
child wearing red glasses

What Guidelines Will Help Children Remain Cavity-Free?

Dental decay is an incredibly common problem found in most offices. Unfortunately, when kids get cavities, they will need to have fillings placed that can affect their teeth for the rest of their teeth. The more fillings that are placed into the tooth, the more it compromises the integrity of the tooth and causes the need for root canals and crowns. Because of this, it is crucial that you work with your child to avoid and prevent cavities altogether so that your child will have clean and healthy teeth for a lifetime. Making changes to their diet and oral hygiene habits may also help other health conditions and will be good habits for them to carry on into adulthood.

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Girl Opening mouth

Does the Six Month Smiles Orthodontic Treatment Actually Work?

Girl Opening mouth

Misshapen teeth can worsen the appearance of your teeth and create issues with your confidence. When you’re looking for the right solution that will provide you with a better smile, one treatment option that you might want to consider is the Six Month Smiles treatment. This smile treatment is designed to provide you with straighter teeth in a short period of time. While this treatment may seem like something that’s too good to be true, it does actually work as long as you have realistic expectations about what the treatment will do for your smile.

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Smiling woman

Famous People with Braces

child having braces

Braces can be an important facet of the lives of many adolescents and adults. While braces have traditionally been marketed and geared towards adolescents, more and more adults are looking to get their smiles fixed too. Your smile is the first thing that people see when they look at you. So, getting teeth straightened, or crowded teeth removed can result in a significant aesthetic difference.

As more options for braces emerge, more people see the benefit of undergoing the whole orthodontic process. There are more affordable options on the market than there have been before. Additionally, there are easier options on the market for the patients to choose from. These options include Invisalign, regular braces, lingual braces, and invisible braces.
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invisible braces

The Invisible Braces Race

The field of orthodontics is full of excitement since new technology is constantly being developed that makes it faster and easier to get straighter teeth. While it is great to have options, you may also feel like your head is spinning every time you read about some new type of invisible braces. Naturally, you have a few things that you expect for your orthodontic treatment such as to feel comfortable throughout the process and get a better smile as fast as possible.

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Are Braces Painful? (5 ANSWERS)

Are Braces Painful? Your orthodontist just told you that you need to get braces. Undoubtedly, you are feeling a little anxious. When your first learned that you needed some form of tooth-straightening device to improve your smile, it is likely that there were many questions that went through your mind. First and foremost, you may have asked, when am I going to be able to get these things off? You are also no doubt concerned about what the end results would be or how will your teeth look.

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woman relax in field

How do I Correct my Buck Teeth? (3 EPIC ANSWERS)

How do I correct my buck teeth? Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, which is why it’s natural to want to make yours a good one. If you’ve been dealing with misaligned teeth, you might feel self-conscious or embarrassed. Fortunately, no matter what you’ve been going through, the right orthodontist can help you get the treatment you need. Whether you want to know about braces, invisible braces, or retainers, it’s possible to find a treatment method that will help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. Ready to learn more? Here’s what you need to know about braces and orthodontics.

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woman smile

[How Can] Invisalign Straighten an Adult’s Teeth?

Invisalign Offers Adults the Promise of Straighter Teeth

If you are an adult with less than perfect teeth, you may think that it is hopeless. Many people do not think that adults can enjoy straighter teeth. Besides, when someone thinks about teeth straightening, the first thing that comes to mind is a mouthful of metal and after all, you are much too old for that look.

Fortunately, there is a new product and procedure out that gives you hope for straighter teeth and a brighter smile. Invisalign can be used to straighten adult teeth without having to worry about a mouth full of metal. First, let’s examine a few reasons why you may want to check out teeth straightening as an adult.

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happy woman

The [Orthodontic] future is in 3D X-Rays

In past decades, orthodontists were completely dependent on hands-on oral exams and mouth molds to create a patient’s treatment plan. However, with the invention of 3D X-rays in orthodontics, today’s orthodontist can actually see your mouth as it is with the use of X-ray technology! Your orthodontist can use this 3D computer model to examine your orthodontic treatment. He or she can see from every angle and choose the approach that is best for your individual needs and goals. For orthodontic specialists today, this makes 3D X-ray technology a real industry “game changer.”

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Young lady smiling broadly

What are Temporary Anchorage Devices (TAD’s)?

If you’re considering having your teeth straightened at some time in the future, TAD’s are items that are designed to help move your teeth into their correct position. They can either be used when you’re wearing braces to assist with treatment or in the place of headgear. This treatment has gained popularity over the past decade or so. And maybe something that you would like to consider once you have a better understanding of how TADs work and what they entail. You should also speak with your orthodontist about this treatment if you believe that it would help improve your smile or correct your bite.

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question woman

[Braces] – What Happens Post treatment?

Every orthodontic patient looks forward to the day when their braces finally come off. Whether your treatment took a few months or over a year, this is certainly a special moment that deserves to be celebrated. After all, you made a commitment to improving your oral health, and you saw it through.

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