
The Emphasis on Age 7; Explained

Why is Age 7 Considered the Optimal Time for Screening?

You may have heard that the optimal age for receiving your first orthodontic consultation is around the age of seven years old. Most orthodontists will recommend this page based off of the American Dental Association’s recommendations, but why is age 7 optimal for receiving a diagnosis for treatment?

Early evaluation of the child’s condition is extremely important in orthodontics. By creating a treatment plan before a child has fully develop their jaw, or had all of their permanent teeth fully erupt, this can help save time, expense and improve confidence. Early treatment offers a greater opportunity for easier and more effective treatment. Not to say that adults can’t receive orthodontic treatment, but results can be far more dramatic when children are able to receive treatment early on in life because development can be structured by the orthodontist to ensure that children’s teeth come in naturally and that their jaws form to prevent issues.

Intervention in the early stages of life will guide the growth and development which will prevent any serious problems down the road. When teeth are able to grow into a position which is going to cause ongoing oral health issues, this can lead to difficulty with chewing, speech, tooth wear, muscle soreness and a plethora of other issues. This is why early intervention can be so beneficial.

At age 7 adult molars begin to erupt into the mouth which will establish a solid foundation for back bite. Orthodontists will get a clear indication of how permanent teeth are developing as well as the relationship of each tooth inside a child’s mouth and how it will erupt and the order that they will come in. Improper orders and issues like crooked teeth for example can be identified in early x-rays and corrected especially if they are caught early. Indications for future issues can allow an orthodontist plenty of time to plan ongoing treatment for a child as well. When an orthodontist begins to see examples like erupting incisors which are coming in improperly, they can prevent issues like open bite, crowding, overbite and more.

Today orthodontic imaging ( also makes it easier to properly diagnose children during these early years. When a child comes in at just seven years old 3-D x-rays and new imaging software can actually simulate the way did their teeth will erupt and how their jaw will form overall. By examining every little detail and getting a 3-D model of your child’s mouth, orthodontists can structure treatment to ensure that a child ends up with a perfect smile with much quicker results limiting the amount of time that they might have to use an orthodontic appliance. Age 7 is a great time to start intercepted treatment and to ensure that your child never has to experience any difficulty with their permanent teeth.

For an introductory consultation for your child please contact Beach Braces today. We can also answer any questions that you may have about optimal screening and the screening process.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

The Emphasis on Age 7; Explained

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Joining the Facebook Revolution

Why Our Orthodontic Practice has a Facebook Page


Beach Braces understand the value of social media and how convenient it can be to find information and receive updates from your favorite businesses online. We decided that it was time for our staff to take to Facebook as well so that we can provide top-quality customer service across the Facebook social network and deliver information in this comfortable format.

On our Facebook page you will find regular updates, information, orthodontic tips, and events that our office is involved in within the community. By following along with our office you can feel more connected to our staff and also has a lot of your questions answered simply by checking your Facebook feed every day.

Our goal is to become more accessible as an office as well as a little less intimidating. Calling up your orthodontist when you have a question or learning more about your orthodontic treatment is something that a lot of people really struggle with. We find that by putting this information up online on Facebook and linking users back to our website or to helpful information we might find online, we can keep our patients informed about any new tips or advice we might have. This means that if we had discovered a new way that you can for instance, clean your retainer or better care for your oral health you can instantly get these updates right on your Facebook newsfeed. We also provide ongoing information concerning all of the treatment options that we have available so that if you did want to do a bit of extra homework and learn exactly how we are working to bring you a better smile, you can find out exactly how your orthodontic appliance was made and future steps for your treatment.

On Facebook we are very reachable, our staff is constantly checking back to create a really engaging page for all of our patients and other individuals within our community. If you have a question about orthodontic treatment or a concern about your own treatment please feel free to send us a message over Facebook and we can reply to you. You never know when your question might be applicable to someone else’s treatment or help somebody out so don’t be afraid to ask us anything over Facebook.

