

Happiness Right under Your Nose


Your smile is important. There’s no doubt about that, and as a mom you know that your child’s smile is even more important. A bright smile is the perfect complement to your child’s bright personality. Sometimes those little smiles need a bit of help. If you’re in need of an orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach, Beach Braces Orthodontics is the name to look for.

Who We Cover

We cover adults, children, and teens, so your whole family is welcome here. If your child, teenager, or even you is in need of orthodontic correction, we have different types of braces to help get that desired smile, straight and perfect, just the way you want it.

Different Types of Braces

You shouldn’t be limited to just the same old silver braces, and you won’t be. Here are different types of braces tailored to your needs.

Lingual – This type goes behind the front six teeth on the top and bottom. This type is completely invisible, cuts treatment times, and is comfortable.

● Self-Ligating – This type uses no ties, either metal or plastic, so cleaning is simple and there is no irritation like with traditional brackets.

● Invisalign – Clear and removable aligners, it is custom-fit to your mouth. Changes are made at each stage.

● Wild Smiles – These are colored braces for kids and teens. Customizable in shape and color, these can help ease the discomfort with having brackets. Kids feel awkward enough having to wear braces, so these colored braces for kids are perfect.

What Are You Waiting For?

Beach Braces Orthodontics is the perfect choice for your family’s orthodontic needs. Dr. Patricia J. Panucci is the top orthodontic specialist in Manhattan Beach, with a facility that is family friendly and fully equipped with state-of-the art technology. Your smile and the smiles of your children are her passion, so come see her today. Your smile is happiness, and Dr. Panucci can help you fix your smile.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Happiness Right under Your Nose

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Orthodontist, Southern California,

Wearing an Incredible Smile – A Fashion Statement

Orthodontist, Southern California,

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey # 7: Nicolas Cage

Where’d he get that smile?

When you’re mesmerized by Nicholas Cage in an action movie like National Treasure, you don’t really ask yourself how he got those perfectly straight, dazzling white teeth. However, you’ve probably wondered what it would be like to have a smile like that.

Nick Cage is not shy about sharing where he got that much photographed smile. He found it through lingual braces that were fitted to straighten his lower teeth. Invisible to the observer, lingual braces work below the tongue area to gradually bring teeth back into alignment.

The freedom to smile

Today, braces for adults have become fashionable and liberating for many users. Nicholas Cage serves as a famous example of what lingual braces can do for a person. Yet who doesn’t wish they could smile with the ease and brilliance of a movie star?

You may not know it, but many people experience lower teeth crowding, and it isn’t until later in adulthood that it becomes more pronounced and begins to impact confidence. You are seeing more and more people take decisive steps to correct their smile because today’s new braces have been put in the reach of so many people.

Order up a new smile today

If you are thinking about braces for adults or Lingual Braces in Manhattan Beach, call Beach Braces today at 310-379-0006. As her testimonials indicate, Dr. Patricia Panucci DMD, MS, is one of the Best Orthodontists in Los Angeles and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about braces for adults or today’s Invisalign braces. At Beach Braces, new smiles are mandatory–treasure map optional.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Wearing an Incredible Smile – A Fashion Statement

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Beach Braces, Invisalign

What to Expect During Teeth Cleaning?

Is It Normal for a Dental Hygienist to Only Polish my Teeth During a Cleaning?

The complexity of a tooth cleaning depends on the condition of your teeth when you visit the orthodontist Manhattan Beach office. A tooth cleaning can involve teeth whitening or teeth polishing as a part of the process. However, simply having your teeth polished by a dental hygienist during a routine cleaning is rare. Cleaning is usually a thorough procedure that involves other steps such as scraping, rinsing and flossing. You should have your teeth cleaned at least once every six months for optimum results.

Your initial visit with the dental or orthodontics office will begin with a routine X-ray. The doctor and the hygienist will need the information from your X-rays to establish the level of cleaning that you need. The orthodontist or the hygienist may also conduct a physical examination of your mouth. The two procedures will determine the amount of plaque buildup you have on your teeth. If the level of plaque is minimal, then you will only need a routine tooth cleaning. If you have a high level of plaque on your teeth, or you have pockets on your gums, then you will need a complex cleaning or a deep cleaning. In such a situation, the dental hygienist may have to perform some scaling.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening Manhattan Beach procedures are cosmetic procedures that you may desire when you visit an orthodontist’s office. Teeth whitening involves the application of a whitening agent such as hydrogen peroxide to the surface of your teeth. You can choose from several options such as a take home package or an in-office whitening procedure. A specialist can perform tooth whitening in as little as one hour. Severe tooth discoloration may take several office visits for you to resolve. Specialists have affordable plans from which you can choose if you need help.

