

Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic Braces

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As a parent, you want what’s best for your child, and this could mean getting their teeth straightened in order to improve their self-esteem, looks and confidence levels. Crooked teeth are incredibly common, and most people aren’t born or develop into having gorgeous straight teeth. This is where braces can come in handy, but it’s a subject that is touchy for a lot of parents because they may not know when the best age for your child to get orthodontic braces is. Knowing what age is right for them can help treatment to go by more smoothly, ensuring that their teeth stay straight for a lifetime.

Things to Consider When Getting a Child Braces

For those parents who want to know the best age for your child to get orthodontic braces, it’s all about knowing what to consider about the actual treatment that’s involved. Keep in mind that colored braces for kids will normally be put onto the teeth and stay there for about a year or two. This could vary depending on the severity of your child’s teeth and how crooked they are, but the average time a child will have braces is for about one or two years. This length of time may not seem like a huge deal for you, but it’s definitely an enormous deal for a growing kid.

Also, when the braces are actually being put on, your child will have to sit in the orthodontist’s treatment chair for a good hour or two. This may be too long for younger kids and younger teens, so this is a consideration that you’ll want to take in before you visit your local orthodontist. Colored braces for kids can make it fun and entertaining to get braces and to show them off to their friends, but the actual treatment that will be involved is something that all parents need to think about before they take their child to the orthodontist. It’s something that you want to go as smoothly as possible, and it cannot be like this when the child is either too young or still too immature to take things seriously.

FAQ # 2: Beach Braces:At what age should I schedule an appointment for an orthodontic screening?


Knowing the Care of the Braces

Another thing that all parents need to realize is that braces have to be cared for a lot differently than normal teeth. Braces colors and brackets can shine gorgeously when they’re brushed correctly, but this can sometimes be a chore for kids who are still getting used to just being able to brush their normal teeth. If your child is not able to brush their normal teeth without a lot of fuss, there may be issues when they have braces put on. While it isn’t impossible or overly difficult to brush teeth that have braces on them, it is more difficult than just brushing ordinary teeth.

Taking good care of the braces colors and brackets is essential for optimal treatment. If the teeth aren’t cared for properly, decay and cavities can become a huge problem, and this can hinder the overall look and health of the teeth despite the fact that they are being professionally straightened. This might be something you’ll want to discuss with both your child and the orthodontist if you would like for your child to begin treatment.

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When is the Best Age?

There really is no set age for a child to get braces, since all kids are different in terms of maturity. A 12 year old child might be mature enough to get braces on, but another 12 year old child may not even be able to brush their teeth correctly enough to where they’ll be able to take care of their new braces. Knowing your own child and how well they are able to handle going to an orthodontist or other type of doctor can also help you to figure out if treatment is even viable. In order for orthodontic treatment to be a success, you and your child need to go to the orthodontist routinely to get wires tightened and new plastic trays made up if they choose to go with an invisible brace option. If your teen continually skips their appointments, this does nothing for the overall straightening quality of their teeth.

Discussing orthodontic work with your child is the best place for you to start, since they should always have a say in their own treatment. Most kids will be eager and willing to straighten out their teeth, especially if they are dealing with severe crowding and mouth pain. This is why it is so important to sit down and have a good conversation with them about possibly going to get braces. Try to let them know what should be expected during treatment so that they feel as though they are prepared. It’s never a good idea for you to hide things from your kids and let them find out when it is too late for them to change their minds.

Visiting the Orthodontist

Once you’ve talked to your child or teen about going for braces, it’s time to visit the orthodontist to begin treatment. During the first visit, x-rays may be taken of your child’s teeth, and this will be followed up with a consultation that discusses different options available to your teen or child and what they should expect. Encourage your child to ask as many questions as they want so that they can feel prepared for the treatment that will be coming up in the near future.
If you think that your child or teen is ready for braces, you’ll want to contact Beach Braces Orthodontics to set up a consultation appointment. This will allow you and your child to see what types of braces are there for them, and how long the overall treatment may take from start to finish. Your child will be thrilled that they have gorgeous and straight teeth after the braces have come off, and they can feel a lot more confident in showing off their smile to all of their friends at school.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic Braces

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What are Lingual Braces?

lingual braces

Unlike traditional braces that are placed on the front of the teeth for the entire world to see, lingual braces are placed on the inside of the teeth facing the tongue. In fact, the word “lingual” means tongue. From the outside, even up-close, they are just about invisible. Sometimes referred to as “inside” braces, they are similar to traditional braces in terms of orthodontic principles and the type of hardware used.