Along with information we are also pleased to show off some of our great work. We regularly post fun photos and before and after photos so that you can see just what orthodontic treatment could do for you. The idea is to make it easy for individuals who have received orthodontic treatment tour Beach Braces to recommend us to their friends or family members so that we can make a difference in their lives as well.

For ongoing tips with orthodontic care, better customer service and information, as well as some great stories that you can use to inspire you throughout your orthodontic treatment, please visit our Beach braces Facebook page and follow us today. If you have any more questions about our Facebook page feel free to contact us online or through our Beach Braces website directly.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Joining the Facebook Revolution

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Beach Braces

Month of Oral Cancer Awareness

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Over 40,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year and many are not diagnosed until it’s too late because patients are not being screened or attending regular appointments to stay on top of what is going on inside their mouths. As Oral Cancer Awareness Month approaches in April, it’s time to get the word out about this form of disease that strikes the mouth and throat as well as what everyone needs to do to protect themselves from this form of disease.

Diagnosis is Key

Early diagnosis is one of the most important ways to address any cancers that develop in the head and neck. The earlier that oral forms of cancer are detected, the better the prognosis for the patient. Annual screenings are a vital part of maintaining good oral hygiene and picking up any red flags during the exam. However, if patients do notice any types of changes going on with their mouths or throats, they need to stay on top of things and make another appointment between annual exams.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Any type of cancer involving the mouth or throat may not cause noticeable symptoms until it is more advanced. However, there are certain changes that signal the possibility of a serious problem. If there are sores in the mouth that won’t go away after two weeks, it’s important to get them checked. A swollen jaw that appears for no reason is another warning sign. Problems with the tongue, such as numbness or difficulty speaking, are another indication of a serious, underlying condition. Difficulties with chewing and swallowing are more warning signs. A hoarse throat that never goes away could indicate the presence of throat cancer. Paying attention to one’s body is vital in detecting anything out of the norm and having it cared for before the disease progresses.

Treatment Options

Once any form of cancer involving the head and neck has been diagnosed, a course of treatment will be prescribed. Each individual case is unique. Surgery and the use of radiation are the most common approaches to treat any form of cancer. Chemotherapy is often advised as well in order to keep cancer from spreading to any other part of the body. The treatment plan will depend on the form of cancer and how much it has already progressed.

What Can You Do to Take Good Care of Your Mouth?

The best thing that you can do about your mouth is to have good oral hygiene and make sure you get annual oral screenings to detect any abnormalities that could be occurring in your mouth or throat. Dr. Patricia Panucci is your go-to orthodontist in Manhattan Beach when you need your next exam. You can also turn to Dr. Panucci any time that you have a concern to stay on top of your oral health. Contact your Manhattan Beach orthodontist, Dr. Patricia Panucci, and make an appointment today. Learn more BeachBraces by visiting our website.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Month of Oral Cancer Awareness

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Video thumbnail for youtube video One More Happy Perfect Smile by Beach Braces - Beach Braces - Orthodontic Specialists | Invisalign | Lingual Braces | Clear Braces | Manhattan Beach CA

Another Perfect Smile by Beach Braces

Nikki Talking about Dr. Panucci & Team

Recently, Nikki got her braces off and she was more than happy to have a perfect smile. Watch this video and find out more about her experience with Beach Braces, South Bay, California. Read more testimonials on our website.

Beach Braces is one of the best orthodontists in Manhattan Beach, California. Recently, we were selected ‘Orthodontic Provider of the Week’ by Smile Changes Lives.”  You can contact Beach Braces today for the consultation session.