Braces for Adults

A reliable orthodontist in Manhattan Beach can provide you with braces to restore a straight smile. A straightened smile can boost your self-esteem and confidence so that you will feel more outgoing and sociable than you have ever before felt. A multitude of options is available for reliable braces. You can choose the standard metal braces, the Invisalign system, Damon Braces, lingual braces and more. An honest orthodontist can speak to you about the advantages and the disadvantages of each system. So many options are available that you will have no problem finding a system that works for you.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Beach Braces is a reliable firm with state-of-the-art technology, a professional team, and honest intentions. Dr. Panucci is a friendly and compassionate specialist who can create a smile that can light up a room. You can contact the office today to schedule an initial consolation. During that time, the doctor will examine your mouth and have a candid conversation with you about your condition and your options. Next, you will have the option to move forward with your treatment. Beach Braces specializes in making people happy because everyone deserves to smile. Give us a call today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

What to Expect During Teeth Cleaning?

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orthodontics manhattan beach, Braces in Manhattan

Ways to Get a Celebrity Smile

orthodontics manhattan beach, Braces in Manhattan

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey #5: David Beckham

Soccer great David Beckham has a smile that makes women swoon. The moment he flashes his beautiful, pearly whites, cameras begin to snap. Every place that he goes simply lights up the world. However, his teeth did not always look like they do today. In his younger years, David had some issues with the appearance of his teeth. Thanks to some simple adjustments, his teeth have been adjusted to form an incredible smile. If you would like a smile that is the envy of all others, a trip to the orthodontist could be the beginning of your journey.

Learn About Alternatives to Braces and More from David Beckam

For David Beckham, braces were not the answer. While he might have some minor issues with the alignment of his teeth, Beckham chose to go the path of veneers on his front teeth to give his smile a more appealing appearance. From that point, he went on to have whitening performed as well, a procedure that can be done regularly to make his smile glow. Every situation is different. If you have an issue with the appearance of your teeth, rather than the position, you may find that an orthodontist can point you in the right direction. It’s up to you to learn about your options.

Find Answers to Your Questions About Orthodontics

Make an appointment with Dr. Patricia J. Panucci and learn how you can have a smile transformation with orthodontic treatment in Manhattan Beach. Take a look at website to begin exploring your options and set up that initial consultation. Dr. Panucci can discuss your concerns, perform an examination, and share your options. You can have a smile that is out of this world, but you have to move forward. Let Dr. Panucci help you to make that smile shine. Call us today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Ways to Get a Celebrity Smile

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Teeth cleaning, Beach Braces

All about Cavities…

Can A Cavity Be Reversed Naturally?

Cavities, or dental caries, are painful holes that bore into the surface of the tooth enamel. They occur because sugars and harsh acidic ingredients get on the tooth’s protective layer and eat away at it. Cavities usually spread over time as new substances invade and agitate them. You may be wondering if your cavities can be naturally reversed naturally. The short answer is no. While you can take certain steps to prevent a cavity from expanding, you cannot naturally reverse an existing cavity’s progress.

What You Can Do About a Cavity

To stop a cavity’s progress, you can visit an visit Beach Braces office in Manhattan Beach and ask to place fillings inside of your cavities. Fillings can create a barrier that lines up with your tooth’s enamel to prevent harsh substances from penetrating the surface. Fillings can have an amalgam texture, or they can be ceramic and match the color of your teeth.

Doing everything you can to prevent future cavities is important. One thing you can do to help protect yourself from cavities is visit a dentist at least once every six months for a cleaning and a checkup. While you are waiting for such a visit, you will want to keep your teeth as clean as possible. You can brush your teeth twice per day for at least two minutes per session. You may also want to floss at least two times a day. Additionally, you can use an alcohol-free antimicrobial mouthwash to fortify your mouth’s environment.

If you would like to strengthen your tooth enamel naturally, you can increase your daily intake of vitamin D. Other vitamins and minerals that can help to strengthen your teeth are calcium and phosphorus. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids is important to your teeth, as well. Proper hydration promotes saliva production, which helps to keep harmful bacteria to a minimum.

Solutions for Teeth Straightening

Your orthodontist can provide you with teeth straightening solutions as well as cavity fighting solutions. Lingual braces Manhattan Beach devices could be the perfect solution if you suffer from crowding, an overbite, an under bite or some other form of malocclusion. Lingual braces are popular because they go behind the teeth, which makes them discreet and comfortable. You will not have to worry about feeling awkward in the public eye with lingual braces. Several other braces options are available if you need help with teeth straightening.