Why do People Choose Lingual Braces?
People of both genders and all ages that have considered braces have decided on lingual braces.

  • Many patients that come to an orthodontist for lingual braces are public and professional figures who feel their orthodontic treatment shouldn’t be a focus when they’re in public. Because lingual braces are practically invisible, they suit their lifestyle.
  • Other patients, like many adolescent or adult actors or models for whom appearance is paramount, want straight teeth without showing traditional braces during treatment.
  • For many, it’s a matter of not sharing with the world the fact that they’re undergoing a treatment plan. Lingual braces help keep it a private matter.
  • Lingual braces are also a good choice for people who play sports or wind instruments.

Are There People Who are Not Good Candidates for Lingual Braces?

While there are considerations that may eliminate certain individuals from being a good candidate, the best way to determine if they’re the right choice for you is to consult with your orthodontist. There are, however, issues your orthodontist will consider.

  • Lingual braces are not recommended to correct excessive bite problems like an overbite.
  • Those with small teeth are not good candidates for the procedure.

Lingual Braces Pros and Cons


  • The most obvious advantage is cosmetic.
  • Lingual braces are an excellent option for minor anterior movements like crowding, spacing, tipping, rotation, midline discrepancy and intrusion/extrusion.
  • Even if the minor discoloration that sometimes occurs with braces happens, it’s on the inside where it can’t be seen.
  • They’re less visible than clear plastic, removable tooth aligners.
  • Lingual braces allow the Orthodontist more control than with removable aligners, and patient compliance is a non-issue.
  • Your braces will be custom fabricated just for you, compared to conventional braces that often use stock parts.


  • Plaque buildup can become a problem.
  • Overall time for the treatment is sometimes longer than for traditional braces, and office appointments can be longer too.
  • Because the brackets are custom-made, lingual braces cost more than traditional braces.
  • There is an adjustment period because the placement behind the teeth affects the tongue. Swallowing and even speaking takes some getting used to.
  • It’s important to keep them clean, but it can be difficult.

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What is the Treatment Procedure?

You’ve had a consultation with your orthodontist. You’ve had your exam and x-rays, and you’ve decided to get lingual braces. Through advanced robotic wire bending technology and the use of CAD/CAM, your braces will be custom fabricated.

It’s a pretty involved process.

Your Orthodontist Takes Impressions of Your Teeth

The impressions of your upper and lower teeth will be extremely detailed and accurate. The brackets and wires are made at the dental laboratory. They also outline the final desired alignment outcome.

Next, the Fabrication Process Begins

  • Using the impressions from your orthodontist, the lab will make casts.
  • Based on instructions from your orthodontist, the lab creates a mockup, or “setup,” of your teeth in perfect alignment.
  • The hardware is created and the setup is scanned into a computer.

The Brackets are Returned to Your Orthodontist

  • Your newly fabricated brackets are imbedded into an applicator tray that fits over your teeth. This process holds them in place during the bonding procedure.
  • But, you’re not done yet. Your hardware is left with your orthodontist for the final fabrication process.
  • Be prepared to wait a few weeks before your next appointment to have them attached to your teeth.

Now would be a good time to take a “before” picture for your before and after braces comparison when your treatment is finished.

Attaching the Braces

  • First, the surface of your teeth will be prepared so the bonding will properly adhere.
  • Your orthodontist will apply the cement, or bonding agent, to the brackets.
  • The applicator tray will be pressed into place over your teeth until the cement has cured, ensuring precise alignment.
  • When the cement has set and the applicator tray has been removed, your brackets will remain in place.
  • Finally, the pre-bent arch wire prepared by the laboratory can be installed.

You’ll be back in the office every few weeks to have the brackets tightened to ensure your teeth are being straightened according to plan.

what are lingual braces

How Much do They Cost?