Beach Braces,  1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Another Perfect Smile by Beach Braces

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Surfing: At South Bay


Did You Know No. 9: Surfing by George Freeth since 1907

Have you ever wondered how surfing was discovered, created, or invented? Although surfing is already being performed in Polynesia for a thousand years, it was only until 1907 when surfing became known to the world. George Freeth is a Hawaiian-Irish athlete hired by Henry Huntington to demonstrate the art of surfing in Redondo Beach. Huntington is a baron who has invested heavily in real estate (Redondo Beach) and would like to entice more visitors through surfing. Since then, surfing became famous in California especially in Beach cities which includes Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, and Hermosa Beach.

Freeth had seen a Polynesian painting that shows his mother’s ancestors riding surfboards. This sparks Freeth’s interest in surfing and he decide to revive the art of riding in waves. At first Freeth had little success with his 16-foot board that is popular at that time. So he decided to cut it in half to make it easier to manage and control thus creating the original “longboard” nowadays. This invention made him the talk of the town. While Freeth is demonstrating the art of surfing, the visitors are very delighted that he was scheduled to surf twice a day in front of Hotel Redondo.

Aside from bringing the art of surfing to the world, Freeth also became the first official lifeguard in southern California as he swims, dives, and enters water polo competitions in the region. The torpedo rescue can which is being used by lifeguards today was invented by Freeth. Overall, Freeth promulgated a surfing revolution which became a phenomenon in California coast.

Can’t surf properly because of some oral problems? If you have severe teeth misalignment problems, don’t hesitate to contact the best orthodontic clinic in California: Beach Braces. Call them now at: 310 – 379 – 0006.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Surfing: At South Bay

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A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

The Importance of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment is one of the best ways that you can ensure your child has the most treatment options available to them for future oral health. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children attend their first orthodontic consultation around the age of seven years old. At the age of seven children’s mouths have not fully formed but permanent teeth are beginning to interrupt and replace primary teeth. This can give an orthodontist all of the indications that they need to perform orthodontic treatment at a full orthodontic assessment.

Orthodontists will look for a wide array of different conditions as well as make sure that teeth are erupting in the proper order. When teeth erupt in the wrong order or come in crowded, it can lead to future issues. Making sure that children’s teeth are coming in correctly at an early age is one of the best ways that orthodontists can provide treatment options to spare children difficulty later on in life.

Jaws, bones and teeth are not fully set in place at the early age of seven and manipulating all of these factors with orthodontic treatment is made easier while they are still forming. Instead of requiring extensive surgery or a long treatment process, getting orthodontic treatment at a young age is a great way that orthodontists can structure and guide growth so that children can form a natural jawline with teeth that will come in straight.

Overall, the reason that early orthodontic treatment is extremely recommended is to limit the amount of invasive procedures that a child may require later on in their adult lives. Diagnosing and treating orthodontic issues in their early stages can help to save time and expense on the part of parents and children alike.

Early orthodontic treatment can also help with issues of confidence as a child develops into a youth. Many young adults and teens are forced to wear orthodontic appliances to correct any number of issues that they might face with their oral health. Getting early treatment is one of the best ways that you can shorten the overall length of treatment which will help kids to keep their confidence when they reach their teenage years. They can enjoy less time with braces or potentially avoid them altogether by getting in early consultation and early treatment.

Serious and abnormal conditions can cause permanent dental health problems as well. If children between seven and 10 aren’t able to visit an orthodontist and they have one of these severe oral health issues, that can cause issues with speech, chewing and potentially even excessive stress on their oral health. When teeth are crowded or a child has an irregular bite this can cause extra wear on their gums, their tooth enamel and also can cause issues in the supporting and surrounding jawbones.

If you are interested in scheduling your child’s first orthodontic appointment please contact Beach Braces today for a free consultation so that we can assess your child and diagnose any issues.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

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The Bands of South Bay, CA


Did You Know No. 8: South Bay – The Greatest Bands

South Bay has been the home of various culture, ethnicity, sports, and festivities. South Bay is famous because of its beach cities which include Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and Redondo Beach, each possessing unique features which attract not only the local residents but also the tourists. Although most people prefer to live in big cities such as New York, others also prefer the relaxing atmosphere that beach cities have to offer. Whether it’s getting tanned under the sun or surfing the big waves, Americans just love to feel the breeze of the ocean and unwind.

