
Invisalign v Braces

Which are your preferred braces?

Traditional Metal Braces vs. Damon System Braces vs. Clear Aligners

Today you now have a choice in planning your orthodontic treatment! Taking a proactive part in designing your treatment can help you better understand how appliances work and why you should follow their strict instructions.  Since numerous types of appliances are now available, choosing among them might be hard for those who have little knowledge regarding their advantages and disadvantages. In order to prevent regrets during or after your treatment, it is best to gain broad awareness about orthodontic treatments.  Below is a good comparison of traditional metal braces and clear braces you can use as your guide. Invisalign v Braces

Examining each of them and comparing them with each other can help you calculate which option is best for you. By “best” we mean lesser pain, lesser discomfort, more convenience, lesser cost, and shorter treatment duration.  Since having all these advantages at once is hard to achieve given you have limited resources or other restrictions, you can pick which criteria you prefer the most such as price, duration, or convenience and base your decision on it.

Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are known for their strength and durability that can withstand the test of time for patients of all ages. These braces require an elastic rubber band, also called ligature, in order to connect or hold the archwire into the bracket. On the other hand, some orthodontists utilize metal tie wires instead of these elastic bands. These tie wires are twisted around the bracket thus enabling them to apply pressure on your teeth. This pressure will then slowly move your teeth to their desired positions over time.


These kind of braces are less expensive compared to the other types of braces thus it is the most commonly used worldwide to keep orthodontists overhead down.  You are allowed you to play with multi-colored ligatures that serve as decorations on your teeth when you smile.  Aside from that, an option for a darker ligature is also available for those who smoke or drink coffee in order to hide staining.


Traditional metal braces are easier to notice compared to the Damon System Bracket or Damon Clear Braces. Because of this, most teens and adults prefer the smaller Damon Braces or even clear aligners. Furthermore, since this type of braces is cemented on your teeth, proper brushing and cleaning is a must in order to prevent tooth decays.  Lastly, metal braces tend to be uncomfortable at first 3 weeks as your tongue, cheek, and lips get used to it.  The older bracket systems also require more force to get the teeth to move which translates to discomfort for the patient.  Because of this, Dr. Wilson has chosen to not use the older braces systems in his office due to less patient satisfaction upon completion of treatment and a less superior result that the Damon System

Damon System Braces

The Damon Bracket system is the leading orthodontic bracket on the market today.  It is the only “passive, self-ligating bracket” and has a special patent that no other braces system can reproduce.  It’s know for getting a more superior result in a shorter time with less discomfort.  It is the “Cadillac” of all braces systems out there today.  It’s also know for giving the patient a wider, more esthetic smile that can not be achieved with other braces systems.


The advantages over traditional braces or the old bracket systems are many.  Just to list a few:  Smaller bracket, more hygienic, less discomfort, faster treatment times, fewer appointments, a broader/fuller smile, along with many more advantages.


It is the most expensive braces system out there, which is why most orthodontists don’t use it because it increases their overhead.  However, Dr. Wilson has elected NOT to charge a premium or increase his fees because of this since he is able to finish his patients faster and in fewer appointments so this decreases the time needed for each patient as far as overall chair time, which tends to wash out his increased overhead on the bracket.  Thus, this creates a built-in savings for the patient.

Clear Aligners

Having clear braces is a good option for those who don’t have the confidence to wear metal braces. Clear braces are made up of plastic and the most common brand is Invisalign. Unlike metal braces, clear braces or aligners need to be replaced once every two weeks.


The main advantage of using clear braces is cosmetic. Patients are conscious regarding how they look when friends and families notice their weird appliances such as palatal expander, metal braces, or metal retainers. Aside from that, since clear aligners are removable, it will be easier for you to clean the appliances as well as your teeth. You can even remove them when playing instruments, swimming, or engaging in sports.


Because of its convenience and comfort, clear braces are slightly more expensive compared to other types of braces.  They are also more fragile so handling them carefully is a must in order not to break them.  Furthermore, there’s a higher risk of losing them since you can easily remove them and misplace your braces case or holder.  However, Invisalign Teen has 6 replacement aligners for free built in.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Which are your preferred braces?

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Hollywood Smile

Lock and Load

“There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.

Hollywood Smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #17 “There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.

A smile is one of the best tools that we can have.  A smile never hurt anyone.  If a smile can only help yourself and others, then why do you not smile as often as you should?  Are you embarrassed by the way your smile looks?  If this is the case Beach Braces would like to assist you in correcting your teeth so that you can have a smile that you are proud of.  One method of changing the way your smile looks is by getting braces.  Many adults think that they have waited too long and their smile is a lost cause.