Because of the sophisticated technology and robotics used to create custom fabricated braces, lingual braces generally cost more than other options, like traditional, ceramic and removable aligners. Examine the lingual braces pros and cons. Ask yourself just how important the cosmetic advantage is in your daily life. Do your research. If you decide that it’s worth a little more, then it’s worth a little more.

How do Orthodontists Feel About Them?

  • The use of lingual braces is more common in other part of the world than in the U.S.
  • Not all orthodontists who have already completed educational requirements beyond those of a dentist have an interest in additional specialized training.
  • Providing treatment presents some difficulties for the orthodontist related to visibility and access.
  • Orthodontists that have completed the specialized training, however, can offer their patients the additional option of lingual braces, making their practice more patient-friendly.

Don’t Forget to Take Your Before and After Braces Pictures

It’s easy to take that beautiful new smile for granted. Look at the before picture once in a while and you’ll be reassured it was worth it.

If you Live in Manhattan Beach, CA, You’re in Luck

Beach Braces Orthodontics, located in Manhattan Beach, specializes in orthodontics for adults, teens and children and would be happy to consult with you regarding all the options available to achieve your perfect smile.

Beach Braces, 220 N. Aviation Blvd. Suite A
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006

What are Lingual Braces?

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Understanding How Self-Ligating Braces Work

tell me how

Are you interested to try braces but worried about how long it will take? The typical length of time prescribed for orthodontics is usually more than two years but that is not the case anymore. New technology such as self-ligating braces has immensely speeded up the process. Here is a guide to understanding how self-ligating braces work.

Self-ligating braces sometimes referred to as speed braces remove the need for the elastic or metal tie usually found on traditional braces. Instead, self-ligating hardware keeps the wire attached to the bracket through a removable metal piece. This change in design helps braces work more efficiently and comfortably.

Compared to traditional braces, self-ligating braces require 40% less orthodontist appointments. Without bands, there is less resistance, so your teeth can move freely. While this helps the braces move faster, it also makes them more comfortable. You don’t have to worry about suffering years of intense pain from traditional braces.

If you or someone you know is considering braces, worrying about needing them for an extended period of time is no longer valid. Self-ligating braces have speeded up the process enough to make them worth anyone’s time.

Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Clean With Braces

You’ve been brushing your teeth your whole life. You know how it’s done, and you know how important it is. So what is the big deal with braces? Just keep doing what you’re doing, right? Wrong! Braces change everything and dental hygiene is more important than ever. Here are some tips to keeping your teeth clean with braces:

Brush After Every Meal

That’s right – every meal. That means no matter where you are or what you’re doing, you need to make time to brush after you eat. Otherwise, food can get stuck between the wires and sit there all day. This not only looks bad, but can hurt your teeth and stink up your breath.

Make a “To Go” Kit

Since brushing after eating is so important, make a to-go kit so you can brush wherever you eat. This should include a travel toothbrush, travel toothpaste and a small brush to get in between the wires. When that piece of spinach is stuck at school, you’ll be happy you did!

Do Orthodontic Braces Cause White Spots on Teeth? Beach Braces Manhattan Beach


Flossing is difficult especially with braces, but it’s important. Food has a harder time falling out of your teeth so you need to work to get it all out. You only need to floss once a day and you can find special tools for threading the floss through your teeth. Ask your orthodontist about the best way to floss.

Use these tips to keep your teeth clean during braces. If you have any questions or think it’s time for you to get your braces, do not hesitate to ask an orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach!

Are Braces a Good Idea as an Adult?

When we picture orthodontist patients, we typically think of teenagers, but this isn’t entirely accurate. About 25% of all orthodontist patients are over the age of eighteen. It’s never really too late to get braces, but is it right for you?

There are two main reasons why adults would choose to wear braces: to reduce the risk for future problems and to change the look of their teeth.

As we age, problems can develop from crooked teeth and jaw. These problems include tooth decay, headache, earache, and trouble with normal mouth functions such as chewing or speaking. Talk to your orthodontist, and if they think you may be at risk for future problems, it may be time to talk about braces.

If you are conscious about your teeth, then braces are definitely a good idea for you! There’s no reason to continue feeling uncomfortable. Invisalign might be a good idea because you can straighten your teeth without the metal brackets.

