

Smile: It Enhances many Lives, Including Yours


Smile Quote # 30: “A Smile is like A Tight Underwear – It Makes your Cheeks Go up.”

A lot of things can make a smile and it’s true that we all smile in very different ways but ultimately the best smiles are the ones that make their cheeks go all the way up and expose our beautiful teeth. The best part about sharing one of these big toothy grins was someone else is that most of the time it’s returned which can make your smile last even longer.

With a smile on our face we can appear much sexier and much more approachable. Just as a nice outfit or nice underwear might make us feel more confident, in many cases all we need to boost our confidence is a great smile. Our smile is perhaps one of the best weapons that we can use when it comes to meeting new people and gaining acceptance in many social situations. You should never be afraid to hide your smile and should always embrace showing off a great big smile whenever you can.

For many people however, it can be very difficult to show off this big smile and to let their cheeks go up and expose their teeth whenever they want to share a smile with others. Without having the ability to show off their smile people may not know just how much of life that they might be missing out on. A smile is an unspoken communication device and if you are afraid to use it, you never know the types of connections that you might be missing.

If you need help restoring confidence in your smile contact the experts at Dr. Patricia Panucci’s Beach Braces. The team can assess your situation and provide you with treatment options to suit your lifestyle and condition. You could be showing off a brand-new confident smile in no time with the help of the team in Manhattan Beach.

Beach Braces , 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Smile: It Enhances many Lives, Including Yours

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A Secret to Change the World: An Act of Random Kindness at a Time


Smile Quote # 29: A Friendly Look, A Kindly Smile, One Good Act, and Less Worthwhile.

Helping other people is perhaps one of the best ways that we can make a connection and feel great in our lives. Taking the time to volunteer or even helping your friends and family as much as possible can reward you with positivity and happiness that you can carry on with you through your day and beyond. When you help someone out there is a good chance that they will reward you with a smile or more. In some cases however a smile can be all that you need to keep you feeling positive for the rest of your day.

Positivity makes us pass positivity along to other people. It makes us more efficient in our work and also helps us to enjoy less stress in our lives. Taking the time to make others feel positively and to feel positive about yourself is very important to enjoying a good quality of life. Whether you take the time to help someone with an act, a smile, or even just some well-wishing can really affect the way that they feel about you and the positive feelings that they might experience throughout their day as well.

Positivity is contagious and something as simple as sharing a smile with another person means that that smile will most likely carry on to others. You have a great means of communication with other people and it only lies in your smile. Some people however cannot share their smile quite as easily as others. They grow self-conscious about their teeth, bite, or even the way that they look as they smile. With the help of an orthodontic expert like Dr. Patricia Panucci of Beach Braces in Manhattan Beach it’s possible for you to gain the confidence back in your smile so that you can share more smiles with the world around you. Contact Dr. Patricia Panucci beach braces office today and see what life could be like living positively every day.

Beach Braces,  1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

A Secret to Change the World: An Act of Random Kindness at a Time

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Beach Braces

Month of Oral Cancer Awareness

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Over 40,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year and many are not diagnosed until it’s too late because patients are not being screened or attending regular appointments to stay on top of what is going on inside their mouths. As Oral Cancer Awareness Month approaches in April, it’s time to get the word out about this form of disease that strikes the mouth and throat as well as what everyone needs to do to protect themselves from this form of disease.

Diagnosis is Key

Early diagnosis is one of the most important ways to address any cancers that develop in the head and neck. The earlier that oral forms of cancer are detected, the better the prognosis for the patient. Annual screenings are a vital part of maintaining good oral hygiene and picking up any red flags during the exam. However, if patients do notice any types of changes going on with their mouths or throats, they need to stay on top of things and make another appointment between annual exams.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Any type of cancer involving the mouth or throat may not cause noticeable symptoms until it is more advanced. However, there are certain changes that signal the possibility of a serious problem. If there are sores in the mouth that won’t go away after two weeks, it’s important to get them checked. A swollen jaw that appears for no reason is another warning sign. Problems with the tongue, such as numbness or difficulty speaking, are another indication of a serious, underlying condition. Difficulties with chewing and swallowing are more warning signs. A hoarse throat that never goes away could indicate the presence of throat cancer. Paying attention to one’s body is vital in detecting anything out of the norm and having it cared for before the disease progresses.

Treatment Options

Once any form of cancer involving the head and neck has been diagnosed, a course of treatment will be prescribed. Each individual case is unique. Surgery and the use of radiation are the most common approaches to treat any form of cancer. Chemotherapy is often advised as well in order to keep cancer from spreading to any other part of the body. The treatment plan will depend on the form of cancer and how much it has already progressed.

What Can You Do to Take Good Care of Your Mouth?

