
Beach Braces reception area

Improve Your Smile and Change Your Life

 A study conducted by psychologist Rich Walker of Winston-Salem State University found that people that engaged in a variety of experiences held on to more positive emotions and fewer negative ones than people with less diverse experiences.
runner on track

How to Start Orthodontic Treatment 2017

Robert H. Schuller was a motivational speaker who believed that in order to succeed at anything, you have to start at the beginning. When you have crooked teeth that are difficult to brush and floss, you must begin to solve this problem by visiting an orthodontist.  Read more

Can Orthodontic Treatment Improve Your Future?

A healthy mouth and teeth are incredibly important to both our physical health and mental well-being. Basic dental care and appointments are essential, but sometimes not enough. Furthermore, orthodontics is the practice of treating irregularities of the teeth which impact the mouth or jaw.

Read more

Wear a Perfect Smile 2017


Your Smile

Smile. There are many reasons to smile. Some people smile for their significant others and children usually smile for their parents. The one thing that all these smiles should have in common is a healthy set of teeth. One thing that your orthodontist knows is that there is nothing more satisfying than smiling without feeling self-conscious due to dental issues.

What You Can Remedy

You will see what it feels like to talk to a skilled orthodontist when you give us an opportunity to help. There are a number of things that we can help with like the following:
  • Worn teeth that could lead to tooth sensitivity
  • Misaligned teeth that could lead to cavities or plaque
  • Bad bites that could make it hard to chew properly or speak
  • Overbites and underbites can be dealt with
  • Structural issues with the jaw


Of course, these are just some of the issues that our orthodontic specialists can help you with, but there are others. You should know that we have a number of different ways to help you with some of these issues, too.


Other Options

For example, many of our clients love Invisalign, which is akin to traditional braces except they are totally invisible. Invisalign could take as long as traditional braces to fix certain issues and are also removable.

The treatment does require you to come into the office every two weeks to get an adjusted set of aligners to put enough pressure on the teeth. The pressure helps correct issues with your teeth. We know that living in Manhattan Beach, Calif., can get hectic due to the traffic, but our team will do what is possible to accommodate any visit around your schedule. Visit us at Beach Braces, or give us a call at 310-379-0006 to see if we can give you another reason to smile.


Beach Braces Orthodontics
220 N. Aviation Blvd
Suite A
Manhattan Beach
CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006
Skype: Beachbraces

Wear a Perfect Smile 2017

dr pannucci and penny

5 Ways Orthodontics Can Help You


You’re never fully dressed without a smile ~Martin Charnin

Orthodontics is ready to help you. A day in Manhattan Beach, Calif., is not complete without a great outfit and smile, yet some people do not let their smiles shine because of an orthodontic issue. There is no need to live without smiling because you have the orthodontic specialists at the Beach Braces office to help you deal with any dental issues.

A good orthodontist knows how important a smile is. Smiling helps a person feel happier than they would otherwise, and correcting dental issues can help improve self-esteem. You know that self-esteem can propel you forward in more ways than one. Your happiness matters to a good orthodontist.

Orthodontics Can Help

The following are just some of the things you can expect your orthodontic specialist to help you with:

  • Excessive wear on the teeth due to grinding or other oral issues
  • Misaligned teeth or crooked teeth
  • Bad bites, underbites, or overbites
  • Structural issues with the jaw, which could disfigure your face in time
  • Gaps between the teeth

These issues can make someone self-conscious, and your orthodontic specialist can help you reverse these problems. Some of these problems are a lot more serious than you might imagine. For example, excessive wear can actually lead to sensitive teeth because the enamel is compromised.

Misaligned teeth or crooked teeth give bacteria and food particles an opportunity to hide from your toothbrush or floss. This means the likelihood of cavities or other ailments is heightened due to these orthodontic-related ailments.

Rest Assured

You can be sure that everyone in our office will do everything in their power to make sure that your smile is as healthy and beautiful as it is meant to be. We can deal with some of these issues using options like Invisalign. Invisalign aligners are like traditional braces, except they are removable and invisible. You can visit us in our Beach Braces website, or call us at 310-379-0006 to schedule an appointment.

