

Surfing: At South Bay


Did You Know No. 9: Surfing by George Freeth since 1907

Have you ever wondered how surfing was discovered, created, or invented? Although surfing is already being performed in Polynesia for a thousand years, it was only until 1907 when surfing became known to the world. George Freeth is a Hawaiian-Irish athlete hired by Henry Huntington to demonstrate the art of surfing in Redondo Beach. Huntington is a baron who has invested heavily in real estate (Redondo Beach) and would like to entice more visitors through surfing. Since then, surfing became famous in California especially in Beach cities which includes Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, and Hermosa Beach.

Freeth had seen a Polynesian painting that shows his mother’s ancestors riding surfboards. This sparks Freeth’s interest in surfing and he decide to revive the art of riding in waves. At first Freeth had little success with his 16-foot board that is popular at that time. So he decided to cut it in half to make it easier to manage and control thus creating the original “longboard” nowadays. This invention made him the talk of the town. While Freeth is demonstrating the art of surfing, the visitors are very delighted that he was scheduled to surf twice a day in front of Hotel Redondo.

Aside from bringing the art of surfing to the world, Freeth also became the first official lifeguard in southern California as he swims, dives, and enters water polo competitions in the region. The torpedo rescue can which is being used by lifeguards today was invented by Freeth. Overall, Freeth promulgated a surfing revolution which became a phenomenon in California coast.

Can’t surf properly because of some oral problems? If you have severe teeth misalignment problems, don’t hesitate to contact the best orthodontic clinic in California: Beach Braces. Call them now at: 310 – 379 – 0006.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Surfing: At South Bay

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From a Dentist to an Orthodontist

difference between an orthodontist and dentist graphic

“All orthodontists are dentists, but only 6 percent of dentists are orthodontists.”

Who is an orthodontist?

An easy answer for this question is that orthodontists are specialists who work at aligning jaws and moving teeth into accurate position so that patients can achieve their ideal smile. The process of explaining orthodontic qualifications as well as telling the difference between orthodontists and the various other dental specializations is however a little bit more complicated of an answer.

Orthodontic professionals are fairly rare commodity. All orthodontists begin their career as dentists first and foremost, only 6/100 dental school graduates however will go on and pursue a career in orthodontics. This specialization can take years of extra education and the programs only accept the best and brightest applicants. It can usually takes 10 or more years of post-secondary education to eventually become a full-fledged orthodontist.

The Journey to Become an orthodontist

Stage 1:

The first step in the journey to become an orthodontist is to get a college diploma in an applicable study to dentistry. This diploma could be in the medical or science field and it’s important that students should keep their marks high so that they can eventually qualify for the dental school.

Stage 2:

The next stage is to complete dental school and graduate with high marks so that the future orthodontist can then qualify for orthodontic school.

Stage 3:

After the student has qualified for an orthodontic program with an accredited orthodontic residency he or she needs to complete at least two extra years after dental school which involves hands-on practice through the orthodontic residency program. During this time orthodontic students will learn all that he or she needs to know about guiding facial development as well as managing the movement of teeth to produce better smiles.

Only after all of this education, someone becomes a practicing orthodontist. Generally, when students complete one of these programs they will limit their work to orthodontic work only to the various treatments for orthodontic problems.


An orthodontist is specially equipped to create beautiful smiles as well as diagnose and prevent a number of problems that can occur. Some orthodontists will specialize in treatments for conditions like sleep apnea. Orthodontists dedicate their entire professional careers to helping people create their dream smiles as well as allowing patients to chew and speak without any discomfort.

Orthodontists also need to continuously educate themselves as new appliances keep on coming. Using tools like braces, aligners, retainers and advanced imaging tools, orthodontist can improve their practice and deliver better results to their patients. This is why continuous education is very important for them. By joining in to associations like the American Association of orthodontists, or by demonstrating a high quality of service and becoming a Platinum Provider of certain orthodontic appliances, an orthodontist can get access to a new technology as it is released as well as work as an advisor for the development of the orthodontic appliances.