Guide to Avoiding Problem Foods With Braces

Braces completely change the way you eat and what you eat. For awhile, you’ll have to say goodbye to some sweets and treats to earn that fabulous smile. Here is a guide of foods to avoid.

Sticky Foods

Sticky foods such as caramel and taffy are a recipe for disaster. They can stick to your brackets and pull them off. Avoid anything sticky while wearing braces.

Hard Foods

Hard candies, nuts, or other crunchy foods can knock your brackets right off. Unless you want an emergency trip to the orthodontist, stay with soft, chewy foods until the braces come off

Foods You Bite Into

This category actually applies more to fruits and vegetables than anything else. Don’t ever bite into an apple, carrot, celery or anything else big, hard, and crunchy. Instead, cut up your snack. Eat corn off the cob and choose apple bites instead of the whole apple. Otherwise you may have found some brackets lodged in your fruit.

Remember, that these dietary restrictions are only temporary. Eating foods you shouldn’t can only make you wear braces for a longer period.

what is invisalign

What is the average cost of braces?

Braces are known for being overly expensive. With so many options in orthodontics now, you have more choices for how much you will pay. Here is to give you an idea about the cost of braces:

Metal Braces

The cost of traditional metal braces depends on the patient’s condition. This is typically the least expensive option, but often takes the longest.


Invisalign is comparable to traditional braces. They may be a little more expensive, but you can’t see them so it might feel worth the extra cost.

Self-Ligating Braces

Self-Ligating braces usually cost more than traditional braces, but move faster so you don’t have to wear them longer. You have to decide if it’s worth the extra cost.

Health Insurance

Check with your health and dental insurance to see if they will help with the cost of braces. Unlike other cosmetic dentistry like whitening, braces are usually deemed “medically necessary” and will be covered by insurance.

The average cost of braces depends on the severity of your orthodontic needs. If you want to figure out a more accurate cost for you or your family, give Beach Braces a call! Beach Braces has the right team of orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach to help you achieve that beautiful smile.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Understanding How Self-Ligating Braces Work

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Good Things Happen When You Smile


With all of the different types of braces for you to choose from, having orthodontic work has never been easier. More and more people are realizing that good things happen when you smile at others. You can put an instant smile on another person’s face, and having straight teeth and choosing to go with Manhattan Beach orthodontic specialists can help you to feel fully confident when smiling. Many individuals just aren’t happy with the way their teeth look, but choosing one of the different types of braces available can improve your appearance and make it easier to feel confident.

When you visit Manhattan Beach orthodontic specialists, you will have a consultation about the different options you can choose from when actually going for the orthodontic work. Your orthodontist will also be able to answer some of your questions like, does Invisalign work or not. Knowing some of these answers will help you to choose the right braces’ option for you, allowing you to feel confident and comfortable having the work done. Your orthodontist is there to help you choose the option that’s going to be the most ideal for you. This ensures that you’re fully satisfied with the way that your smile looks, and you can feel confident when smiling at others in public.

Knowing how does Invisalign work and choosing the best option is why Beach Braces Orthodontics is there for you. You will want to start out by contacting Beach Braces Orthodontics to set up an appointment for a consultation. You will meet with a specialist who is going to walk you through your future orthodontic treatment, and this is when you’ll want to ask any and all of your questions regarding the treatment that you will receive. Having an expert there through Beach Braces Orthodontics can help tremendously in terms of feeling great about the way that you look.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Good Things Happen When You Smile

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Have A Beautiful Smile

smiling face

By visiting an orthodontist in Manhattan Beach, you’ll be able to choose Invisalign Teen, which is an invisible alternative to metal braces for teens. This particular type of bracing option is one of the most popular currently out there because it’s completely invisible and still straightens your teeth like usual and traditional braces. Many people want to know more about Invisalign tips and what to expect if they visit their orthodontist in Manhattan Beach to begin this specific type of treatment. Knowing what to expect and understanding some of the Invisalign tips available to you can help you to have a more beautiful smile in the end.

