

When Do I Get My Braces Off?


As orthodontists, we are constantly asked by our patients when they can finally get those pesky braces off. While of course the amount of time braces are on depends on the individual and their specific needs, there are basic steps of treatment used here that pertain to most people.

Stages of Treatment

Typically, though, there are three stages of treatment that every patient must go through. The order of these treatment stages can be in any old order or even overlap, but they must occur nonetheless. These three stages are:

  • Fixing the crowding and spacing of teeth
  • Aligning the teeth
  • Correcting any issues with the bite

Fixing the Crowding and Spacing of Teeth

In order to fix the crowding of teeth, there are two different steps that can be taken. The orthodontist can either expand the arches or extract some of the teeth. Remember, teeth can’t be aligned properly if they do not have enough room in the mouth. As far as whether to expand the arches or remove teeth is, that is determined based on a number of factors. Some of these factors include:

  • How big the jaw and teeth are
  • Amount of bone and gum tissue that hold up the roots
  • Profile

The first step in resolving any crowding that may be going on in the mouth is to make room so that each and every tooth can be aligned properly. If the patient has ample amounts of room before getting the braces put on, this space will be closed up first and foremost.

Aligning the Teeth

Braces are an important part of straightening the patient’s teeth. That’s why wires, elastic chains and springs are put into place. In fact, these gadgets are known to help rotate and steer the teeth into their rightful position. Also, during this step repositioning is achieved with the use of individual brackets. Sometimes these brackets aren’t put in right away. Some of the reasons for this stem from:

  • The alignment
  • The bite
  • The shape of the teeth

Once the teeth in the mouth have been somewhat aligned, the brackets can then be placed in. This helps make sure that they’re on in the right position.

Correcting Any Issues with the Bite

The last stage of treatment focuses on fixing the bite found in the mouth. In other words, the upper teeth have to fit the lower ones. Braces will help eliminate an overbite or underbite that may have occurred over time as well as a crossbite or deep bite. To get rid of any issues with the bite, wires, rubber bands, springs and possibly even surgery are employed. Once the backs of the top teeth land right on the fronts of the bottom ones, the perfect bite is achieved.

Figuring Out When to Take the Braces Off

Usually during the last stage, when the bite is being corrected, patients start asking “when do I get my braces off?” That’s because during that time, the look of crowded, crooked teeth is completely gone. The patient is therefore completely satisfied with the way their teeth looks. However, the braces can’t be taken off right there and then because this last stage where the bite is being fixed is so important to the health and stability of the teeth.

In order for a patient to figure out whether or not they are close to getting their braces off, they should go through the following checklist:

1. Are your teeth currently straight?
2. Are any spaces that were once between your teeth completely gone?
3. Do the upper front teeth now correctly overlap the lower front teeth?
4. Is your overbite or underbite issue eliminated?

Your Orthodontist Knows Best

If you notice that your chid’s teeth are still not straight, have visible room between them or there is a clear overbite going on, it is definitely not time to get their braces taken off. However, if the answer to each of the questions listed in the checklist above is yes, there is a good chance that they can have their braces removed. Remember, though, it is up to their orthodontist on when they should have their braces taken off. They have the ultimate say as they are experts in this field. They have a level of knowledge and experience that allows them to know exactly when your child’s teeth have achieved the look desired. Trust us, you do not want to have your child’s braces taken off too soon because that can just lead to further problems. After all, you want the issues that led them to having braces put in to begin with completely corrected.


Get the Help Your Child Needs Need

Do not waste your child’s time with any other orthodontists that can’t achieve what we can. When you notice that your child’s smile doesn’t look the way they want it to, visit us at Beach Braces. We are dedicated to helping your child obtain the smile of their dream. We truly care about you and your kid and it shows in everything we do. Our orthodontists are all more than qualified to handle your child’s needs so rest assured you and your child are in trusted hands here. Believe us, you will see a clear difference in your child before and after braces. All you have to do is give us a call. From there, one of our staff members will be more than happy to go over each of our dental services and procedures. We will even answer any questions you may have like “what are some payment options?” and “does invisalign work?” Your child deserves to get their teeth straightened and any bite problem fixed. Your child does not have to feel stuck so start making changes. Remember, now is the time to take action so get in touch with us today.

If you live in Manhattan Beach, CA, you’re in luck.

Beach Braces Orthodontics, located in Manhattan Beach, specializes in Orthodontics for adults and children and would be happy to consult with you regarding lingual braces or any of the many other options available.

Dr. Panucci

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

When Do I Get My Braces Off?

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