If you are interested in seeing a qualified orthodontist in Manhattan Beach area please call Beach Braces today for a free consultation appointment.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.
From a Dentist to an Orthodontist
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Toothbrushing Mistake 9

Toothbrushing Mistake No.9

Toothbrushing Mistake No.9: “Not Letting the Toothbrush Dry”

Toothbrushing Mistake 9

There is more bacteria found in your mouth than any part of your body hence when you brush your teeth, some stays on your toothbrush. People don’t usually mind if their toothbrush is not  dry before storing them, and since most people store their toothbrush in the bathroom, a place where airborne bacteria is common, your damp toothbrush is the most appropriate choice for these bacteria to thrive in.

Not letting the toothbrush dry well enough can contaminate it. Contamination happens because there’s moisture left in your toothbrush making it a good environment for bacteria and germs to grow. When bacteria builds up during the time your toothbrush is stored, you will be putting more bacteria into your mouth the moment you start brushing. This is not cleaning your mouth at all; this is reestablishing the old bacteria in your mouth through your contaminated toothbrush. Of course, you don’t want this happening as the more bacteria in your mouth means more tooth decay.

In order to prevent this, make sure to air dry your toothbrush first before storing it in a cool and dry place. Also make sure that the container allows the air to flow, so your toothbrush can breathe properly and moisture can be prevented. Keeping your toothbrush dry literally means keeping your toothbrush clean and safe from bacteria which loves to thrive in damp places.

Brushing teeth correctly is very important . For more Toothbrusing Facts, visit our blog.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Toothbrushing Mistake No.9

Invisalign v Braces

What are The Five C’s? [Of Invisalign & Invisalign Teen]

Invisalign is a revolutionary new orthodontic treatment that allows patients to straighten their teeth without the use of traditional metal braces. Whilst traditional metal braces have worked and evolved for decades to include increased comfort, shorter treatment times and more fine-tuned adjustments, Invisalign is really the next step in orthodontic treatment that many adults and teens are interested in receiving for convenience.

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Invisalign FAQ

Seven Invisalign FAQ’s

Invisalign FAQ’s

Invisalign straightens your teeth without wires and brackets, using a series of clear, customized, removable appliances called aligners. It’s virtually undetectable, which means hardly anyone will know that you’re straightening your teeth. These are some common FAQs for new patient wearing Invisalign.

Invisalign FAQ

1. What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic appliance that works similarly to braces and is completely removable. Invisalign is created using nearly invisible dental aligners made of thermoplastic. The aligners look very similar to teeth whitening trays that you may use it the dentist or you may have purchased from your local drugstore. As you progress through Invisalign treatments you will need to change these aligners to gradually adjust your teeth into the position for your ideal smile.

2. How do the aligners work?

Over time you will need to change out the aligners to move your teeth into their correct position. The aligners will put a controlled force on teeth to slowly move them into their position. Orthodontists will map out these forces and dictate how aligners should be adjusted to properly adjust your teeth. Over the length of your treatment your teeth will gradually move as you change each aligner until they are eventually formed into their correct structure.

3. How would Invisalign treatment affect me?

Unlike braces and some other forms of traditional orthodontic appliances, Invisalign is completely removable. Patients are only required to wear Invisalign for 20-22 hours a day for the best results. Removing the aligners to eat or drink means that you are not restricted in the types of food that you would regularly eat and you will also have no difficulties cleaning your teeth. The best part is the aligners are virtually invisible so it will be very difficult for anyone to know that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. Invisalign may be a bit uncomfortable for the first few days that you wear the aligners, but after that they have a minimal effect on your life.

Invisalign vs braces

4. Do I need to take care of my aligners?

You will need to clean your aligners regularly. You can do this by both brushing them as you would your teeth and rinsing them with lukewarm water, or looking into the specialty Invisalign cleaning system. Changing  your aligners whenever your orthodontist recommends is also required as part of your treatment.

5. How long does the treatment take?

Treatment will depend on how severe your individual case is. The average amount of time that the aligners are used is around 12 months for adults. Your orthodontist will be able to give you an indication of the amount of time your treatment may take but ultimately the deciding factor will be how well you personally adjust to treatment with the aligners.

6. How often will I need to schedule appointments?

Invisalign will require less appointments than with traditional braces but you should still see your orthodontist at least once every 4 to 6 weeks to track your progress.

