
Toothbrushing Mistake 5

Toothbrushing Mistake No.5

Toothbrushing Mistake No.5: “Not Brushing Correctly”

Toothbrushing Mistake 5

Not brushing correctly can lead to several types of damage including gum abrasions. It is important to make sure you are brushing in proper strokes every time in order to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Long horizontal strokes are the primary cause of gum abrasions. It is necessary to remove plaque (a thin film of bacteria which stick to your teeth) by carefully brushing your teeth in a short vertical or circular motion. According to Sesemann, you should aim your bristles at 45-degree angle on the gum line and softly brush up and down your teeth.

Make sure to include the back of your teeth, the inner surfaces, and the outer surfaces. You can turn your brush facing the top of your molars (chewing surfaces) to make sure all the stuck food and debris are removed. Bear in mind to spend at least 30 seconds for each quadrant of your mouth to ensure that you are spending the recommended time on all your teeth equally. Furthermore, you should also brush your cheeks and tongue aside from the teeth. Bacteria can also build up in these places so it should be included.

Lastly, rinse your mouth thoroughly after brushing to prevent ingesting the fluoride from your toothpaste. You can also combine tooth brushing with flossing just to make sure there are no stones left unturned. Again, brushing correctly is the key to a cleaner and healthier mouth.

Some people do a great job of brushing their teeth, unfortunately a toothbrush cant straighten teeth. If you have a friend or family member who may benefit from orthodontic treatment, click here to refer them. They will be in the best hands in Manhattan Beach.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Toothbrushing Mistake No.5


Acceledent, a new method to shorten your orthodontic treatment time

What is Acceledent ?

Acceledent is a brand-new treatment method that works to dramatically decrease treatment times for orthodontic patients. Acceledent is a revolutionary new system that works in conjunction with orthodontic appliances to cut the length of treatment times in half. If you lead a busy lifestyle and would like to severely accelerate the length of your treatment, Acceledent may be for you.


Instead of having to wear braces for up to two years, with the help of Acceledent you may be able to reduce the length of your treatment to even less than one year with braces on. We understand that orthodontic appliances can be a minor inconvenience for many of our patients this is why we are please to offer up this clinically proven method for moving teeth up to 50% faster.

Acceledent works by applying specially calibrated micro-pulses through a special mouthpiece that is designed to gradually accelerate the movement of your teeth with orthodontic appliances. This patented soft pulse technology will very gently vibrate through your teeth and gums to gently move teeth into position and accelerate teeth movement guided by your existing orthodontic appliance. These micro-pulses are extremely safe and work to accelerate tooth movement and bone remodeling.

Acceledent is 100% approved by the FDA and has been used by thousands of patients across the world since 2009. Although not every Orthodontist can offer  Acceledent we are pleased to confirm this treatment is available at our office.

Acceledent works by inserting a special mouthpiece with the pulse activator for  20 minutes a day. If patients can commit to using Acceledent for  at least 20 minutes a day with the special mouthpiece, they can see a real impact when it comes to their orthodontic treatment. Mouthpieces need to be fitted specifically around your orthodontic appliances and this may require a special mould. Care and cleaning for mouthpieces is also included in the Acceledent package so that you can effectively sanitize the mouthpiece after you complete treatment.

With new tools such as Acceledent orthodontists are making treatment options for fixing and straightening teeth much quicker than ever before. Braces used to be a large inconvenience, as Acceledent continues to develop there is no telling where the future of orthodontic technology can go.

Contact us for a free consultation and get more information about Acceledent.

Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

 Acceledent, a new method to shorten your Orthodontic treatment time.

Orthodontic fact

The purpose of our lives is to be happy

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy!”

Orthodontic fact

Beach Braces Smile Quote #23 “The purpose of our lives is to be happy!”

Many people get hung up on wealth, possessions, stress, and difficulties in life but it is important to remember that the true purpose of our lives is to be happy and to share our happiness with others. So much of our society has become extremely fast-paced and material, and as more and more people are struggling to find their own version of happiness by consuming and buying more and more each day the root of happiness comes directly from within. You can share this happiness with other people through something as simple as a smile.

A smile is not something that can be bought or sold but it certainly can be traded. If you are able to pass by someone on the street and give them a confident smile you can share your happiness directly with others and truly brighten their day. Remember that there is always something that you can be happy about and that it’s very important to take time out of a busy day or a stressful event to spend time making yourself smile. It is understandable that we can’t be happy at all times but to try and embrace happiness and sheer happiness with others daily is a noble pursuit it can only help to enrich our lives.