This is not true at all!  Braces are not just limited to children alone.  Beach Braces offers a variety of options for children and adults alike.  If smiling can boost your ego, then how do you think you would feel if your smile had been corrected and you had the smile you have always wanted?  With advances in the technical side of orthodontics, there are many things that have been updated and changed in order to lower pain and discomfort levels as well as the amount of times that you will have to visit for check ups.

Another great thing about braces today is that there are many options to how you would like to straighten your teeth.  You can have metal braces, translucent braces, or even aligners such as Invisalign to help improve your smile.  When you come in for your first visit the orthodontist will go over what your options are and what they think will be the best option to better meet your needs.  You will know what will happen every step of the way and will be sure to get the attention you deserve.  Schedule your complementary consultation today!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051


Lock and Load

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Operation Gratitude - Oklahoma

Operation Gratitude – How to Help Oklahoma Tornado Victims

Not a lot of you may know but Dr. Panucci has been a sponsor of Operation Gratitude, and continues to be every year. Operation Gratitude is a non-profit, volunteer-based corporation, funded entirely by private donations. They seek to lift morale in the Military Community by sending care packages addressed to individual Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Veterans, First Responders, Wounded Warriors and their Care Givers.

Operation Gratitude – Relief for Oklahoma Tornado Victims

Hurricane Wake IMAGE#fb2ef07d-3813-49ff-bc08-bdbc4ed4064c (1)

Unfortunately we all know about all the devastating aftermath that the tornadoes left in Oklahoma. Many people would like to help but do not know exactly how to do so, well here is your chance. We welcome your help in collecting items and/or donating funds (to help with the added shipping costs). These items will be shipped out to the family & soldiers in Oklahoma.

The “Wish List” consists of:

  • Nonperishable food: Baby formula, bottled water, PowerBars, KIND bars, energy bars or any other nutritious items.
  • Clothing: Any type of new clothing: Men, women and children.
  • Entertaining items: Playing Cards, books or any other entertainment that does not require electricity.
  • Moral lifts: Letters to put in care packages.
  • Hygiene Items: Hand Sanitizer, toothpaste/toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, body wash & mouthwash.
  • Gift Cards: Gift cards to national stores or stores located in Oklahoma
  • Miscellaneous: Sunscreen, diapers, boots, work gloves, batteries (all kinds), flash lights and baby wipes.

We will be accepting these donations at our office until Friday 31st & they will be personally delivered by Dr. Panucci to the Operation Gratitude in Van Nuys, CA.

Everything is appreciated, Thank you!!!

Dr. Panucci & the Beach Braces Team

Operation Gratitude - Oklahoma



How Far Away is Your Smile ?

Beach Braces Smile Quote #16“The shortest distance between two people is a smile”


Beach Braces Smile Quote #16 “The shortest distance between two people is a smile”

A great philosopher once said “A smile connects us, you and me…A smile can be a language anyone can learn to speak”. Who is this great philosopher you ask?  None other than the great Kermit the Frog!

No matter where you are in the world a smile is universal. It means the same thing in every country. Even if you have no idea how to speak that language, you will be able to share happiness with them.

Scientists have found that when we smile neuropeptides are released in our brain. This allows the rest of our body to know what is going on. So when we smile endorphins are released giving us an energy boost and the ability to fight off stress. It has also been said that endorphins can cause pain relief. With all of these positives we can see how smile and laughter is the best medicine.

Wouldn’t that be great to get a prescription from the doctor that said, “Must laugh three times daily. Take with a full glass of water for fast relief” The awesome thing here is that we don’t need a prescription to laugh.

All we have to do is just begin smiling! Of course we cannot plan what is going to happen through our entire day. There may be things that happen around you to cause stress or unhappiness. The best way to combat those feeling is to try to stay positive and know that this is not the end of the world and you will be able to smile again soon.

Try your hardest to stay positive and surround yourself with others who do the same. Before you know it you will have that little pep in your step once again, and you will be ready to share your smile with the world!

You can read more smile quotes by clicking here.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

How Far Away is Your Smile ?

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Straight smile

To Smile or Not to Smile that is the Question

“Is a smile a question? Or is it the answer?”

straight smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #15 “Is a smile a question? Or is it the answer?”

Smiling is most definitely an answer. Sometimes when asking a question a smile is all that it takes. Think of all the times in the past couple days that you smiled.

In these instances when you smiled were you content with what you had discovered?  Is this what caused your boost in joy? Or was it because someone made you laugh and you were joyed with the feeling that it gave to you.