You can contact someone in our office today so that we can help you to restore your smile and your dental health. Everyone deserves the right to a gorgeous smile. One of our experts will examine your teeth and speak to you in detail about the multitude of options that are available to you. You can look at braces before and after pictures so that you can choose the braces that you like. Our office is all about making you happy. Our end result is to put a permanent smile on your face. Request an appointment now!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

All about Cavities…

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Beach Braces

Popularity Didn’t Hinder Her

Beach Braces

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey#3: Serena Williams

Every time tennis powerhouse Serena Williams flashes her smile, you can only admire those beautiful teeth. For someone in the public eye, it’s important for Serena to have a smile that she can be proud of. However, in her younger years, Serena and her famous sister sported braces. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, she’s happy to flash her smile everywhere she goes. If you have problems with your teeth when it comes to too much space, crowding, or issues with your bite, an orthodontist can help you to have a smile transformation as well. You simply need to take that first step and find out how orthodontics could change your life.

Serena’s Path Might Work for You

When Serena had trouble with her teeth falling into perfect alignment, Invisalign was the answer. Ideal for a person who is always in the spotlight, Serena began her journey with invisible braces when she was sixteen. Within two short years, she was able to walk away with a smile that lights up the court with every victory. Look at Invisalign pictures and you can’t even tell that she was having orthodontic treatment. If you are self-conscious and don’t like the idea of wearing traditional braces, you could still get a smile that is the envy of all others. With Invisalign, no one would even know until your orthodontic treatment is complete. You won’t know what will work for you unless you take the time to find out. If you want a smile like Serena’s, you have to see an orthodontist.

Visit an Orthodontist Today

Stop and browse at Beach Braces. Find out how Dr. Patricia Panucci can help you to get a new smile. As a preferred Invisalign provider, she’ll be able to answer your questions about Invisalign and more. Find the orthodontic treatment that will make you smile. Schedule your life changing session today.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Popularity Didn’t Hinder Her

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Beach Braces

Baby Teeth vs. Permanent Teeth

Should I have a Baby Tooth Removed if a Permanent Tooth is Present?

When That Baby Tooth Keeps Hanging Around

If you have a baby tooth that refuses to fall out for your child, it can be a nuisance. This especially holds true when the permanent tooth comes in and that other tooth is still hanging in there. In addition to cosmetic reasons, you may have concerns about overcrowding in your child’s mouth if the tooth is left in place. Before you make any hasty decisions or jump to conclusions about braces, pay a visit to your dentist first to find some answers.

Beach Braces

Photo Credit: roseannadana via Compfight cc

Baby Teeth Can Become a Problem

When your dentist evaluates your child’s situation, a thorough examination comes first. From that point, it will be important to determine why the permanent tooth is coming in and the primary tooth is still in place. This generally occurs as a result of a spacing or crowding issue. When both types of teeth are in place, your dentist will generally recommend removal of the baby tooth. However, this is not going to solve any orthodontic issues that have occurred. It will make it easier for your child to have good oral hygiene as it becomes easier to clean permanent teeth. It is important to keep your child’s gums and teeth healthy. Once the baby tooth has been removed, your dentist is likely to refer you to an orthodontist.

Dealing with Overcrowding or Improper Alignment of Your Child’s Teeth

When your child has primary teeth present at the same time as permanent teeth, there is likely to be an underlying, orthodontic issue. The only way to determine if this is the case you have to go beyond your dentist’s office. A referral to an orthodontist can help you to answer any questions and determine what will be the best course of action. Beach Braces may be the answer for you. The younger your child is when issues are identified, the easier it will be to handle any problems with his or her teeth. From tooth removal to the use of retainers or braces, there are many options that could bring your child’s teeth into proper alignment. The main goal is to bring out that beautiful smile and help your child to have healthy, strong teeth.

Make an Appointment Today

In order to find out more about the impact of baby teeth that won’t let go, contact Dr. Patricia J. Panucci today. She’ll be able to examine your child and use medical imagery to get a comprehensive picture of your child’s mouth. From that point, she will be able to discuss your concerns and advise you on what is next. The solution may be as simple as removing a tooth. You can also visit her website to explore your options. Find answers to your questions and the support of a caring, professional staff. Your child already has a wonderful smile. Sometimes it just needs a little extra help along the way from the experts.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Baby Teeth vs. Permanent Teeth

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Beach Braces

Think you’re Too Old for Braces? Ask Tom Cruise!

