

Getting Braces on Upper Teeth Only (EASY READ FACTS)

Patients at our dental clinic often ask, “Is it possible to have braces on upper teeth only?” This can be a significant decrease in costs and discomfort if it is possible. It is common for people to wear braces or Invisalign products for years before obtaining the desired results. While we understand the validity of your concerns, when you feel that your lower teeth are relatively straight and do not have significant gaps, the reality is that this single arch orthodontic treatment is difficult to assess without years of experience. In this article, we’ll show you all about braces on upper teeth only. Let’s get cracking.
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Fruit Candies

Effects of Sugary Snacks on Teeth | 2020 NEW FACT LIST

Effects of sugary snacks on teeth. We all enjoy a sugary snack now and then; sugary snacks taste good and give us a lift. However, there are some real effects that come from eating too many sugary snacks, especially when it comes to our oral health. Keep in mind; our teeth are covered in enamel. Some are not aware that enamel is not strong; it is a very thin protective coating. In this post we’ll show the effects of sugary snacks on teeth. Let’s get stuck in.

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blindfolded man

How to Avoid Failure in Treatment | 11 FAST FACTS 2020

An estimated four million Americans are currently undergoing some sort of orthodontic treatment. Whether they wear braces or Invisalign, the reasons for choosing orthodontic treatment are the same–we all want to express our most beautiful smile. In this post, we’ll show you how to avoid failure in treatment. Let’s get cracking.

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Why Are My Orthodontic Braces Still On? | 3 Reasons

Everyone who gets braces is looking forward to a new smile, so it can be understandably frustrating when it seems like your braces have been left on for too long. There are many reasons that your orthodontic braces may still be on, and each orthodontic patient will have their own unique treatment plan. Keep reading to find out the answers to all your questions about the length of braces treatment.

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toothpaste tube

Fluoride for Oral Health [7 Facts to Use it or Not?]

The American Dental Association has assessed minimal risks with the use of fluoride in children under the age of 8. There is a small risk of them developing white spots on their teeth due to overconsumption of it. This is called mild fluorosis. Let then 2 percent of the cases cause any symptoms more severe than this. While mild fluorosis is a concern, poor oral cavity health is even more concerning. Cavities are the most common disease among both adults and children.

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dental nurse cartoon

7 Definitive Hacks (for Your Oral Health)

Your family’s oral health should always be at the forefront of your mind. Almost everything you do involves your teeth. For instance, your teeth help to shape your speech, and you clearly know the impact of flashing a beautiful smile.

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braces colors

11 Ways to Alleviate Discomfort [During Braces]

How to Alleviate Discomfort after Putting on Braces. Your child has just gotten braces. Your child’s excited to get the perfect smile, and you’re excited to do something good for your child. A few hours later, the downside of having wire and brackets in their mouths set in. Your child can’t eat solid foods, they have to brush after every meal (even snacks!), they’re now self-conscious of whether food gets stuck between their wires, and now they’re in pain. They’re just not having a great time.

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Woman checking the child's teeth

What Is the Difference between Traditional Expanders and Clear Aligners?

Modern orthodontic technology has come a long way since its beginnings. Nowadays, your options for having your teeth straightened can seem just as confusing as they are endless. At this time, you may be wondering, “What are traditional expanders?” or “What are clear aligners?” And what are the advantages of each?

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child wearing red glasses

What Guidelines Will Help Children Remain Cavity-Free?

Dental decay is an incredibly common problem found in most offices. Unfortunately, when kids get cavities, they will need to have fillings placed that can affect their teeth for the rest of their teeth. The more fillings that are placed into the tooth, the more it compromises the integrity of the tooth and causes the need for root canals and crowns. Because of this, it is crucial that you work with your child to avoid and prevent cavities altogether so that your child will have clean and healthy teeth for a lifetime. Making changes to their diet and oral hygiene habits may also help other health conditions and will be good habits for them to carry on into adulthood.

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Doctor Checking little boy's teeth

9 Signs of a Good Dentist

A good dentist or orthodontist combines personal care for his or her patients, the latest technology, and continuing education to make sure you get the best oral care possible in a welcoming environment. Your smile is a big part of your first impression, and a good orthodontist takes your smile very seriously. When you search for a dentist near me, here are nine signs of a good dentist to consider.

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