Beach Braces Orthodontics
220 N. Aviation Blvd
Suite A
Manhattan Beach
CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006
Skype: Beachbraces

 5 Ways Orthodontics Can Help You


How to Smile Like a Boss




Smile. Jim Beggs believed that you should only have a frown on your face when it is impossible to smile. However, if you have crooked teeth, then you probably don’t want to smile due to embarrassment. It is important for children to begin wearing braces as soon as possible to repair their malocclusions, but if you are an adult with misaligned teeth, then it is easy to wear Invisalign aligners instead. While taking your child to an orthodontist for an appointment, make sure to schedule a free consultation to determine if you can benefit from orthodontic treatment.

Eliminate Secondary Problems That Are Caused by Misaligned Teeth

You might frown each day because you wake up with a headache or jaw pain that is caused by a bad bite. By undergoing orthodontic treatment for a few months with clear plastic aligners, you can shift some of your teeth into better positions to improve your bite to prevent secondary problems such as earaches. Wearing aligners is easy because the devices are made of soft but durable plastic that is molded to fit over your teeth precisely. After wearing a set of aligners for two weeks, you will replace the devices with a new set that will apply pressure to your teeth.

Call Us to Schedule an Appointment for a Complete Examination

If you live in or near Manhattan Beach, Calif., then make sure to schedule an appointment at Beach Braces. Our orthodontic facility has top-of-the-line diagnostic equipment in order to create the best orthodontic devices for our patient’s teeth. Dr. Patricia J. Panucci is able to assist patients with these orthodontic treatments:

• Self-ligating devices
• Invisalign for adults and teens
• Clear braces
• WildSmile brackets
• Lingual devices

In addition, our orthodontist offers the AcceleDent Aura system that can reduce your orthodontic treatment time.

Beach Braces Orthodontics
220 N. Aviation Blvd
Suite A
Manhattan Beach
CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006
Skype: Beachbraces

How to Smile Like a Boss

Beach Braces reception area

Smiling Is My Favorite Exercise


Exercise For a Healthy Smile

A healthy smile does indeed brighten up a person’s face like sunshine from within. Beautiful teeth not only improve a smile but also improve the overall health of teeth and jaw.

Importance of Straightening Teeth

Orthodontics is the dental specialty that focuses on the straightening of teeth and improving the bite. Misaligned teeth and jaw problems can cause a myriad of problems further down the road. These include tooth loss, therefore a persons bone structure can be comprised and tooth enamel worn down.

Age for Orthodontics

A child can be evaluated for orthodontic check-ups around the age of 7, moreover, the child’s progression from baby teeth to adult teeth can be monitored annually to assess the need for orthodontia. The earlier misaligned teeth are corrected, the shorter the treatment and easier the correction.

However, it’s never too late for adults to obtain an evaluation and consultation with an orthodontist. Improving one’s smile is not just cosmetic, it keeps the jaw and the bite healthy and strong. In addition, it adds to confidence and bolsters self-esteem. In our practice, we firmly believe it is never too late to obtain and maintain a bright beautiful smile.


There are several types of orthodontic corrective devices available for both children and adults including colored braces. Traditional metal ones used in conjunction with rubber bands slowly move teeth to the desired position, additionally, there are the types that are attached to just the inner side of teeth where less correction is needed and invisible from the outside. Also available are invisible or clear ones which are less noticeable for minor to moderate correction. Invisalign is a system is nearly invisible and can correct minor orthodontic problems, thus they are easy to wear and to maintain and are completely inconspicuous. Braces or retainers can be in most cases worn at night.

For a healthy smile call Beach Braces for an orthodontist consultation today

Beach Braces Orthodontics
220 N. Aviation Blvd
Suite A
Manhattan Beach
CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006
Skype: Beachbraces

Smiling Is My Favorite Exercise

























Can retainers fix a slight shift of teeth after braces?



Leading Manhattan Beach orthodontist has noted that an orthodontic patient’s most anticipated appointment day is probably the day that their braces are finally removed, and they are able to see the unencumbered results of the time and money that they have devoted to their teeth. While the excitement of seeing their new smile is justified, it is important for them to keep in mind that the treatment is not yet complete. They still need to make sure they continue with retainers.

After The Braces Are Removed

The process of teeth straightening doesn’t end with the removal of braces. As with any other diagnosis, you should follow the prescribed treatment plan to get the results that you want. In addition, there is a level of after-care for the teeth that has to be maintained in order to protect the investment that you have made.