We respond to situations with our emotions, be it happy or sad. When we smile its because we are feeling something and we are sure that what is being felt is making us happy or we appreciate the nature of it.

Smiling is the answer for many things, but we need to start using it more often. In a place where there is no smiling, people will become hard and calloused in their hearts. It should be our goal to go to these places and share our joy with them.

Since laughter and smiles are contagious, we should desire to bring that to people who are without happiness. Of course there is a place and a time for everything, but if you feel that you could brighten someone’s day with a smile, by all means smile away!

You might be the only person that day who has tried to boost their spirits and in the end you could have made them very happy. The question shouldn’t be if we should share our smiles with one another. The question should be how.

How can we spread positivity with a smile to others?  Start by just smiling at people. Chances are they will return the favor with a smile.  When you are comfortable with telling jokes, share them with some friends and see their faces change from a blank stare to completely happiness. Whatever you do, be happy and share that smile with everyone!

Unfortunately many people cover their smile with their hand, as they don’t feel comfortable with their smile and don’t wish to wear braces. A good alternative are clear braces, named Invisalign, adults especially feel most at ease using these clear braces.

You can call our office for more information.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

To Smile or Not to Smile that is the Question

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Orthodontic Facebook Photo Contest

Where In The World Is Dr. P? – Facebook Photo Contest – Round II

Welcome to the 2nd Round of

‘Where In The World Is Dr. P?’

It’s really easy to enter and you stand the chance of winning an iPad mini!

Pick up your traveling ‘Dr. P’ from the Beach Braces office in Manhattan Beach or download it by clicking on this link: >>> DrPanucciNew.jpg <<<

Take your ‘Dr P’ cut out and take the best photo you can, the more unique the better.

Then simply visit the Beach Braces Facebook Photo Contest App by clicking here: and then click on the small icon in top right named ‘Photo Contest’ (indicated with a big red arrow in the graphic below). If you’re not a fan already, you will have to ‘like’ the page first.

BB Offerpop - Orthodontist Manhattan Beach

From there, submit your photo together with a great caption and get your friends and family to vote for you. The photo with the most votes wins!

All entries must be submitted by Friday, August 30th and the winner will be announced on Monday, September 3rd 2013.

Good luck!

*The first lucky winner of ‘Where is the World is Dr. P’ was Grace Klein. Here is her winning picture taken with her brothers & Dr.P at the PEZ candy store, Congratulations!

Orthodontic Competition Photo

Where in the World is Dr. P Promotion Terms & Conditions

This is the chance for patients of all ages to use their creativity! If you are going on a road trip, vacation, a football game, a hockey game, an art show, abroad or simply working on a school project, take “Dr. P” with you and capture that special moment!! Patients under 18, please make sure you have your parent’s permission before entering this contest.

Terms & Conditions:

  • Overall contest begins: February 1st 2013
  • Overall contest ends: December 19th 2013
  • Contest will be split up into 3 rounds (Feb. 1st – April 30th,  May 1st – Aug. 30th  & Sept.1st – Dec. 19th). One winner will be selected by having the most ‘votes’ on Facebook, so be creative!! A patient can only submit 1 photo per trimester
  • Winning prize is an IPAD mini
  • Participating prize is 20 points

Photo Requirements:

  • The patient & “Dr.P” must both be included in the photo
  • Make sure you include your location and Patient’s name

Add a brief summary of where you are and what you are doing (you can also come up with a creative caption to get more likes!)

  • Get family & friends to like the beach braces page on Facebook & your picture! Remember, the MOST VOTES WIN!


Dr. Patricia Panucci is a specialist in orthodontics in Manhattan Beach, California.

Where in the World is Dr. P? – Facebook Photo Contest

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Perfect smile

Smile Day

“If you don’t start the day with a smile, its not to late to start practising for tomorrow”

Perfect smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #13 “If you don’t start the day with a smile, its not to late to start practising for tomorrow”

It is possible that you are so busy throughout the day that you might not have time to smile or take in something that you really appreciate or that makes you happy.

People who get stuck in day-to-day jobs that do not bring them happiness have a harder time staying upbeat and positive in the workplace.  Then when they get home their attitude is negative and all they want to do is go to bed and hope for the weekend.

Why should you live life like this?  Shouldn’t you want to be happy in your job?  I know that this probably sounds crazy, but in the midst of all the hustle and bustle remind yourself every day to smile.  A good old saying that you should remember daily says, “you aren’t fully dressed until you put a smile on”.  It is guaranteed that the more that you smile the more energy and positivity that you will bring to yourself and other around you.

