two friends on a beach

Manhattan Beach is a Laid-back South Bay Community | 6 AMAZING FACTS

Manhattan Beach is a laid-back South Bay community popular with families and outdoor enthusiasts. The Strand bike path winds along the oceanfront between modern mansions and wide stretches of sand lined with volleyball courts. You’ll find all sorts here so come and join us. In this post, we’re going to show you. Let’s dive right in.

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Why Are My Orthodontic Braces Still On? | 3 Reasons

Everyone who gets braces is looking forward to a new smile, so it can be understandably frustrating when it seems like your braces have been left on for too long. There are many reasons that your orthodontic braces may still be on, and each orthodontic patient will have their own unique treatment plan. Keep reading to find out the answers to all your questions about the length of braces treatment.

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Do-It-Yourself Orthodontic Treatment (ONLY BLOG YOU’LL NEED)

Are do-it-yourself orthodontic treatments or direct-to-consumer clear aligners good? The field of orthodontics is full of new technology that makes it easier than ever to achieve a dazzling smile. While getting straight teeth used to involve years of wearing a mouth full of metal, you can now benefit from options such as aligner trays that are more comfortable. Alas, there are items that were never intended to be used as orthodontic appliances being used widely by unassuming people. Read on for the full low down on this worrisome trend.

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At 50 Years Old Will Braces Work?

It’s always the right time to think about your smile, comfort and dental health. Although people often associate orthodontic care with teens and young adults, there are lots of grownups who spend time in an orthodontist’s chair. If you’ve been thinking about straightening your teeth, don’t let your age stop you. In most cases, even older teeth are strong enough to undergo orthodontic care. There are plenty of compelling reasons to seek orthodontic treatment and consider braces, even if you’re 50 years old or over.

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(5 Facts) Children with Chronic Health Conditions & Orthodontics

Parents today are much more aware of dental procedures that can improve or enhance their kids’ teeth for life. Pediatric dentists frequently refer children who are patients to an orthodontist who can evaluate them for the potential benefits of wearing braces. Diagnosing an orthodontic issue at a child’s optimum age can help to ensure that timely, effective treatment is provided. However, children with chronic health conditions sometimes need extra support or precautions when getting orthodontic work done. Here are a few tips for parents of a chronically ill child who is in need of orthodontic.

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toothpaste tube

Fluoride for Oral Health [7 Facts to Use it or Not?]

The American Dental Association has assessed minimal risks with the use of fluoride in children under the age of 8. There is a small risk of them developing white spots on their teeth due to overconsumption of it. This is called mild fluorosis. Let then 2 percent of the cases cause any symptoms more severe than this. While mild fluorosis is a concern, poor oral cavity health is even more concerning. Cavities are the most common disease among both adults and children.

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3 Little Known Secrets (of a Braces Hero Pack)

A Braces Hero Pack? Orthodontists will impress upon you the importance of taking care of your new braces so that they do the job properly. To keep them in peak condition, you will want to obtain a new a Braces Hero Pack, more commonly known as a braces starter pack. These handy kits contain all you need and make it easier for you as they contain all (or at least most) of the necessary supplies to help you maintain peak oral hygiene regardless of whether you are spending the night at home or away somewhere else.

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7 Definitive Hacks (for Your Oral Health)

Your family’s oral health should always be at the forefront of your mind. Almost everything you do involves your teeth. For instance, your teeth help to shape your speech, and you clearly know the impact of flashing a beautiful smile.

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11 Ways to Alleviate Discomfort [During Braces]

How to Alleviate Discomfort after Putting on Braces. Your child has just gotten braces. Your child’s excited to get the perfect smile, and you’re excited to do something good for your child. A few hours later, the downside of having wire and brackets in their mouths set in. Your child can’t eat solid foods, they have to brush after every meal (even snacks!), they’re now self-conscious of whether food gets stuck between their wires, and now they’re in pain. They’re just not having a great time.

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Are Direct-to-Consumer (Clear Aligners) Good?

Are direct-to-consumer clear Aligners good? The field of orthodontics is full of new technology that makes it easier than ever to achieve a dazzling smile. While getting straight teeth used to involve years of wearing a mouth full of metal, you can now benefit from options such as aligner trays that are more comfortable.

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