After the removal of the braces, your orthodontist will want to evaluate how well the teeth have been aligned, possibly by taking a bite impression or an X-ray, if necessary. Thus, if the patient is a child or teenager, the teeth may be examined to determine if there has been a growth of wisdom teeth. If so, you may advised to have them removed as the emergence of the wisdom teeth could affect the alignment of the teeth that had been straightened.


The natural shifting of teeth is inevitable as one grows into an adult and then ages. This is also true for teeth that have been straightened with braces. A retainer is an orthodontic device that is tailored-made for your teeth and mouth and that is used as a safeguard to maintain the alignment of the corrected teeth. They can be categorized as removable or fixed. Consequently each type of retainer has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Removable retainers can be removed and placed back into the mouth at will and requires some compliance on the part the patient in order to be used as prescribed by orthodontists. Finally, there are two types of removable retainers:


• Hawley – Accordingly, these retainers have a metal wire that runs across the front of your teeth and are attached to an acrylic piece that fits into the roof of your mouth. They tend to be the most-used type. You can have a creatively personalized retainer as they come in a variety of styles and colors. They will not prevent your teeth from touching naturally and can be adjusted to adhere to any change in teeth alignment. Furthermore, while they are durable and easy to clean, they can be very noticeable to others and can alter your speech when they are initially worn.

• Clear Plastic – These retainers are sometimes also referred to as vacuum-formed retainers. They are made of a clear plastic that is molded to fit the teeth and can appear almost invisible when worn. There are a few marked differences when compared to the Hawley retainers. They do not tend to last as long and prevent your teeth from touching naturally and cannot be adjusted.


Fixed or permanent retainers are composed of a thin wire that runs across the back of the teeth where they are bonded or glued in place. They are invisible to others, but can make the flossing your teeth difficult. They can remain inside of the mouth indefinitely. In order to have them removed safely, you would have to see a professional.

Retainers FAQ

Are Retainers Able To Fix Shifts of Teeth?

Retainers are a vital part of oral care after the removal of braces. Consequently, they are used to ensure that the patient’s teeth remain straightened and in place. The muscles, bones, gums adjust to the new position of your teeth. If a retainer is not used as directed by the orthodontist the teeth return to their original positions and a loss of the investment that has been made into getting the smile that you wanted. This is particularly important with children and teenagers who have had their braces removed, as their bones are still growing.

If the shifting of the teeth is minimal, a retainer could be used to move the teeth back to how they were positioned when the braces were initially removed. Finally, the retainer must never be forced onto the teeth if it doesn’t fit. Consequently, if this is the case, the patient should contact their orthodontic specialist regarding corrective procedures.

How Long Should Retainers Be Worn?

The frequency and the length of time a retainer is worn after braces are removed varies from patient to patient. You should follow the instructions of your orthodontist.

You will need to wear the retainer all day, for the first few months. In the case of a removable retainer, as the structures around the teeth adjust to the new position of the teeth, you may be able to wear the retainer with less frequency. Your retainer, whether it is removable or fixed, is a permanent part of your long-term treatment plan for maintaining straight teeth. This plan could conceivably last for years.

Contact Our Orthodontic Office Today

In conclusion, the orthodontist working at Beach Braces in Manhattan Beach, Calif., understands how to evaluate her patients with top-of-the-line computer software. Dr. Patricia J. Panucci works with children, teenagers and adults to improve their smile and bite with these orthodontic treatments:

• Lingual braces
• Self-ligating devices
• Wild smile brackets
• Aesthetic devices
• Invisalign for adults and teenagers

Make sure you visit an Invisalign specialist like Patricia J. Panucci of Manhattan Beach Orthodontics. She possesses great skill and knowledge along with a compassionate nature. Its easy to get a complimentary consultation. She will give you a thorough evaluation and help you achieve a new and improved smile with perfectly straight teeth. Schedule an appointment today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Can retainers fix a slight shift of teeth after braces?

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give a smile

If You See a Friend Without a Smile

give smiles

Can Smiles Spread?

Yes, smiles really are contagious! Your smile truly does affect those around you. The area of your brain that controls your smiling mechanism and the times that you mimic someone else’s smile is in the cingulate cortex, which is a response area that is automatic. Swedish researchers showed subjects pictures of different emotions, including anger, fear, joy and surprise. When a subject was shown a picture of a smiling person, the researchers told them to frown. What the researchers found was that the subjects naturally did the opposite. It actually took a lot of effort for the subjects to put a frown on their face. When you smile at someone, the odds are good that they can’t help but return that smile to you. If they don’t, it’s only because they are trying really hard to be a Grumpy Gus!

