after meals and snacks to prevent cavities, gingivitis and bad breath. Alternatively, traditional braces require learning specialized methods of performing oral health care to avoid damaging the wire and brackets. An orthodontist recommends clear plastic aligners for teenage or adult patients with mild malocclusions. A careful visual and medical imaging examination is necessary from a knowledgeable orthodontist to determine the best type of orthodontics for each patient.

Change Aligner Sets after Two Weeks

An adult or teenager requiring professional orthodontics, should find a professional with extensive experience with Invisalign clear aligners. An important part of orthodontic treatment with aligners is making a correct mold to create the devices at a nearby laboratory. To make a series of molds in different configurations to shift teeth into proper positions, state-of-the-art three dimensional computer systems are used to see the patient’s facial and dental structure. A dental patient receives approximately 30 sets of aligners with one to wear on the top teeth and one for the bottom teeth. Each set is worn for 14 days before it is thrown away to change to the next aligner set in the series.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #9

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Benefits of Invisalign #8


Benefits of Invisalign #8 Invisalign trays are scientifically designed

Instead of using the traditional treatment which includes complex wires and brackets, Invisalign is a clear system of aligners that will help you achieve the beautiful smile of your dreams. This system of treatment consists of multiple sets of aligners that you will rotate out every two weeks to help assist in the straightening and alignment of your teeth. Our orthodontist will first thoroughly examine you, discuss any previous dental and orthodontic treatment you may have had and then she will take precise molds of your teeth.

Scientifically designed system

These molds will be sent in to the company which in turn will create a precise series of trays which will help assist in the gradual straightening of your teeth. This scientifically designed system ensures your teeth will gradually move into the proper positioning. The aligner trays are laser cut and designed to give you maximum comfort and a winning esthetic during the process. Our orthodontist will schedule routine check-ups to ensure the system is working properly, but these check-ups are significantly less than those required with traditional treatment. This procedure is completely safe and a very effective way to create the perfect smile.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #8

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Benefits of Invisalign #7


Benefits of Invisalign #7 More comfortable than braces.

One of the biggest benefits that patients can experience from choosing Invisalign is its superior comfort over standard methods of teeth straightening. The orthodontics specialists at Manhattan Beach Orthodontics want you to understand how this cutting-edge treatment can enhance your smile without compromising your ability to enjoy life.

Invisalign Aligners

The aligners are made from smooth, clear plastic that fits over your teeth, so they won’t cause mouth injuries. Traditional braces are held to the teeth using metal wire and brackets, which can be troublesome. The metal can cause abrasions to the cheeks, lips and tongue, leaving sore spots behind that are then aggravated by further contact. Your orthodontist can provide you with rubber bands to place around the brackets, but they won’t completely prevent abrasions.

This orthodontic treatment can also extremely uncomfortable just to wear. The brackets and wires exert significant pressure on the teeth, and your orthodontist must tighten them routinely to shift the teeth into the desired position. For many patients, this can cause chronic pain and gum tenderness. Invisalign aligners take a gentler approach to orthodontic treatment. Each aligner is worn for approximately two weeks at a time before switching to the next one in the set. Although some patients may notice slight discomfort with a new aligner, this typically minimal and only lasts a few days.

Of course, an important part of comfort is being able to keep your usual diet and oral hygiene routine. With traditional braces, it becomes necessary to avoid certain hard, sticky and chewy foods, which removes a lot of options for your diet. Furthermore, they make it difficult to brush and floss thoroughly, which can cause other dental problems. Invisalign’s clear plastic aligners help you avoid that hassle. Simply remove the aligner at meals and during your oral care routine. However, be sure to put it back in as soon as you’re finished. The aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours each day for optimal results.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #7

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Benefits of Invisalign #6

beach braces

Benefits of Invisalign #6 Better Esthetics

Beach Braces Orthodontics, a Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice, understands the difficulties faced when you are informed by your dentist that you need braces. From the initial fear of possible pain and inconvenience to the worry about how they will affect the esthetics of your face, our office understand your worries and concerns in regard to this procedure and will help you through your orthodontic treatment. Our orthodontist office specializes in providing the best care possible for our patients and therefore we offer Invisalign aligners as an alternative to the traditional treatment.

The system

Invisalign treatment consists of a system of multiple clear aligners for your teeth. These aligners will need to be switched out every two weeks. These clear aligners ensure privacy as no one need know whether you are wearing your aligner or not. They also are safe to eat with and do not cut into your gums or mouth like the traditional treatment might. While this system offers many benefits, patients often prefer this treatment for its esthetic. With its clear, removable design created specifically for your teeth, this product offers a brighter smile versus the traditional brackets and wires.

After making an appointment with our office, our orthodontist will examine you as well as review your dental history in regard to your future orthodontic treatment. She will discuss your specific needs and wants as well as review the possible treatment plans with you in detail. With her knowledge and expertise, our orthodontist will decide if Invisalign is not only the right treatment, but the best treatment for you.

Call Today

When you are faced with orthodontic treatment and want the brightest smile possible, make an appointment to visit Beach Braces Orthodontics. With a caring and professional staff, this Manhattan Beach orthodontics practice will ensure you walk away happy and confident in your new smile!

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Benefits of Invisalign #6

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