7. How much does Invisalign cost?

Only your individual orthodontist will be able to determine the full cost of Invisalign. It depends on the amount of treatment that you need individually and the number of aligners that you might need to complete your treatment. Some of the factors on pricing include: The area that you live in, the difficulty of your case and the amount of orthodontic insurance coverage you may have. The national average for the cost of Invisalign treatment in the United States is around $5000.

If you need more information about Invisalign, feel free to call us or contact our office.

Beach Braces – 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

  Seven invisalign FAQs


six month smiles

Six Month Smiles

For the ultimate in quick orthodontic treatment, many adults are turning to the six-month smiles system. If you are self-conscious or embarrassed about your smile and would like to do something about it quickly, this could very well be the system for you.

What is Six Month Smiles?

six month smilesSix month smiles is a cosmetic braces system that works to speed up the process of traditional braces. Using some of the most advanced orthodontic techniques and modern materials orthodontists have devised a system that on average can correct smiles within just six months.

For patients who are interested in getting a straight smile faster and in some cases only six months, there are now a range of treatments that, dependent on the patients teeth, are now possible to achieve. One of these programs uses specialized clear braces which are gradually adjusted and straightened during intensive orthodontic visits over six months to eventually straighten and align teeth. Unlike other forms of traditional braces which are adjusted over a period of up to two years, six months smiles cosmetic braces are designed to work quickly and deliver results, as their name suggests in just six months (cases vary).

This revolutionary system of braces has got a variety of different adult patients talking. For people who are wary of dental work, on interested in receiving braces or simply want a quick fix for their smile, this could be the answer that they have always waited for. Other types of teeth straightening procedures can take a lot of time and also be very expensive. Six months smiles is affordable, effective and safe and is designed so anyone can receive a beautiful straight smile.

Six Month Smiles

Straight teeth in less time, this is what six-month smiles can deliver.

Contact our office today to find out if you are a candidate for Six Month Smiles.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Manhattan Beach, California 90266

Six month smiles

Invisalign Teen Los Angeles

Straight Teeth without Braces

Clear Braces what are they exactly?

Being in a midst of decision making whether or not to correct your teeth misalignment problems brings you to consider several factors when doing so.

Aside from the cost of treating these problems, you may find yourself being more concerned about its cosmetic effects while under treatment. Wearing braces may inflict a great impact on your confidence every time you talk to the public, smile on cameras, and even greet your friends daily. Clear Braces

Fortunately, this kind of problem has been answered by Align Technology. A product called Invisalign allows you to undergo an orthodontic treatment for several months or years without having everyone notice you’re under treatment.

Invisalign works by applying the right pressure on your teeth in order to move them over the course of the treatment just like braces. The only difference is that they are CLEAR. In fact, so clear that even the person you are talking to each day won’t even notice you are wearing them. Invisalign indeed is a breakthrough when it comes to orthodontics as patients are more confident to wear them than braces. Why sacrifice your current smile in the process of acquiring a perfect smile in the future if you can have it all without being intimidated?

Can Teens use Invisalign?

Invisalign is now also available for teens especially as teens are more conscious with how they look in front of their friends. Improving the self-confidence during the teenage years is very important so teens can be able to reach their full potential without any hindrance. This confidence will help them perform better each day, improve their grades each semester, and compete well with others in athletics and other extra-curricular activities.

Every individual aims to have the perfect straight teeth without braces. The good news is that everyone will now be able to fulfil this dream through Align Technology’s Invisalign for teens and adults easily and comfortably.

Dr Panucci has been creating beautiful smiles across California for years, so why not contact us for a free consultation?

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Straight Teeth without Braces

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smile quote

Keys, Phone, Bag, Lunch, Smile CHECK!

 ”You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just SMILE”

smile quote

Beach Braces Smile Quote #18 ”You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just SMILE”

To go through life without smiling would have to feel like something is missing.  You might check to make sure you are wearing your shoes, or put on your tie, or grabbed your keys and phone.  After making sure that you have everything that you need for your day, something still seems to be missing.  In order to be fully dressed, you need to put a smile on each morning.

There are so many things in life to be appreciative of.  What better way to show your happiness and excitement than through a smile?  Smiles are the universal way of showing that you are happy or have a positive outlook on something.  When we start to smile, others cannot help but smile themselves.  Why not challenge yourself for the next couple of days to wake up and before you leave the house, put a smile on your face?  You might notice that people will begin to ask you “Why you are smiling?”, or “What are you so happy for?”