The South Bay is also the primary tourist destinations when it comes to holidays. Especially during the 4th of July, Hermosa Beach’s Iron Man Competition attracts big mass of crowd. The Iron Man Competition consists of running a mile, surfing a mile, and then drinking 6-pack beer at the end. The first one to consume all the drinks (6-pack beer) wins. This craziest and wildest activity during the 4th of July starts around 9 A.M onwards. Although, only those people over 21 years old can participate.

Aside from the Hermosa Beach, the South Bay is also known to be the hotbed of some of the world’s greatest bands. This includes the Redd Kross (Hawthorne), Beach Boys, The Decendents (Manhattan), Black Flag (Redondo Beach), Circle Jerks (Hermosa Beach), Pennywise (Hermosa Beach), and 98 Mute (Hermosa Beach). Furthermore, Kurupt (Hawthorne), The Deviates (South Bay), and Driven Out (South Bay) also originated from the South Bay.

Overall, South Bay is pretty much offering the luxury, convenience, and accessibility (best orthodontic clinics included) that most residents seek. Do you have severe teeth misalignment problems? Don’t hesitate to contact the best orthodontic clinic in California: Beach Braces. Call them now at: 310 – 379 – 0006.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

The Bands of South Bay, CA

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Beach Braces

Myths about Chewing Gums: Busted

Getting to the Bottom of Chewing Gum Myths

There are many people who chew gums on a regular basis and consider it to be something that’s extremely healthy for their teeth and gums. Well there are a lot of rumors that go around concerning chewing gums and oral health. We’re about to present the real facts concerning chewing gums and how it can affect your overall oral health.

Chewing sugar-free gum can actually work to prevent tooth decay and tooth mineralization. Tooth mineralization can leave harmful stains as well as work to start breaking down teeth by causing lesions throughout the month, chewing gum actually has more claims on it than any other food product available with the EFSA, this means that the product claims to have more benefits than just about any other food product available on the market today.

Sugar-free gum helps in mineralization, reduces oral dryness which increases saliva, which in turn can help to protect teeth and help us digest, as well as neutralize plaque acids. All of these acids and adversities can contribute to your overall oral health and by taking preventive measures such as chewing sugar-free gum occasionally can work at promoting a better oral health.

Saliva is a way in which we have evolved to protect our teeth and to help us digest our food. Saliva brings calcium, phosphate and a natural balance of pH inside our mouths which will help to keep us healthy and our teeth strong and clean.

Xylitol is a popular ingredient in many sugar-free gums. This ingredient works to sweeten gum without having to use sugar but also can work to promote dental health in gums. By reducing the amount of sugar content and harmful sweetener content in gum these types of intense sweeteners can provide health benefits and lower teeth to look whiter and cleaner as well because they are constantly being exposed to extra ingredients that are beneficial to overall oral health. Xylitol is especially beneficial when gum chewers are able to chew two or three pieces a day to provide cleaning directly after meals. Chewing after meal will work to clean teeth when you don’t have access to a toothbrush and can restore the natural pH balance in your mouth to prevent acid buildup which can eat away at tooth enamel.

Some types of sugar-free gum also provide whitening and cleaning along with their product. Some types of gum include fluoride, which works as a tooth whitening in cleaning agent. Many types of toothpaste contain fluoride as an active agent for cleaning and quite a few professional whitening sugar-free gums also contain fluoride today as well. With many different types of sugar-free gum available on the market it’s very important to choose carefully as different ingredients can provide certain health and cleaning benefits better than others.