First and foremost, Invisalign is one of the easiest ways to get your teeth straightened without the hassle of going through ordinary braces. You won’t be dealing with metal or anything that feels uncomfortable throughout the day. In addition, the plastic trays that you wear with Invisalign can be easily removed, and this allows you to brush your teeth well twice a day the way that you’re supposed to. This is something that you may not be able to do as easily if you were wearing typical braces on your teeth. This is why a lot of people and teens are choosing to go with Invisalign.

If you want to go with the Invisalign Teen, contact first Beach Braces Orthodontics to set up a consultation with one of their professional orthodontists. You can discuss going with Invisalign and what you might want to expect once you begin the treatment to straighten your teeth. Going with a more natural approach to braces can be easy now that Invisalign is available to you. You can talk more about what to expect and the different types of braces available to you once you meet with Beach Braces Orthodontics and begin the consultation process that has been set up for you while you are there.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Have A Beautiful Smile

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Give A Great Big Smile


Visiting an orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach can help you gain a smile that fits the lock of just about anyone’s heart. When you feel confident and beautiful about the way that you look, it’s easy to be outgoing and to give those around you a great big smile. Choosing to visit a local orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach is the first step in achieving this type of smile, and it can be done by choosing one of the very many options of braces available to you. Manhattan orthodontists can turn your dreams into a reality.

When you look at the before and after braces pictures that a lot of people post, you’ll notice a huge difference in the way that their smile and overall facial features happen to look. Believe it or not, crooked teeth can actually hinder the face from sitting the way that it should. Straightening out the teeth can also straighten the face, and this is something that you are going to want to discuss with the Manhattan orthodontists that you are going to see. You may even want to take some before and after braces’ photos to share with your family and friends once the work has been done.

If you think that getting braces could be the right option for you, it’s time to think about contacting Beach Braces Orthodontics for more information. At Beach Braces Orthodontics, you’ll be able to set up a consultation meeting with a licensed orthodontist who can sit down and discuss treatment options that are there for you. Once you’ve started your first appointment, it’s completely up to you what option you choose and when you’d like to begin your orthodontic treatment. Once you begin getting braces, you’ll find that it helps to straighten out your teeth and allow you to gain a smile that makes you feel super confident.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Give A Great Big Smile

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Use Your Beautiful Smile To Change This World


Nothing can brighten the world like a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, many individuals are afraid to show their smile because of crooked and damaged teeth. Beach Braces Orthodontics, a Manhattan Beach orthodontist team understands the shame and social isolation that can occur from having unsightly teeth. Patients can quickly attain a gorgeous smile to share with the world after completing a treatment program with the expert staff at Beach Braces. Many patients choose Invisalign clear aligners for a more discreet and healthy way to achieve a new and beautiful smile and all for the price tag around the average cost of braces.

Invisalign Tips

  • Aligners are removed for eating.
  • Oral hygiene can be thoroughly performed because the trays are removable.
  • Patients have no food restrictions.
  • Invisalign compares to the average cost of braces.
  • Aligners are clear and discreet.

Invisalign is an innovative alternative to traditional metal braces. Unlike conventional braces that are attached to the teeth and cause pain and discomfort, Invisalign clear trays are removable and allow patients to perform thorough dental hygiene and eat any foods without restriction.

Manhattan Beach orthodontist

The Invisalign system begins with a consultation to find out whether or not a patient is a good candidate for treatment. After approval, molds are formed, X-rays are obtained and photographs of the mouth are taken and sent to Invisalign in order to create a set of alignment trays that are custom made for the patient. Patients wear the almost invisible aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day for two weeks at a time. Every two weeks a new set of aligners is provided, and the teeth are progressively straightened. The qualified team at Beach Braces Orthodontics is a certified provider for Invisalign. The dedicated staff is always available to answer any questions, offer support and provide any Invisalign tips.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Use Your Beautiful Smile To Change This World

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Your Smile Is Influenced By Your Teeth


The impression your smile leaves on others, and on your sense of self, is influenced by your teeth.

Crooked or damaged teeth can make you appear tired, unhealthy or older. Efforts to smile with your mouth closed can cause you to frown and seem angry or upset. Even if your teeth look fine, overbite, underbite or slanted bite positioning can cause a wide variety of problems such as the following:

  • Accidental biting of the tongue or cheeks
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  • Interrelated problems like joint popping and clicking; ear pain and ringing; or joint and teeth damage

Solutions for a Better Smile

As experienced orthodontists in Manhattan Beach will tell you, your teeth don’t have to be one of the many difficulties in life that could cause you to cry. Instead, they can be the reason you smile more during tough times.

