

Replacing Missing Teeth If There Are Remaining Spaces After Treatment


Missing teeth are a more common concern that most patients think. Many people who have missing teeth are concerned about how it will affect the way they present themselves to the public. However, there are also health reasons for replacing missing teeth. When you have gaps in your teeth, it can lead to problems with your gums and it can also be rather inconvenient when eating some types of foods. Not all missing teeth need to be replaced, and it really depends a lot on the individual circumstances surrounding the missing teeth.

The Importance of Straight Teeth

Whether you get orthodontic appliances applied as an adult or child, it’s important to people to maintain a healthy and effective smile. Especially in America, straight teeth indicate a certain status. Crooked and missing teeth erroneously indicate that the individual doesn’t take good care of their health.

There are also good health reasons for wanting a straighter smile. It can help prevent disease, promotes better gum health and makes it easier to care for teeth. Simply put, straight teeth are more functional than crooked teeth. So, what do you do when you’ve had braces and there are gaps between the teeth after treatment?

There are a few possible remedies. In some cases, a prosthetic implant may be warranted. With younger children and some adults, it may be necessary to leave the space to allow the teeth to adjust and move. Each situation has to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Evaluating Spaces Between the Teeth

It’s important to realize that spaces between the teeth don’t always need to be filled. It’s not completely uncommon for an adult to have a few teeth that are missing, and only a few of them need to be replaced. In some situations, filling the space between the teeth can be risky to the patient’s overall long-term health.

An adult that has small gaps between the teeth may not need to have the spaces filled if they pose no functional issue. There are remedies that can be used to correct the spacing, but they are not considered medically necessary procedures. If the space between the teeth is more than a few millimeters, then there can be a negative effect on the long-term health of the patient.

When there are large spaces between teeth, the gums are not as well protected. This leaves the gums vulnerable to damage. Over time, damaged gums may begin to recede. One specific issue is when the bone beneath the gum begins to get damaged because there isn’t anything there to anchor the bone. As the bone becomes weaker, the teeth may begin to wobble around. Tooth decay and loss may ensue.

Typically the best case scenario with large spaces, is that the teeth begin to shift. If you’ve had braces, this can negate the positive effects of the treatment.

Fixing the Spaces After Orthodontic Treatment

If you’ve recently had treatment with Invisalign or other orthodontic appliances, you’ll want to keep your teeth in good condition. A dental implant is often the best remedy to replace a missing tooth. This requires the tooth to be anchored directly to the jaw bone. The tooth then functions much like a normal tooth.

Other options that are not as ideal include a bridge or partial denture. These options tend to stand out, and they are more noticeable. They also may allow the possibility of additional bone atrophy. In some cases, this may be your only option. However, you should definitely visit an orthodontist to find out what options are available to you. If the spaces are extremely small, you may even be able to use a composite resin filling to improve the aesthetics of the teeth.

If you need a remedy to replace a missing tooth and you haven’t yet straightened your teeth, all hope is not lost. One nice thing about Invisalign treatment is that even if you have a bridge or implant, you can still get treatment. The implant or bridge won’t be able to move, but all of the teeth around it can move. This is why it’s so important to consult with a competent orthodontist before you get any treatments to make sure you get the best possible treatment.

Your orthodontist may recommend getting Invisalign or other orthodontic appliances applied first, and then have a procedure to replace any missing teeth. This way, you can ensure that you get the best possible smile. This is important since once you get an implant for a missing tooth, that tooth can’t be moved. If the placement of a dental implant isn’t ideal, it can reduce your options for treatment.

Missing Teeth in Children

Children who have missing teeth after treatment is a pretty common occurrence, especially if the appliances were applied before all of their adult teeth have come in. There is a device that is very similar to a partial denture that can be used. The appliance is wired to the teeth. When the adult teeth begin to come in, the appliance can be removed. For children who have adult teeth that are missing, the procedures prescribed for adults are actually ideal. It really depends on the age of the children and the current condition of their teeth.


If you have any questions about treatment, give our orthodontic practice, Beach Braces, a call to find out what treatment options are available for you and your family.

How Can I Start The Straightening Process?

If you are in need of a straightening procedure, give a call to our Manhattan Beach, CA orthodontic practice. Our professionals are on hand ready to help you through the procedure and will explain the methods used in detail before they get started in properly straightening your child’s teeth. An appointment can be made for an initial consultation if desired. We look forward to hearing from you!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

What Your Child Should Expect Before and After Braces

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Teeth Whitening and Teens

Gluten-Free Chicken and Fruit Salad

glucten free chicken and fruit salad


  • 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream
  • 3 tablespoons fruit-flavored vinegar
  • 4 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons poppy seeds
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Freshly ground pepper, to taste
  • 8 cups mixed salad greens
  • 2 cups sliced cooked chicken breast
  • 2 cups chopped melon, such as cantaloupe and/or honeydew
  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts, toasted (see Tip)
  • 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese


  1. Whisk sour cream, vinegar, sugar, poppy seeds, salt and pepper in a large bowl until smooth. Reserve 1/4 cup of the dressing in a small bowl. Add the mixed greens to the large bowl and toss to coat. Divide among 4 plates and top with chicken, melon, walnuts and feta. Drizzle each portion with 1 tablespoon of the reserved dressing.