What greater response than telling them that today is just a good day and you are happy to be smiling.  I guarantee if you start this trend, people will begin to be more positive and upbeat when they are around you because they know that you are the person they can come to share a smile with.  No one likes a grouch, so why not put a smile on and share it with everyone?

Hey are you following us on Twitter? You can be the first to hear about all the latest news.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Keys, Phone, Bag, Lunch, Smile CHECK! 

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Orthodontic Facebook Photo Contest

Where In The World Is Dr. P? – Facebook Photo Contest – Round II

Welcome to the 2nd Round of

‘Where In The World Is Dr. P?’

It’s really easy to enter and you stand the chance of winning an iPad mini!

Pick up your traveling ‘Dr. P’ from the Beach Braces office in Manhattan Beach or download it by clicking on this link: >>> DrPanucciNew.jpg <<<

Take your ‘Dr P’ cut out and take the best photo you can, the more unique the better.

Then simply visit the Beach Braces Facebook Photo Contest App by clicking here: and then click on the small icon in top right named ‘Photo Contest’ (indicated with a big red arrow in the graphic below). If you’re not a fan already, you will have to ‘like’ the page first.

BB Offerpop - Orthodontist Manhattan Beach

From there, submit your photo together with a great caption and get your friends and family to vote for you. The photo with the most votes wins!

All entries must be submitted by Friday, August 30th and the winner will be announced on Monday, September 3rd 2013.

Good luck!

*The first lucky winner of ‘Where is the World is Dr. P’ was Grace Klein. Here is her winning picture taken with her brothers & Dr.P at the PEZ candy store, Congratulations!

Orthodontic Competition Photo

Where in the World is Dr. P Promotion Terms & Conditions

This is the chance for patients of all ages to use their creativity! If you are going on a road trip, vacation, a football game, a hockey game, an art show, abroad or simply working on a school project, take “Dr. P” with you and capture that special moment!! Patients under 18, please make sure you have your parent’s permission before entering this contest.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Overall contest begins: February 1st 2013
  • Overall contest ends: December 19th 2013
  • Contest will be split up into 3 rounds (Feb. 1st – April 30th,  May 1st – Aug. 30th  & Sept.1st – Dec. 19th). One winner will be selected by having the most ‘votes’ on Facebook, so be creative!! A patient can only submit 1 photo per trimester
  • Winning prize is an IPAD mini
  • Participating prize is 20 points

Photo Requirements:

  • The patient & “Dr.P” must both be included in the photo
  • Make sure you include your location and Patient’s name

Add a brief summary of where you are and what you are doing (you can also come up with a creative caption to get more likes!)

  • Get family & friends to like the beach braces page on Facebook & your picture! Remember, the MOST VOTES WIN!


Dr. Patricia Panucci is a specialist in orthodontics in Manhattan Beach, California.

Where in the World is Dr. P? – Facebook Photo Contest

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perfect smiles

Stay Beautiful

“I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”

perfect smiles

Beach Braces Smile Quote #11 “I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”

When you are unhappy the first thing that starts to happen is that your face turns sour and your eyes begin to cross and you clench your fists, right? When you are happy your face can brighten up a room.  The corners of your mouth will begin to raise and in some instances you will show your teeth for a full and beautiful smile!  Scientists have proven that smiling causes happiness.

Take a look in the mirror.  Sound out the vowel e and notice how the corners of your mouth extend like they would when you are smiling.  Now think of something that is guaranteed to make you happy.  Your mouth stays the same.  Next sound out the vowel u.  Notice how your mouth draws inward.  Your eyebrows may drop a little.  This action by the face is also seen when we are upset.  Try to be happy and smile while you are sounding out the u.  Impossible isn’t it?  Every time that you go to think of a happy thought and smile, it causes your mouth to expand out, making you stop with the u and go to the e expression.

This also works in real life situations.  When you are happy and something makes you mad, it is very hard to keep smiling.   Instead we should think of it as the opposite.  When we are mad we should think of things that make us happy.

Then it is guaranteed that we would not be able to keep that frown on our face and bring happiness into our lives.  Next time you find yourself in a situation where you want to frown or you are upset, think of something funny or a happy memory and let yourself smile.  It will begin to melt your stress away!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Stay Beautiful

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