An orthodontist in Manhattan Beach can help you find the best treatment to fit your unique needs. In fact, one of the options that might be right for you, which most orthodontic specialists in Manhattan Beach prefer, is Invisalign braces.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign braces, unlike metal braces that move your teeth via brackets and wires and can make you feel less attractive in public, are clear, barely noticeable, with plastic trays that make adjustments via a replacement system.

  • Approximately every two weeks, you receive a new set of custom aligners.
  • Each tray features design changes that help to gradually move teeth into an optimal position.
  • You wear the trays day and night.

Many people wonder: “Does Invisalign work while I eat”?

The best part? You can actually remove the aligners at mealtime!

For more information, contact the team at Beach Breaches Orthodontics: Your local experienced orthodontic specialists in Manhattan Beach!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Your Smile Is Influenced By Your Teeth

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Common Problems - Beach Braces

Be Confident To Give That Smile


Giving someone a nice warming smile can instantly put them in a good mood. While this is definitely true, a lot of people just don’t feel confident enough to give that smile that the other person might just need to brighten up their day. Achieve that perfect smile by beginning an orthodontic treatment; look into the average cost of braces and choose an option that is right for you or your child. This can definitely boost self-esteem, making it easier to show off those gorgeous braces colors to those who happen to be around you.

Colored braces for kids and invisible braces for teens and adults are ideal for straightening teeth and making them look more attractive. A lot of issues can revolve around having crooked teeth, and some of them aren’t even aesthetic. Individuals with crooked teeth may experience difficulty eating or talking properly. Thus, these individuals or their guardians, should be fully aware of the average cost of braces and choose to get it. By visiting your local orthodontist and discussing braces colors and colored braces for kids, you will have the option that fits accordingly to your lifestyle. This is essential for anyone who wants a gorgeous and straight smile.

If you would like to visit an orthodontist and choose your braces color, it’s time to contact Beach Braces Orthodontics and set up your first appointment. During this appointment, you’ll talk to the orthodontist about everything from different types of braces available to braces color options you can also choose the date when you get them put on. With Beach Braces Orthodontics, you’re in control of your own or your child’s treatment, and this allows you to budget accordingly and still achieve that gorgeous smile. You never know, you might just touch someone’s life by giving them a beautiful smile and making them smile back.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Be Confident To Give That Smile

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Keep Smiling and Life Will Get Tired of Upsetting You


Do the imperfections in your smile get you down? When you see your teeth in the mirror, are you always disappointed in what you see? Do you wish you had a more attractive smile? Are you looking for an orthodontist in Manhattan Beach?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should consider Invisalign as the means to get rid of your constant criticism of your own appearance. Invisalign does work to dramatically improve the look and health of your teeth. It is by far the most advanced and the easiest way to accomplish your goal of a better smile.
Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces, even though the end-result of an Invisalign treatment is virtually the same or better than as what you would find before and after braces.

How does Invisalign work?

The goal of Invisalign is to achieve the same results that would be obtained before and after braces, but without the unappealing look of metal braces or the inconvenience of eating and other activities while wearing braces. Invisalign works by taking a mold of your teeth to develop removable aligners that fit over your upper and lower teeth. These aligners fit over your teeth and are removable for those times of the day that you need to eat or drink or brush your teeth, for example.


The aligner trays that are made just for you are extra-smooth for maximum comfort. Unlike traditional braces, the aligners are made of a smooth plastic, so comfortable you will forget you are wearing them.


The convenience of being able to remove the aligners at any time cannot be underestimated! While traditional braces are wired into your mouth until they are permanently removed, the aligners can be removed daily, while you eat meals and while you are brushing and flossing your teeth.

Does Invisalign work? The answer is a resounding YES! Contact your local orthodontist in Manhattan Beach, Beach Braces Orthodontics, for more information or to make an appointment!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Keep Smiling and Life Will Get Tired of Upsetting You

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