If you would like more recommendations for sugar-free gum or for us to answer any other gum myths please contact Beach Braces for any questions you have about chewing gum and oral health.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Myths about Chewing Gums: Busted

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Iron Man Hermosa Beach Competition


Did You Know No. 4: Iron Man Hermosa Beach Style

The United States Independence Day is being held every 4th of July. During this day, Americans commemorate their freedom from the Kingdom of Great Britain (now UK). This day is commonly associated with fireworks, barbecues, parades, fairs, carnivals, concerts, picnics, baseball games, ceremonies, political speeches, and family reunions. Being the National Day of the U.S., the 4th of July celebration brings Americans closer together. Plus, it grants employees their day off wherein they could forget all the deadlines.

Aside from all the activities mentioned above, there are other unique events happening in various parts of the U.S. One of these events is the Iron Man Competition held at Hermosa Beach every year. Millions of Americans visit the South Bay as it is known for being the best spots in the country to celebrate the holiday. During this competition, contestants must run a mile, paddle a mile with their surfboards, and then drink a 6-pack beer at the end. The first one to consume all the beverages wins. This competition starts at 9:00am and anyone over 21 years old is eligible to join.

The Iron Man Competition in Hermosa Beach is known to be the craziest way to kick off the holiday. Aside from sports, beers, and other recreational activities, the 4th of July also serves as a feast wherein various, savory dishes are out for grabs. It is also the time when even complete strangers get to smile to each other. However, there might be hindrances in achieving this during the holidays. Among these problems are bad bites, jaw problems, and other teeth misalignment problems which prevent you from smiling and having fun.

If you have severe teeth misalignment problems, don’t hesitate to contact the best orthodontic clinic in California: Beach Braces. Call us now at: 310 – 379 – 0006.

Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Iron Man Hermosa Beach, CA Competition

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Invisalign, Beach Braces, Orthodontist

February: The Month Dedicated to Children’s Oral Care

Children’s Dental Health Month: February


Children’s dental health month is organized by the ADA (American Dental Association) every February to help raise awareness about the importance of oral health especially when it comes to children. During children’s dental health month Beach Braces will be working to promote the idea of  bringing children into our offices to have their health evaluated at an early age so that we can provide families with the greatest number of treatment options for any oral health condition.

The best time to get your children an initial orthodontic appointment is around the age of seven years old. At seven years of age adult teeth will begin to impact and make their way through your child’s jaw line to give an orthodontist a better picture of the way his/her teeth might impact and eventually set in place. Orthodontist can get initial x-rays as well as develop a treatment plan that can leave your child with their ideal smile. At this early age something as simple as taking out a few teeth could be all that your child needs to guide their progress and ensure that teeth impact correctly and create the formation for a perfect smile. Early treatment is the best way that parents can save hassle down the road.

Children’s dental health month is not only just about reminding children to floss, clean and keep up regular dental appointments. Children’s dental health month includes overall oral health and providing solutions to children who struggle with everyday tasks like chewing, speaking and breathing because of their oral health. Getting kids who struggle with these issues into our offices is the best way that we can provide them with solutions that can shape their future and improve their confidence and quality of life. We help children every day to experience issues with speech, chewing and confidence and have flexible treatment options to suit any budget and lifestyle.

On our website you can find a wide array of information about how you can help your children better care for their oral health. From cleaning tips to special instructions for children who are undergoing orthodontic treatment, we were to increase awareness of various oral health concerns not only just in February but the entire year round.

Children’s dental health month is important for us to promote, this campaign runs every year and is extremely beneficial to kids as we work directly with parents, other dental professionals, healthcare providers and teachers and caregivers as well. This means that children are not only learning about how they can better care for their oral health in our offices and at home but also in their own schools as well. On the ADA website educators and parents can find some great planning and instruction packages that they can use to help their kids learn how to improve their oral health to enjoy brighter smiles with less concern.

For more information on children’s dental health month or to schedule your child’s first orthodontic appointment contact beach braces today.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

February: The month Dedicated to Children’s Oral Care

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