Smiling is contagious, so why wouldn’t you start smiling to bring more upbeat positivity to your workplace or even in your home?  Make it a point to smile at least once after your wake up, twice while you are at work, and then when you get home for the night you should start to see some changes.

Even if you find yourself in the middle of the day and you have forgotten to put on your smile, its not too late.  Go ahead and smile away!  You will begin to see the change on your face and others around you.  Make this your daily habit and you will begin to see the changes in yourself and those dear to you.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Smile Day

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perfect smile

Smile that Stress Away

 “Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it”

perfect smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #12 “Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it”

Have you ever looked in the mirror when you were smiling?  If you haven’t recently go over to the mirror and start smiling at yourself.  Notice how happy you look?  Now, most of the time after I do this I end up making myself chuckle and then realize how silly I am being.

In that moment I am filled with happiness and all the stress that I have been dealing with has gone away.  A smile is something magical that can turn our worries away.  Why do we not smile more often?  It has also been said that laughter is the best medicine.

There are whole groups of people that meet together on a regular basis and have laughing times with each other.  They sit in a circle and use all of their energy to laugh.  When you laugh  you always feel good, right?  So why not share this happiness with others?  Some think that their smile isn’t good enough to share with the world.  They think that because they have a couple extra teeth or because their teeth are crooked they don’t need to smile anymore.

With the discovery of orthodontics over 100 years ago, we have the technology to straighten teeth for a more comfortable smile that you can call your own and share with the world.  Beach Braces wants to bring you to the point where you can be happy with your smile.  In a short amount of time you can have the smile that you have always wanted.

Call for a consultation today!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Smile that Stress Away

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perfect smiles

Stay Beautiful

“I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”

perfect smiles

Beach Braces Smile Quote #11 “I’ve Never Seen a Smiling Face That Was Not Beautiful”

When you are unhappy the first thing that starts to happen is that your face turns sour and your eyes begin to cross and you clench your fists, right? When you are happy your face can brighten up a room.  The corners of your mouth will begin to raise and in some instances you will show your teeth for a full and beautiful smile!  Scientists have proven that smiling causes happiness.

Take a look in the mirror.  Sound out the vowel e and notice how the corners of your mouth extend like they would when you are smiling.  Now think of something that is guaranteed to make you happy.  Your mouth stays the same.  Next sound out the vowel u.  Notice how your mouth draws inward.  Your eyebrows may drop a little.  This action by the face is also seen when we are upset.  Try to be happy and smile while you are sounding out the u.  Impossible isn’t it?  Every time that you go to think of a happy thought and smile, it causes your mouth to expand out, making you stop with the u and go to the e expression.

This also works in real life situations.  When you are happy and something makes you mad, it is very hard to keep smiling.   Instead we should think of it as the opposite.  When we are mad we should think of things that make us happy.

Then it is guaranteed that we would not be able to keep that frown on our face and bring happiness into our lives.  Next time you find yourself in a situation where you want to frown or you are upset, think of something funny or a happy memory and let yourself smile.  It will begin to melt your stress away!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Stay Beautiful

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Perfect Teeth Smiles

The Smile Wheel

“Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”

Perfect Teeth Smiles

Beach Braces Smile Quote #10 “Most Smiles are Started by Another Smile”

Here is a test for you.  Go to, click images, and then type smile in the search bar.  Look at  the first 100 images.  Naturally after seeing so many smiles, one cannot help but smile themselves.  Let’s face it smiling is contagious.  Now just start smiling at someone.

See their reaction?   They are either going to immediately start smiling back, or they are going to ask what is wrong with you while they are smiling.

Just a small little gesture can affect so many people.  There are some that choose not to smile because they think their teeth are not beautiful enough for a smile.  With corrective braces and other orthodontic options, you too can have a beautiful smile to share with others.

There was a girl who would smile in all her school pictures up until the time that she was in the third grade and other people started making fun of her.  From then on she wouldn’t smile for pictures and if she would smile in person, she would just put her hand in front of her mouth.  Her parents took her to an orthodontist for a consultation.

In about 2 weeks she had a mouth full of metal and hopes of one day having a smile that she could be proud of.  A couple years later she was able to take the braces off.  The first time that she saw her smile, she couldn’t believe that it was hers.  Now in every picture that you see of her she has her teeth showing and is very happy.

In fact, she smiles all the time.  If you are like this girl, why not give Beach Braces a chance and schedule a consultation.  You too can have the smile of your dreams and share happiness with a smile with the world.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

The Smile Wheel

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