Recipe from Eating Well

Choose Healthy Salads for Meals

If you must avoid foods with gluten, then learn to make delicious salads that are made with chicken and fruit. Combining these two ingredients might seem unusual at first, but this type of recipe is a powerhouse of nutrition. More importantly, if you wear braces, then the small pieces of fruit and chopped chicken are easy to chew, and this is also a gluten-free recipe. An orthodontist knows that their patients’ have sensitive gums when they begin to wear Invisalign aligners or other orthodontia, and soft foods are recommended to avoid discomfort.

Consume Protein and Vitamins

It is also vitally important to consume protein to remain energetic along with getting enough minerals and vitamins to keep your bones and teeth strong. A gluten-free chicken and fruit salad is simple to pack for lunches at school, and your child will enjoy this recipe. When you visit an orthodontist for an examination, they will use a state-of-the-art computer software system to collect images of your facial structure. With this software, an orthodontic specialist can show you what will happen to your teeth if you choose to wear braces or Invisalign aligners.

Call Us Today to Schedule an Appointment

Beach Braces is located in Manhattan Beach, Calif., and this is where our orthodontist provides services to patients. Dr. Patricia J. Panucci offers orthodontic appointments to adults, teenagers and children with a variety of devices, including:

• Clear or aesthetic orthodontia
• Wild smile brackets for children and adults
• Invisalign aligners made of clear plastic
• Lingual devices worn on the backs of teeth
• Self-ligating devices that require fewer office visits

Make sure you visit an Invisalign specialist like Patricia J. Panucci of Manhattan Beach Orthodontics. She possesses great skill and knowledge along with a compassionate nature. She offers a complimentary consultation. She will give you a thorough evaluation and help you achieve a new and improved smile with perfectly straight teeth. Schedule an appointment today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Gluten-Free Chicken and Fruit Salad

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famous with braces

One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.

smile quotes

As we get older, our teeth can shift around, and suddenly that killer smile you’ve always had is not so perfect now. If your teeth are slightly misaligned, you could improve them with a modern quick fix. That’s the beauty of wearing clear, plastic braces; you don’t need surgery, they straighten teeth fast and allow you to eat the gooey-ist, nuttiest piece of candy.

Invisalign to the Rescue

The old-fashioned pair still exist with metal wires and brackets unattractively fastened to your teeth. They are not always comfortable and come with several rules and restrictions. A highly skilled orthodontist can determine if you are a candidate for clear, plastic aligners. These look attractive, because they are barely noticeable and don’t call unnecessary attention to you. They straighten teeth faster than the metal kind and let you resume normal living without having to abstain from this or that. Ladies, you can also freely wear lipstick and gloss with clear braces.

Worthy Beauty Investment

You deserve to be good to yourself and stay healthy, and investing in the Invisalign system is an intelligent choice for your future. Straight teeth and a radiant smile are the gifts that keep on giving, year after year. In addition, a new smile allows you to look more youthful. Christie Brinkley and Julia Roberts are two stars known for their effervescent smiles and perfect teeth. Christie is 62 and Julia is 48, which proves that a great, natural smile knows no age.

An Orthodontist Has Expert Advice

Make sure you visit an Invisalign specialist like Patricia J. Panucci of Manhattan Beach Orthodontics. She possesses great skill and knowledge along with a compassionate nature. She offers a complimentary consultation. She will give you a thorough evaluation and help you achieve a new and improved smile with perfectly straight teeth. Schedule an appointment today!

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.

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Beach Braces reception area

What Are the Signs? (Braces May Be Needed)

Braces. Few children grow up to have perfect teeth. Despite the best efforts of parents to train their kids in effective dental hygiene and twice-a-year checkups with a dentist, permanent teeth may display problems. Common dental concerns include teeth that do not come in when they should or in their designated place. Uneven alignment between upper and lower teeth is another issue. In fact, there are several scenarios that suggest someone may need or benefit from orthodontic treatment.

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Dr Patricia Panucci

I Want a Perfect Smile When My Braces Come Off!

Nothing lights up your face like a great smile, and straight white teeth are an important part of that picture. Few people are born with perfect teeth, however. That’s where orthodontic treatment at Beach Braces Orthodontics can make a big difference in both the looks and health of your teeth, mouth and jaw.