The best thing that you can do about your mouth is to have good oral hygiene and make sure you get annual oral screenings to detect any abnormalities that could be occurring in your mouth or throat. Dr. Patricia Panucci is your go-to orthodontist in Manhattan Beach when you need your next exam. You can also turn to Dr. Panucci any time that you have a concern to stay on top of your oral health. Contact your Manhattan Beach orthodontist, Dr. Patricia Panucci, and make an appointment today. Learn more BeachBraces by visiting our website.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Month of Oral Cancer Awareness

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Invisalign, Beach Braces, Orthodontist

February: The Month Dedicated to Children’s Oral Care

Children’s Dental Health Month: February


Children’s dental health month is organized by the ADA (American Dental Association) every February to help raise awareness about the importance of oral health especially when it comes to children. During children’s dental health month Beach Braces will be working to promote the idea of  bringing children into our offices to have their health evaluated at an early age so that we can provide families with the greatest number of treatment options for any oral health condition.

The best time to get your children an initial orthodontic appointment is around the age of seven years old. At seven years of age adult teeth will begin to impact and make their way through your child’s jaw line to give an orthodontist a better picture of the way his/her teeth might impact and eventually set in place. Orthodontist can get initial x-rays as well as develop a treatment plan that can leave your child with their ideal smile. At this early age something as simple as taking out a few teeth could be all that your child needs to guide their progress and ensure that teeth impact correctly and create the formation for a perfect smile. Early treatment is the best way that parents can save hassle down the road.

Children’s dental health month is not only just about reminding children to floss, clean and keep up regular dental appointments. Children’s dental health month includes overall oral health and providing solutions to children who struggle with everyday tasks like chewing, speaking and breathing because of their oral health. Getting kids who struggle with these issues into our offices is the best way that we can provide them with solutions that can shape their future and improve their confidence and quality of life. We help children every day to experience issues with speech, chewing and confidence and have flexible treatment options to suit any budget and lifestyle.

On our website you can find a wide array of information about how you can help your children better care for their oral health. From cleaning tips to special instructions for children who are undergoing orthodontic treatment, we were to increase awareness of various oral health concerns not only just in February but the entire year round.

Children’s dental health month is important for us to promote, this campaign runs every year and is extremely beneficial to kids as we work directly with parents, other dental professionals, healthcare providers and teachers and caregivers as well. This means that children are not only learning about how they can better care for their oral health in our offices and at home but also in their own schools as well. On the ADA website educators and parents can find some great planning and instruction packages that they can use to help their kids learn how to improve their oral health to enjoy brighter smiles with less concern.

For more information on children’s dental health month or to schedule your child’s first orthodontic appointment contact beach braces today.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

February: The month Dedicated to Children’s Oral Care

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South Bay, CA & Parrot Squawks


Did You Know No. 3: Can You Hear the Parrot Squawks?

Have you ever heard the parrots squawk in your neighborhood? If you’re living in the South Bay, you probably hear them every day as the largest flocks of wild parrots are living in this area. Residents say that they could hear the loud squawks of these parrots all over town.

Wild parrots are parrots that have adapted to life in an ecosystem to which they are not native. These parrots may have been imported from the time that importation is not yet banned, and then escaped or released intentionally to the wild. Parrots have roughly 372 species with 86 genera. They are mostly found in subtropical and tropical areas and are divided into three super families: true parrots, cockatoos, and New Zealand parrots. The greatest diversity of parrots however can be found in Australasia, and South America.

Parrots have generally curved and strong bill, strong legs, upright stance, and clawed zygodactyl feet. Since most of the parrots are vividly colored and multi-colored (this makes them very attractive), people love to have them as pets. Parrots love to eat fruits, seeds, buds, nuts, and other plant materials. Although few species likes to eat animals and carrion; Lories and Lorikeets love to feed on soft fruits and floral nectar. Almost all parrots live in hollow trees and they lay white little eggs.

Since the parrots, along with crows, ravens, jays, and magpies are among the most intelligent birds, most people preferred them as pets. In addition, parrots can also imitate human voices making them more prevalent as pets than the other birds.

Overall, South Bay is not only famous because of the wild parrots. The town is also known to have the best orthodontic services offered by Beach Braces. Contact Beach Braces now to schedule an appointment: 310 – 379 – 0006.

Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

South Bay, CA & Parrot Squawks

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Beach braces

Invisible Braces

What are the Benefits of Lingual Braces?

People seeking dental treatment today are markedly different from patients a few decades ago, when saving one’s teeth from tooth decay or preventing tooth loss was of more importance. Children were often the recipients of braces in a desperate bid to straighten their teeth What has become far more important these days is how adults are able to improve their appearance through the use of modern orthodontic techniques. Clear braces, such as lingual braces, have attracted people’s attention more and more as a solution.