As many others may struggle to obtain more material wealth, they are continuing to ignore our base human instinct to simply share happiness with each other and be happy each and every day. Remember to try and stay positive and to share the things that you are happy about. Think of happy memories and try to smile each and every day so that you can share your happiness with others.

Don’t worry if you are not confident with your teeth, Dr Panucci is here to increase your happiness showing off your radiant smile. You can get a free consultation by clicking here!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

The purpose of our lives is to be happy

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Hollywood Smile

Lock and Load

“There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.

Hollywood Smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #17 “There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.

A smile is one of the best tools that we can have.  A smile never hurt anyone.  If a smile can only help yourself and others, then why do you not smile as often as you should?  Are you embarrassed by the way your smile looks?  If this is the case Beach Braces would like to assist you in correcting your teeth so that you can have a smile that you are proud of.  One method of changing the way your smile looks is by getting braces.  Many adults think that they have waited too long and their smile is a lost cause.

This is not true at all!  Braces are not just limited to children alone.  Beach Braces offers a variety of options for children and adults alike.  If smiling can boost your ego, then how do you think you would feel if your smile had been corrected and you had the smile you have always wanted?  With advances in the technical side of orthodontics, there are many things that have been updated and changed in order to lower pain and discomfort levels as well as the amount of times that you will have to visit for check ups.

Another great thing about braces today is that there are many options to how you would like to straighten your teeth.  You can have metal braces, translucent braces, or even aligners such as Invisalign to help improve your smile.  When you come in for your first visit the orthodontist will go over what your options are and what they think will be the best option to better meet your needs.  You will know what will happen every step of the way and will be sure to get the attention you deserve.  Schedule your complementary consultation today!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051


Lock and Load

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How Far Away is Your Smile ?

Beach Braces Smile Quote #16“The shortest distance between two people is a smile”


Beach Braces Smile Quote #16 “The shortest distance between two people is a smile”

A great philosopher once said “A smile connects us, you and me…A smile can be a language anyone can learn to speak”. Who is this great philosopher you ask?  None other than the great Kermit the Frog!

No matter where you are in the world a smile is universal. It means the same thing in every country. Even if you have no idea how to speak that language, you will be able to share happiness with them.

Scientists have found that when we smile neuropeptides are released in our brain. This allows the rest of our body to know what is going on. So when we smile endorphins are released giving us an energy boost and the ability to fight off stress. It has also been said that endorphins can cause pain relief. With all of these positives we can see how smile and laughter is the best medicine.

Wouldn’t that be great to get a prescription from the doctor that said, “Must laugh three times daily. Take with a full glass of water for fast relief” The awesome thing here is that we don’t need a prescription to laugh.

All we have to do is just begin smiling! Of course we cannot plan what is going to happen through our entire day. There may be things that happen around you to cause stress or unhappiness. The best way to combat those feeling is to try to stay positive and know that this is not the end of the world and you will be able to smile again soon.

Try your hardest to stay positive and surround yourself with others who do the same. Before you know it you will have that little pep in your step once again, and you will be ready to share your smile with the world!

You can read more smile quotes by clicking here.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

How Far Away is Your Smile ?

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Perfect smile

Smile Day

“If you don’t start the day with a smile, its not to late to start practising for tomorrow”

Perfect smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #13 “If you don’t start the day with a smile, its not to late to start practising for tomorrow”

It is possible that you are so busy throughout the day that you might not have time to smile or take in something that you really appreciate or that makes you happy.

People who get stuck in day-to-day jobs that do not bring them happiness have a harder time staying upbeat and positive in the workplace.  Then when they get home their attitude is negative and all they want to do is go to bed and hope for the weekend.

Why should you live life like this?  Shouldn’t you want to be happy in your job?  I know that this probably sounds crazy, but in the midst of all the hustle and bustle remind yourself every day to smile.  A good old saying that you should remember daily says, “you aren’t fully dressed until you put a smile on”.  It is guaranteed that the more that you smile the more energy and positivity that you will bring to yourself and other around you.

Smiling is contagious, so why wouldn’t you start smiling to bring more upbeat positivity to your workplace or even in your home?  Make it a point to smile at least once after your wake up, twice while you are at work, and then when you get home for the night you should start to see some changes.

Even if you find yourself in the middle of the day and you have forgotten to put on your smile, its not too late.  Go ahead and smile away!  You will begin to see the change on your face and others around you.  Make this your daily habit and you will begin to see the changes in yourself and those dear to you.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Smile Day

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perfect smiles

Stay Beautiful

“I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”

perfect smiles

Beach Braces Smile Quote #11 “I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”

When you are unhappy the first thing that starts to happen is that your face turns sour and your eyes begin to cross and you clench your fists, right? When you are happy your face can brighten up a room.  The corners of your mouth will begin to raise and in some instances you will show your teeth for a full and beautiful smile!  Scientists have proven that smiling causes happiness.