Beach Braces

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey # 2: Tom Cruise

Think you’re too old for braces? Ask Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise. The star of Top Gun, Jerry Maguire, and Edge of Tomorrow, who was 39 years old when he first ventured into the orthodontist’s office! After appearing on magazine covers for nearly two decades–with a crooked smile–he finally took the plunge when one of his own children needed to get braces, and decided he would join in as well! As every magazine photo and movie of him since 2002 testifies: the rest is history.

Instead of the image of wires and rubber bands many of us have when we think about braces, Tom opted for a more discrete ceramic type, the only visible part of which was a thin wire running across the front of his teeth. He wore them for about eighteen months, and was able to have the wire removed when he was doing a movie, then put back on after. In fact, many adults, like Tom, choose ceramic braces, but if those are too obtrusive, there are also clear aligners that are nearly invisible! Or maybe you’re interested in getting Wildsmile braces, metal braces emblazoned with charms and colors? We work with you to choose a style of braces that meets your specific health needs, while also fitting your personal or professional lifestyle.

Even if you’re not planning to walk down the red carpet anytime soon, straightening your teeth is a great way to improve your smile and boost your self-confidence. What are you waiting for? Come on in for a consultation with Dr. Patricia at Beach Braces today. She is a cutting-edge orthodontist, and one of the most qualified in Southern California. More importantly, she is dedicated to finding the right choice for you, so that you can love your braces before and after.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Think you’re Too Old for Braces? Ask Tom Cruise!

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Teeth staining foods, orthodontic specialist Manhattan Beach, Beach Braces

Fruit Juices; The Real Story

Teeth staining foods, orthodontic specialist Manhattan Beach, Beach Braces

Teeth Staining Food No. 10: Does Fruit Juice Damage Your Teeth?

America is full of parents trying to feed their kids the right things and make healthy decisions for your children. When you have a choice between handing over a glass of grape juice or a can of soda, the decision seems easy. Fruit juice is healthier and does better for your kids, or so you might think. The truth is that fruit juice, especially darker juices like cranberry and grape, can do just as much damage as soda.

Why are Fruit Juices so Bad?

Fruit juices often contain a high amount of calories, and some of the more popular juice blends contain less than 10 percent real fruit juice. If you have a few extra pounds around your midsection and can’t figure out why, the juices you drink might be the culprit. While an orthodontist can’t help you get rid of those extra pounds, but he can surely help you get back your smile. Teeth whitening is a process that takes place over the course of several weeks or months. It can lighten yellow spots and other discolorations and make you proud to smile again. Professional teeth cleaning and whitening products work much more effectively than the products you use at home do.

Looking for an Orthodontist?

When it comes to finding an orthodontist specialist, patients often keep putting off the process until it’s too late or they require much more expensive procedures. Patrica J. Panucci, DMD and MS, believes that everyone should love to smile. Her local practice at Beach Braces provides residents with services ranging from teeth whitening to invisible braces. Whether you need Invisalign, affordable braces, teeth whitening or other procedures, find out how Dr. Panucci can assist you. Call us to make your first appointment with the doctor today.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Fruit Juices; The Real Story

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BEach Braces

Decaffeinated Coffee = De-enameling your Teeth

Beach Braces, teeth stainingTeeth Staining Food # 9: Coffee

One of the biggest perpetrators of teeth staining and yellowing is the very thing that we drink every morning; coffee. While coffee might give us the pep in our step that we so desperately need to get through our day, it can also eradicate our white smile and leave us with teeth that are less than sparkling. Here are some tips on how you can combat tooth discoloration from your morning cup of joe.

Add a Little Cream – If you love your coffee strong and black, then you’re even more at risk for tooth discoloration. Even if you prefer your java dark, add just a little bit of milk or cream. This will reduce tooth staining.

Brush After Every Cup – A lot of people brush their teeth every morning, but then go on to chug coffee until the afternoon. Be sure to brush your teeth once you’re done drinking coffee, even if you have to sneak off and do it in the bathroom at work. This will help to reduce staining and discoloration.

Get Your Teeth Whitened – While the above tips will help somewhat to reduce staining, nothing beats getting your teeth professionally whitened. If you’re looking for teeth whitening, the specialists at Beach Braces can help. Anyone who is frustrated with the staining that they’ve experienced from daily coffee drinking will be happy with the results of a professional whitening treatment.

Whether you’re looking for teeth whitening or orthodontia services, Beach Braces can help. If you need a Preferred Invisalign provider in Manhattan Beach or affordable braces, our specialists can help you to create the smile of your dreams. Call us today to set up a consultation and find out how we can help you to restore your beautiful smile.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Decaffeinated Coffee = De-enameling your Teeth

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