What Are Power Chains For Braces? (7 EASY FACTS)

In a basic form, power chains for braces are a chain of O-shaped bands linked like a chain would be. These chains replace ligatures or wires between the brackets. Sometimes an orthodontist will use both to aid the movement of teeth. The use will depend on what you need to accomplish the best result. In rare cases, you may use wire power chains. This is where the wire wraps around the bracket instead of rubber bands.  

Power chains work the same as ordinary ‘O’ shaped rubber bands. Those have been used in orthodontics for many years. In this post, we’ll take you through what power chains are and what they do. Let’s get going.

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man hiding his mouth

Bad Breath And Liver Disease – Or Halitosis?

Bad breath and liver disease is a concern. How does fetor hepaticus affect the liver? The symptoms of fetor hepaticus include a strong, musty smell in your breath. In most cases, it is the result of severe liver disease, which affects your liver’s ability to filter out toxic substances. Due to this, sulfur substances are absorbed into the bloodstream and can enter the lungs. However don’t be alarmed about fifty million people in the United States suffer from bad breath or halitosis.

Most of them, however, do not get any treatment because they are embarrassed. If you ask yourself what are the causes of halitosis, the answer is tied to oral hygiene and problems. Also, if you are often asking what causes this even after brushing your teeth, the answer could be that you have other health issues. One study suggests that up to ten percent of all halitosis cases are caused by diseases that occur outside the mouth. Therefore, below are some of the reasons why you might be suffering from bad breath. Let’s get going.

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Invisalign Platinum Provider 2024

Before And After | Invisalign (4 DETAILED PHOTOS!)

Invisalign before and after for crowded teeth explained. Conditions for Invisalign treatment vary from patient to patient but it is possible to treat a wide array of different dental issues successfully with the help of Invisalign. Whether your case calls for treatment of a crooked tooth, or a serious dental correction such as an overbite or underbite Invisalign can be used quite effectively to treat some of these cases.

In these before and after photos, you will see not only how complicated each case was, but also how pleasing the results were for each client, with many more advantages in comfort to treatments such as traditional braces

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invisalign aligner

How To Clean Clear Retainers (in 2022)

Keeping your retainers clean and free of stains and smells is important. Failing to do so will result in stains and then yellow discolor leaving them unattractive to look at. In this article, we take you through ways to keep your retainers sanitized and odour free.

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Invisalign Express Cost – Top Teeth Only (2022 Guide)

Invisalign Express costs between $1,800 and $4,000 (with an average of around $3,500). Invisalign Express is an option for you if you don’t quite need the same level of treatment that some other patients need on their teeth. For example, you may only need the upper or lower row of teeth in your mouth straightened. The following is some information for your reference about the cost of such a procedure and how it may differ from some other forms of treatment.

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woman in coffee shop

How Does Invisalign Move Teeth? | EPIC & QUICK ANSWERS 2022

How Does Invisalign Move Teeth? Using a series of aligners, Invisalign gently repositions the teeth over time by capturing and manipulating forces of tension and compression. A resorption of bone and cementum precedes the movement caused by Invisalign clear aligners. New bone is also deposited after the movement occurs.

You’ve probably heard about “invisible braces” that straighten teeth in less time than traditional metal braces. If you’ve thought about invisible braces for yourself or for your teenage son or daughter, you may be wondering how something so simple can straighten teeth as well as braces. In this post, we’ll show you how Invisalign move teeth. Let’s get cracking.

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woman smoking

Can You Smoke Cigarettes With Braces? (2022 Checklist)

Smoking with Braces. We all know that smoking cigarettes and tobacco can be extremely harmful to our health in a variety of different ways. Many people associate puffing with conditions that affect our lungs but they do not consider oral health is one of the major health concerns associated with it is well.

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man eating biscuit

Are There Foods I Can’t Eat with Braces? (SUPER LIST 2022)

In this article, we discuss why eating the wrong foods with braces can be problematic. Ultimately, you don’t want to break your braces or its parts or delay your treatment timeline. So how do you care for your braces now that you have them? During your entire orthodontic treatment, it’s critical you know how to properly take care of your braces. Below you will find a list of good and bad foods that should help with at least your first week with braces. Read more
Beach Braces, Orthodontist Manhattan Beach, Orthodontics

Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

Invisalign cleaning crystals are a popular product. Keep your aligners and retainers fresh. You’ll need 15 minutes to dissolve the crystals for a clean and ready-to-wear aligner set. This helps oral health as well as prolongs the life of the plastic. In this post, we’ll give you quick facts on why you should use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals and TIPS on how. 

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Braces Or Invisalign For Sticking Out Tooth? (Your 2022 Guide)

If you have been dealing with a tooth sticking out further than the other, you are likely frustrated with having to deal with this particular imperfection. Those with multiple crooked teeth are typically referred to an orthodontic specialist for treatment. Having a wonky tooth which can be a lateral incisor or a canine tooth, can be confusing because it is a somewhat different issue. In this post, we’ll show 4 options to fix a sticking out tooth in 2022. Let’s get started!

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