Take a look in the mirror.  Sound out the vowel e and notice how the corners of your mouth extend like they would when you are smiling.  Now think of something that is guaranteed to make you happy.  Your mouth stays the same.  Next sound out the vowel u.  Notice how your mouth draws inward.  Your eyebrows may drop a little.  This action by the face is also seen when we are upset.  Try to be happy and smile while you are sounding out the u.  Impossible isn’t it?  Every time that you go to think of a happy thought and smile, it causes your mouth to expand out, making you stop with the u and go to the e expression.

This also works in real life situations.  When you are happy and something makes you mad, it is very hard to keep smiling.   Instead we should think of it as the opposite.  When we are mad we should think of things that make us happy.

Then it is guaranteed that we would not be able to keep that frown on our face and bring happiness into our lives.  Next time you find yourself in a situation where you want to frown or you are upset, think of something funny or a happy memory and let yourself smile.  It will begin to melt your stress away!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Stay Beautiful

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Perfect Teeth Smiles

The Smile Wheel

“Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”

Perfect Teeth Smiles

Beach Braces Smile Quote #10 “Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”

Here is a test for you.  Go to, click images, and then type smile in the search bar.  Look at  the first 100 images.  Naturally after seeing so many smiles, one cannot help but smile themselves.  Let’s face it smiling is contagious.  Now just start smiling at someone.

See their reaction?   They are either going to immediately start smiling back, or they are going to ask what is wrong with you while they are smiling.

Just a small little gesture can affect so many people.  There are some that choose not to smile because they think their teeth are not beautiful enough for a smile.  With corrective braces and other orthodontic options, you too can have a beautiful smile to share with others.

There was a girl who would smile in all her school pictures up until the time that she was in the third grade and other people started making fun of her.  From then on she wouldn’t smile for pictures and if she would smile in person, she would just put her hand in front of her mouth.  Her parents took her to an orthodontist for a consultation.

In about 2 weeks she had a mouth full of metal and hopes of one day having a smile that she could be proud of.  A couple years later she was able to take the braces off.  The first time that she saw her smile, she couldn’t believe that it was hers.  Now in every picture that you see of her she has her teeth showing and is very happy.

In fact, she smiles all the time.  If you are like this girl, why not give Beach Braces a chance and schedule a consultation.  You too can have the smile of your dreams and share happiness with a smile with the world.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

The Smile Wheel

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beach braces

Positive Hitchhiking

“If I saw you hitchhiking, I’d smile and return your thumb’s up, just for you doing such a great job of being a positive roadside influence ”

beach braces

Beach Braces Smile Quote  #5

While we would never advocate that you hitchhike in this day and age, or even replicate the thumbs up and smile to a tired hitchhiker loosing the will to live by the roadside (especially if there is a stop sign or traffic lights ahead) we thought Jarod Kintz’s quote was quite unique.

Jarod Kintz is a self professed writer of randomness, after being rejected from two leading universities creative writing programs, he has embarked on fulfilling his career as a full time author. Some of his latest publications have included; Emails from a Madman, I want and It Occurred to me.

If the above quote didn’t make you smile we at least hope it made you laugh, I only wish we had the hitchhikers reply, although it would probably be too crude to publish :)

Have a great Monday California!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL:  310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Positive Hitchhiking

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invisalign smile

Smile the Grouch Away

“If You Want to Spoil the Day of a Grouch, Give him a Smile”

invisalign smile


Beach Braces Smile Quote  #4

I know it’s hard, but it’s often the best way to not only ruin a grouches day but to boost your own, as the simple act of smiling reduces stress and releases mood enhancing endorphins. It’s still a mystery why humans are the only species that laugh, but I think I can safely say that in doing so you definitely feel better.

The first iconic smiley face was drawn in 1963 by American commercial artist Harvey Ball in under ten minutes and went on to sell for $45 to an insurance company who wanted to roll out a mood enhancing marketing campaign. If you’re curious how far away you can use your new found anti grouch super powers from, the answer is 33 feet.

So next time that grouch tries to ruin your day smile them into mercy. :)

If you want to create the perfect smile but are not keen on traditional braces, why not see if you are a eligible for clear braces, namely Invisalign, if you have any further question please contact us using the details below.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 If You Want to Spoil the Day of a Grouch, Give him a Smile

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