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Beach Braces

Affordable Braces

Change Your Life with Affordable Braces

Beach Braces, braces, orthodonticsA beautiful smile is one of the most powerful attributes you can have. Not only can it magnetize and attract a world of people, but also it can give you a strong sense of confidence about who you are. Affordable braces can restore alignment problems so that you can have a beautiful smile again. Whether you have a small gap or an extreme malocclusion, braces can help you to straighten your way into the hearts of all the people you meet. You can get affordable dental braces today and make payments on them while you are receiving treatment.

Types of Braces

Several types of braces exist. The braces that everyone knows about are the traditional front view metal braces and brackets. Orthodontists have been using those braces for decades, but new modern solutions are available today. Now, you can purchase lingual braces if you are slightly shy about having brackets on the front of your teeth. Lingual braces hide behind the teeth so that no one can see them but you. Additionally, you can try Invisalign as an alternative. Invisalign is an invisible alignment repair system that you can remove from your mouth for cleaning and eating.

Average Cost for Braces:

Many factors come into play when an orthodontist is creating the price for braces. The severity of your bite problem, the system that you use and the location of your braces will determine the price. You will have to pay more if you need upper and lower braces, for example. The average cost for braces is approximately $5,000. That is the estimate for a standard metal bracket set of braces. Lingual braces will cost more due to the difficulty of insertion.

How to Get Affordable Braces:

The best way to get affordable braces in Manhattan Beach is to work with a local orthodontist office that has compassion and understanding. This type of orthodontist will be willing to offer you an affordable payment plan. You can also use an insurance policy to pay for a certain portion of the work. Some orthodontist offices offer additional financing options. Manhattan orthodontist know that your smile is important to you. Therefore, they will make every effort to get your braces on you so that you can feel better immediately.

Affordable Braces in Manhattan Beach

Patricia Panucci is a friendly and reliable orthodontist who has been in the business for longer than a decade. Her beautiful and radiant smile is a perfect example of the work that she does for Manhattan residents. She feels as though everyone deserves a chance to smile. Therefore, she provides a friendly, clean and helpful environment for you to visit. Dr. Panucci’s entire team of specialists at Beach Braces is a close-knit family that wants nothing more than to see you smile. If you need help with braces or any other dental issues, then you can contact the office for a consultation. You can schedule an appointment to get the sunshine back in your life.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

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What is the Right Age to Take your Kids to an Orthodontists?

Age 7 is the Best Time See a Child’s Orthodontist


Visiting a dentist to check for the early signs of tooth decay should be done as soon as a parent is confident that their child can handle the situation and this applies to visits to an orthodontist too. If there is any sign of misalignment developing in the child’s teeth then this should be addressed as soon as possible. A treatment program started early will ensure any corrections are made with the best outcome and at a lower cost than later in life. Watch the video by Beach Braces to find the answer to the question: Can Orthodontic Treatment be completed on patients with baby teeth?



The American Association of Orthodontists suggests that a child should have his or her first orthodontic evaluation as soon as any orthodontic problem is noticed and at least by the age of 7. This is because by 7 years old the first molars start to erupt, which determines the back bite. This is when an orthodontist can assess side to side and front to back tooth interactions.  For example, when incisors start to erupt it could mean open bite, possible overbite, crowding and gummy smiles.

Intercepting teeth development in their early stages can:

  • Create a room for erupted teeth that may cause overcrowding
  • Have an influence on jaw growth leading to better facial symmetry
  • Allow enough space for unerupted teeth
  • Lower trauma risk to front teeth that are protruding
  • Lower the necessity to undertake tooth removal and decrease the treatment time through the use of braces

Improving the facial appearance and the smile is all part of the orthodontic treatment processes but there are other improvements that can be made to the functioning of the mouth and teeth through orthodontics. This is orthodontic treatment for a bad bite, which is often called malocclusion. A malocclusion occurs when there is misalignment in the tooth or jaw. A malocclusion can have a variety of effects, including altering how you smile, your chewing motion and how you go about cleaning your teeth.

American Association of Orthodontists’ studies indicate that untreated malocclusions can lead to difficulties when brushing and flossing crowded teeth. The result is a greater likelihood of the onset of tooth decay and more severe gum disease. Protruding teeth can be chipped and damaged more easily. Cross bites can lead to poor growth and the uneven wearing of teeth. Open bites can lead to the habit of tongue-thrusting habits and the onset of speech impediments.

Life can be so much easier later on for your child if an orthodontic assessment is arranged by the age of 7 years at least. Request for your child’s first appointment with Beach Braces now.

Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

What is the Right Age to Take your Kids to an Orthodontists?

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