What Are Power Chains For Braces? (7 EASY FACTS)

Last Updated on October 30, 2023 by Gio Greenard

In a basic form, power chains for braces are a chain of O-shaped bands linked like a chain would be. These chains replace ligatures or wires between the brackets. Sometimes an orthodontist will use both to aid the movement of teeth. The use will depend on what you need to accomplish the best result. In rare cases, you may use wire power chains. This is where the wire wraps around the bracket instead of rubber bands.  

Power chains work the same as ordinary ‘O’ shaped rubber bands. Those have been used in orthodontics for many years. In this post, we’ll take you through what power chains are and what they do. Let’s get going.


power chains

Why Use Power Chains?

The extra force given by power chains expedites the treatment. Meaning, they aid the completion times. In other words, speed up the whole process. If extractions are done in the early stages of treatment, you’ll likely need power chains. These chains will also likely stay on for the entire process. This guarantees the gaps stay closed with a good amount of force.

The Process

When you visit the orthodontist for adjustments, the chains will be changed. They can come in a variety of colors just like the traditional rubber bands. You’ll need to choose a color that suits you and won’t stain from whatever you consume in your diet. For example, coffee and red wine drinkers may prefer silver or grey. Blue is a popular color but bad for things like curry.

Do Power Chains Hurt?

They will hurt or at least offer discomfort when first installed in your mouth. Toothache is guaranteed. Soft foods are recommended during this time.


Soft foods are recommended during this time.

How Long Does it Take?

Each case is individual. and the patient is subject to times regardless of orthodontist or malocclusion. 6 months will see the most effective use. But, there have been instances of a few weeks to start working. As with all braces, the wearer may not notice changes but rest assured changes are happening in the mouth.

Are Power Chains Hard to Clean?

Yes. But no harder than traditional methods. Cleaning teeth and gums while wearing braces is a hard and annoying process regardless of the type of device worn.

Do They Mean Additional Cost?

In short. No. They are included in the overall cost. The cost will depend on malocclusion and the length of treatment.

Is Age a Condition In Using Them?

In short. No. However old you are, power chains can be used if the orthodontist deems it necessary.


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