How To Clean Coffee Stains From Teeth (5 EASY WAYS TO KEEP TEETH CLEAN)

Coffee is everywhere. It is in fashionable malls, trendy markets, and on your teeth. Coffee is good for energy and taste, but it loves your teeth too. Yes, your teeth may have yellowed from the constant drinking of the haloed bean. These stains, as you may have found out are difficult to remove. The best bet is to avoid staining altogether. In this post, we’ll show you how to avoid coffee stains on your teeth. Let’s get going.

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Orthodontic Retainers | WHAT ARE THEY? (3 Facts For Mom)

Orthodontic retainers are an essential part of your orthodontic experience. They will keep your new smile in good shape for however long they are needed. Which in most cases is for life. But what are retainers exactly? How will they affect your life? Are they uncomfortable? These questions have all crossed the minds of those undergoing orthodontic treatment. In this post, we’ll take you through what types of orthodontic retainers you can have and what they do for your smile when your ortho treatment is complete. Let’s get going.

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Sleep Apnea and Orthodontics (5 EPIC FACTUALS)

In the USA today, 18 million adults and a large number of children suffer from a disorder that affects sleep and health. It is called Sleep Apnea and affects breathing during the sleep cycle. The condition can range from disruptive to unhealthy. In this post, we’ll take you through what sleep apnea is and why orthodontics can help disrupt the disruptive condition. Let’s get going.

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Why Use a Board-Certified Orthodontist (5 EASY READ FACTS)

Becoming an orthodontist is no small feat. It requires extensive education, starting with years of dental school followed by specialized training in orthodontics. The result? A professional capable of perfecting nearly any smile. For those striving to stand out in the field, achieving board certification represents the pinnacle of orthodontic excellence. In this quick read, we’ll explore what it means to be a board-certified orthodontist and why you should consider choosing one, such as a top-rated professional in Manhattan Beach. Board-certified orthodontists have demonstrated their commitment to the highest standards of care, making them a wise choice for anyone seeking the best possible results for their smile. Let’s get going.

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Braces or Veneers (How to Own Your Smile in 2021)

A nice smile is often the first thing people notice about you. Crooked, chipped or stained teeth detract from your appearance. And may have health implications as well. Once you decide it’s time, you may be unsure whether braces or porcelain veneers are the best choices. In this post, we’ll help you decide on braces or veneers and guide you to make a choice. Let’s get cracking.

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Braces Treatment While Self-Isolating (5 IMPORTANT FACTS)

Braces are a popular solution to teeth alignment issues. Furthermore, the patient must stick to any recommended treatment schedule and oral care routines. The varying degrees of self-isolation the world is subject to means restrictions. In this post, we’ll show you how to continue treatment while self-isolating. Let’s get cracking.

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smiles with brackets and invisalign

What Makes Invisalign Unique? (3 EASY READ FACTS)

Invisalign is a unique treatment to give you a beautiful smile. It does so without the metal. With this treatment, models of your teeth create unique trays to adjust your smile. Aligners continue moving your teeth until the perfect smile arrives. In this post, we’ll take you through what makes Invisalign unique among others. Let’s get going.

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Teenagers Go Invisalign (FIND OUT WHY) | 7 Amazing Facts

In the past, a trip to the orthodontist for a teenager almost guaranteed a mouth full of metal. Spending the majority of high school with hardware on their teeth. It was devastating. Yet, teens no longer have to panic. Often, the use of Invisalign can straighten teeth without any noticeable hardware. In this post, we’ll get into why teenagers go Invisalign. Let’s get into it.

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Confident About Invisalign | 5 REASONS WHY WE LOVE IT

People who have misalignment issues with their teeth can feel self-conscious. All you need to do is see an orthodontist who is confident about Invisalign. Clear aligners are well proven as effective teeth straighteners. In this post, you’ll get a quick overview of the latest in orthodontic treatment. Let’s get going.

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What Is Invisalign? | How Does It Work? (Updated)

Many people have misaligned teeth. This can have a negative impact on their smile, self-confidence and more. Traditional braces mean experiencing discomfort and mouth sores. Avoidance was the main aim until Invisalign became a popular treatment. Invisalign is a method of straightening teeth. Done with removable virtually invisible aligners. Each aligner fits a person’s individual dental situation. Replaced every two weeks, relocating teeth to the desired final position. In this post, we’ll show you what Invisalign is and does.

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