Lingual braces are often referred to as invisible braces and attract those people who want to improve their facial appearance and their smile but don’t want others to know they are doing this. As they are attached to the inner surfaces of the teeth, they can barely be seen even up-close. Besides their invisible characteristics, lingual braces do offer other benefits. They are able to do quite complicated movements such as correcting rotations, altering the teeth’s height, and closing spaces caused by extractions.

Lingual braces do have their challenges. It takes a few days or even up to a fortnight to get used to them being so close to the tongue. The wires and brackets may feel slightly rough to begin with and could have a slight effect on your speech, but the recipient soon becomes adjusted to the inconveniences of lingual braces and looks forward to the eventual outcome of wearing them for so long.

If your current job restricts your ability to wear braces or you simply want to cover up the fact that you are having braces treatment then you will benefit greatly from lingual braces. 3D imaging  and diagnosis software, along with robotically made wires, are the fundamental keys to lingual orthodontics today.

If your teeth are crooked or even just a little bit out of place, then lingual braces are a great way to correct those noticeable deficiencies and enable the recipients to smile and open their mouth with confidence, particularly after the treatment process has been completed. Contact beach braces today for the appointment and taking a first step towards a perfect smile.


Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Invisible Braces

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What is the Right Age to Take your Kids to an Orthodontists?

Age 7 is the Best Time See a Child’s Orthodontist


Visiting a dentist to check for the early signs of tooth decay should be done as soon as a parent is confident that their child can handle the situation and this applies to visits to an orthodontist too. If there is any sign of misalignment developing in the child’s teeth then this should be addressed as soon as possible. A treatment program started early will ensure any corrections are made with the best outcome and at a lower cost than later in life. Watch the video by Beach Braces to find the answer to the question: Can Orthodontic Treatment be completed on patients with baby teeth?



The American Association of Orthodontists suggests that a child should have his or her first orthodontic evaluation as soon as any orthodontic problem is noticed and at least by the age of 7. This is because by 7 years old the first molars start to erupt, which determines the back bite. This is when an orthodontist can assess side to side and front to back tooth interactions.  For example, when incisors start to erupt it could mean open bite, possible overbite, crowding and gummy smiles.

Intercepting teeth development in their early stages can:

  • Create a room for erupted teeth that may cause overcrowding
  • Have an influence on jaw growth leading to better facial symmetry
  • Allow enough space for unerupted teeth
  • Lower trauma risk to front teeth that are protruding
  • Lower the necessity to undertake tooth removal and decrease the treatment time through the use of braces

Improving the facial appearance and the smile is all part of the orthodontic treatment processes but there are other improvements that can be made to the functioning of the mouth and teeth through orthodontics. This is orthodontic treatment for a bad bite, which is often called malocclusion. A malocclusion occurs when there is misalignment in the tooth or jaw. A malocclusion can have a variety of effects, including altering how you smile, your chewing motion and how you go about cleaning your teeth.

American Association of Orthodontists’ studies indicate that untreated malocclusions can lead to difficulties when brushing and flossing crowded teeth. The result is a greater likelihood of the onset of tooth decay and more severe gum disease. Protruding teeth can be chipped and damaged more easily. Cross bites can lead to poor growth and the uneven wearing of teeth. Open bites can lead to the habit of tongue-thrusting habits and the onset of speech impediments.

Life can be so much easier later on for your child if an orthodontic assessment is arranged by the age of 7 years at least. Request for your child’s first appointment with Beach Braces now.

Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

What is the Right Age to Take your Kids to an Orthodontists?

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An Early Orthodontic Consultation – A key to a Perfect Smile

When is the right time for an orthodontic checkup?

The short answer to this question is no later than the age of seven years old.

When most people think of orthodontics and patients who have received orthodontic treatment, they think of older children and teenagers. Receiving an early evaluation however can be one of the best ways that you can prepare yourself for an orthodontic treatment as well as get any early treatment out of the way in the event that a child may need two stage treatment. There are number of advantages to your child seeing an orthodontist no later than the age of seven and this figure has been determined by the American Association of Orthodontists.

Benefits of an Early Evaluation

Early evaluation can allow an orthodontist to spot any problems with the growth of a child’s jaw or with teeth as they are just starting to emerge and replace baby teeth. Even though a child’s baby teeth may appear straight but their emerging teeth may tell a different story. Taking the time to do x-rays early on can help an orthodontist to better identify problems and change the way that teeth impact and grow in. If jaws are misaligned, these issues can be fixed using nonsurgical methods. Resetting a jawline can be much more difficult in older patients as the bone structure is more permanently formed and far more difficult to manipulate.