Who Is Missing Your Smile?

We all want to make the people around us happy. That’s just a natural part of being a social, well-adjusted individual. We would all rather be around someone who’s flashing smiles as opposed to frowns. But passing along the smiles may be harder if you’re not happy with your own smile. While a smile is a smile is a smile, you may be less apt to flash your less-than-perfect whites to a friend or stranger who sorely needs it.

How Can The World Benefit From Your Smile?

Invisalign aligners can straighten your teeth without the use of braces. You can remove these invisible aligners, which means that no one has to know that you’re straightening your teeth. A benefit of Invisalign is that you can eat and drink as you normally do. You can also brush and floss as you would in your normal routine. Because these aligners are not braces, there are no metals, wires or brackets that can cause abrasions.

If you’re interesting in having the world benefit from your smile, contact Beach Braces to see if Invisalign is the right solution for your smile. You and your orthodontist can create a treatment plan that will give you your perfect smile.

Beach Braces Orthodontics
220 N. Aviation Blvd
Suite A, Manhattan Beach
CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006
Fax: (310) 379-7051
Skype: Beachbraces

If You See a Friend Without a Smile, Give Him One of Yours





Gluten Free Amaretti Biscuits

Gluten Free Amaretti Biscuits

Gluten Free Amaretti Biscuits


  • unsalted butter , for greasing
  • 4 large free-range egg whites
  • 350 g caster sugar
  • 350 g ground almonds
  • 30 ml amaretto liqueur
  • icing sugar


  1. Preheat the oven to 170ºC/gas 3, and grease and line two baking sheets.
  2. In a bowl, whisk the egg whites until firm. Gently fold in the sugar, almonds and amaretto to make a smooth paste.
  3. Using a teaspoon or a piping bag, place dollops of the mixture on the trays, 2cm apart.
  4. Bake in the oven for 10 to 15 minutes, or until lightly golden. Transfer to a wire rack to cool, before dusting with icing sugar.


When to see an orthodontist

Orthodontists sometimes see conditions in teeth that may give clues about the person’s health that other medical professionals might have missed. One example is celiac disease. This allergy to gluten can result in the decay of tooth enamel. It can also lead to canker sores in the mouth. However, there are more and more gluten-free ingredients and recipes available all the time, and as a result, celiac sufferers have more access than ever before to a gluten-free diet.

One of the things gluten-free eaters miss the most is sweets like cookies and cake because they are often made with flour. That is why a recipe for gluten-free Amaretti biscuits is such a treat for people with celiac.

Damage to teeth from celiac cannot be reversed, but it can be stopped, and there are a number of procedures that can improve the look of teeth if necessary. Although invisalign braces are not a treatment that an orthodontist might do to repair teeth damaged from celiac disease, anyone with a gluten allergy who cares enough about the condition and appearance of their teeth to wear braces will not want to damage them further. Recipes like gluten-free Amaretti biscuits can help prevent that damage.

These are a great treat to have with tea or coffee, and one of the best things about them is that they are naturally gluten-free. Too often, recipes that are normally made with wheat or other grains that are adapted to be gluten-free are disappointing by comparison. This is not the case with these delicious gluten-free Amaretti biscuits.

Whether or not you are dedicated to living gluten-free, you might be concerned about your own smile or those of your family members. If your own teeth or your children’s teeth look overcrowded or crooked, give us a call today to speak to an orthodontist about invisalign braces.

Contact Our Orthodontic Office Today

The orthodontist working at Beach Braces in Manhattan Beach, Calif., understands how to evaluate her patients with top-of-the-line computer software. Dr. Patricia J. Panucci works with children, teenagers and adults to improve their smile and bite with these orthodontic treatments:

• Lingual braces
• Self-ligating devices
• Wild smile brackets
• Aesthetic devices
• Invisalign for adults and teenagers

Make sure you visit an Invisalign specialist like Patricia J. Panucci of Manhattan Beach Orthodontics. She possesses great skill and knowledge along with a compassionate nature. She offers a complimentary consultation. She will give you a thorough evaluation and help you achieve a new and improved smile with perfectly straight teeth. Schedule an appointment today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Gluten Free Amaretti Biscuits

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