Firstly, we all love the internet. We all love beautiful smiles. What happens when the two are combined? Well, that’s where Reddit and Invisalign and Braces come in. They have both in their own way taken their respective platforms by storm. On Reddit, you will find people. These people are from all over the world with all sorts of teeth in all states. Finally, you can ask questions, answer questions and post or see progress pictures of treatment stages.

Many people have misaligned teeth. This can have a negative impact on their smile, self-confidence and more. People may avoid straightening their teeth because they don’t want to deal with traditional braces. They’ve probably seen other people with braces experience discomfort, pain as well as mouth sores and other problems.

Traditional braces can also affect what a person eats. Nuts, chips, bagels, as well as pretzels, pizza crust, and other foods have to be sacrificed in order to obtain the desired smile with straight teeth. Traditional braces are also visible every time a person opens their mouth Now there is another way…

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Questions on Your Mind?

We guarantee they are answered by your peers on Reddit.

  • Invisalign vs Reddit
  • Is Invisalign worth it Reddit
  • Invisalign reviews Reddit
  • Clear correct vs Invisalign Reddit
  • Smile direct club vs Invisalign Reddit

Currently, the Reddit Invisalign thread has nearly 3 thousand subscribers.  In conclusion, at Beach Braces, we love community, we love people and most of all we love beautiful smiles. Furthermore, we have attained PLATINUM PROVIDER status with the Invisalign company.  We are so proud to work with Invisalign and more proud to work with YOU!

See Below For Invisalign Reddit Thread

Other Threads That Might Excite You

Some thoughts on Invisalign and things I wish I knew before starting treatment from Invisalign

How many of you guys have invisalign, and how would you rate the overall experience? from AskMen

Getting your teeth straight – experiences about invisalign and others? from AskReddit

Want to straighten your teeth and eat less? Go on the Invisalign diet. from loseit

IamA guy that just finished Invisalign. May not be the most exciting topic ever, but many people are super curious about the procedure. AMA! from IAmA

What was your total cost of invisalign and how long was your treatment? Why doesn’t anyone ever give the actual dollar amount? from Invisalign

Invisalign and social life from Invisalign



Other forums also speak of this treatment…

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Lastly, Dr. Panucci and all of her team welcome you to Beach Braces. Most of all, the Beach Braces Team is dedicated to providing an impeccable patient experience that begins with the very first phone call and lasts a lifetime…because everyone should love to smile!

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220 N. Aviation Blvd. Suite A
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
Phone: (310) 379-0006


Invisalign Reddit (EPIC LINKS 2022)