An orthodontic checkup at an early age can help an orthodontist to monitor your child’s jaw growth and development to make sure that everything will form correctly. Monitoring this growth will allow an orthodontist to intervene if there are any issues so that manipulations can be made to make sure that a child’s smile has a chance to come in naturally.

The Risks of Avoiding Early Treatment

Serious and complicated issues can also occur without proper monitoring. A child could have issues with chewing, speaking or breathing if his or her permanent teeth are allowed to come in without proper consultation.

Early treatment reduces the amount of trauma when it comes to overall orthodontic treatment. It can help to improve appearance as a child grows, can help to lower the risk of serious issues arising and also can work to guide the growth and formation of jaws before they set in place.

Early treatment really is the best way that you can give your child an opportunity to form a perfect healthy smile.

If you have a child that requires early treatment or consultation please call Beach Braces today and we can schedule you an appointment.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.
An Early Orthodontic Consultation – A key to Perfect Smile
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From a Dentist to an Orthodontist

difference between an orthodontist and dentist graphic

“All orthodontists are dentists, but only 6 percent of dentists are orthodontists.”

Who is an orthodontist?

An easy answer for this question is that orthodontists are specialists who work at aligning jaws and moving teeth into accurate position so that patients can achieve their ideal smile. The process of explaining orthodontic qualifications as well as telling the difference between orthodontists and the various other dental specializations is however a little bit more complicated of an answer.

Orthodontic professionals are fairly rare commodity. All orthodontists begin their career as dentists first and foremost, only 6/100 dental school graduates however will go on and pursue a career in orthodontics. This specialization can take years of extra education and the programs only accept the best and brightest applicants. It can usually takes 10 or more years of post-secondary education to eventually become a full-fledged orthodontist.

The Journey to Become an orthodontist

Stage 1:

The first step in the journey to become an orthodontist is to get a college diploma in an applicable study to dentistry. This diploma could be in the medical or science field and it’s important that students should keep their marks high so that they can eventually qualify for the dental school.

Stage 2:

The next stage is to complete dental school and graduate with high marks so that the future orthodontist can then qualify for orthodontic school.

Stage 3:

After the student has qualified for an orthodontic program with an accredited orthodontic residency he or she needs to complete at least two extra years after dental school which involves hands-on practice through the orthodontic residency program. During this time orthodontic students will learn all that he or she needs to know about guiding facial development as well as managing the movement of teeth to produce better smiles.

Only after all of this education, someone becomes a practicing orthodontist. Generally, when students complete one of these programs they will limit their work to orthodontic work only to the various treatments for orthodontic problems.


An orthodontist is specially equipped to create beautiful smiles as well as diagnose and prevent a number of problems that can occur. Some orthodontists will specialize in treatments for conditions like sleep apnea. Orthodontists dedicate their entire professional careers to helping people create their dream smiles as well as allowing patients to chew and speak without any discomfort.

Orthodontists also need to continuously educate themselves as new appliances keep on coming. Using tools like braces, aligners, retainers and advanced imaging tools, orthodontist can improve their practice and deliver better results to their patients. This is why continuous education is very important for them. By joining in to associations like the American Association of orthodontists, or by demonstrating a high quality of service and becoming a Platinum Provider of certain orthodontic appliances, an orthodontist can get access to a new technology as it is released as well as work as an advisor for the development of the orthodontic appliances.

If you are interested in seeing a qualified orthodontist in Manhattan Beach area please call Beach Braces today for a free consultation appointment.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.
From a Dentist to an Orthodontist
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Smile Quote 27

It only takes a second to smile

It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. We should smile more often.

Smile Quote 27

Beach Braces Smile Quote #27 “It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. We should smile more often.”

Smiling is an action that comes to us nearly as easy as breathing. Reacting to a fun event, something that interests us or even a dear memory can trigger a smile and show the true face of our happiness to the world. The great thing about smiles is that they usually don’t stop with just one person smiling. One smile can trigger a multitude of smiles and before you know it everyone that is around the first person to smile is all recalling a happy memory or living out a happy moment together.

As we may see people in passing, in the workplace, at school or at home we may encounter individuals that are having a difficult day or just look genuinely unhappy. All it takes is a split second of your time to truly impact somebody’s life and allow them to feel just a bit better in a moment of weakness or sadness. We all know how to smile and it doesn’t take much to bring one on. Something as simple as smiling and another person can really help to brighten the day as well as make us smile completely contagious.

If you happen to see somebody who is having a difficult day, be sure to smile at them and help them to forget whatever is troubling them for just a small fraction of that day. It is in these moments that a person’s attitudes can change and they can begin to feel real happiness is well. Smiles can be truly important tools for helping our fellow human beings.

Dr Panucci will help you to get a perfect smile and you can always smile confidently, or click here to get a free consultation.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

It only takes a second to smile