

Your Life is What you Make it


Smile Quote # 31: “Anyone Who has a Continuous Smile on his Face Conceals a Toughness that’s Almost Frightening” – Greta Garbo

Getting through tough situations sometimes requires much more than keeping a tough exterior throughout. When we smile we can take on just about any difficult situation. Keeping positive on the inside and the outside is how we can deal with serious issues we face every day. Just as the quote would suggest someone who constantly remains positive could be one of the absolute toughest people you know.

They are always ready to combat any negativity in their lives and meet it head on with positivity. When we smile it only encourages positivity in ourselves and in the people around us. A smile usually brings about even more smiles which are returned to us. Even something as simple as that action can make us feel much better when we are experiencing difficulty in our lives. For some individuals however it can be difficult to constantly share a smile with the people around them, and this is usually because they don’t have confidence in their smile. Luckily it is possible to help you bring back the confidence in your smile so that you can have the tough exterior that you need to increase positivity in your life.

With the specialists available in Manhattan Beach from Dr. Patricia Panucci’s Beach Braces, you can receive a wide array of treatments that can help you down the path to creating your ideal smile. This team has helped hundreds of people in the Manhattan Beach area to find their smile and have the confidence to smile again. If you have lost confidence in your smile and you need the help to bring it out again work with the orthodontic experts at Dr. Patricia Panucci Beach Braces. We are accepting appointments for free consultations today.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Your Life is What you Make it

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Smile: It Enhances many Lives, Including Yours


Smile Quote # 30: “A Smile is like A Tight Underwear – It Makes your Cheeks Go up.”

A lot of things can make a smile and it’s true that we all smile in very different ways but ultimately the best smiles are the ones that make their cheeks go all the way up and expose our beautiful teeth. The best part about sharing one of these big toothy grins was someone else is that most of the time it’s returned which can make your smile last even longer.

With a smile on our face we can appear much sexier and much more approachable. Just as a nice outfit or nice underwear might make us feel more confident, in many cases all we need to boost our confidence is a great smile. Our smile is perhaps one of the best weapons that we can use when it comes to meeting new people and gaining acceptance in many social situations. You should never be afraid to hide your smile and should always embrace showing off a great big smile whenever you can.

For many people however, it can be very difficult to show off this big smile and to let their cheeks go up and expose their teeth whenever they want to share a smile with others. Without having the ability to show off their smile people may not know just how much of life that they might be missing out on. A smile is an unspoken communication device and if you are afraid to use it, you never know the types of connections that you might be missing.

If you need help restoring confidence in your smile contact the experts at Dr. Patricia Panucci’s Beach Braces. The team can assess your situation and provide you with treatment options to suit your lifestyle and condition. You could be showing off a brand-new confident smile in no time with the help of the team in Manhattan Beach.

Beach Braces , 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Smile: It Enhances many Lives, Including Yours

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A Secret to Change the World: An Act of Random Kindness at a Time


Smile Quote # 29: A Friendly Look, A Kindly Smile, One Good Act, and Less Worthwhile.

Helping other people is perhaps one of the best ways that we can make a connection and feel great in our lives. Taking the time to volunteer or even helping your friends and family as much as possible can reward you with positivity and happiness that you can carry on with you through your day and beyond. When you help someone out there is a good chance that they will reward you with a smile or more. In some cases however a smile can be all that you need to keep you feeling positive for the rest of your day.

Positivity makes us pass positivity along to other people. It makes us more efficient in our work and also helps us to enjoy less stress in our lives. Taking the time to make others feel positively and to feel positive about yourself is very important to enjoying a good quality of life. Whether you take the time to help someone with an act, a smile, or even just some well-wishing can really affect the way that they feel about you and the positive feelings that they might experience throughout their day as well.

Positivity is contagious and something as simple as sharing a smile with another person means that that smile will most likely carry on to others. You have a great means of communication with other people and it only lies in your smile. Some people however cannot share their smile quite as easily as others. They grow self-conscious about their teeth, bite, or even the way that they look as they smile. With the help of an orthodontic expert like Dr. Patricia Panucci of Beach Braces in Manhattan Beach it’s possible for you to gain the confidence back in your smile so that you can share more smiles with the world around you. Contact Dr. Patricia Panucci beach braces office today and see what life could be like living positively every day.

Beach Braces,  1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

A Secret to Change the World: An Act of Random Kindness at a Time

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smile quote

A smile is the light in the window of your face

“A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you’re at home.”

smile quote

Beach Braces Smile Quote #24 “A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you’re at home.”

Showing others that you are confident, happy and content is very important to connecting with other people and remaining approachable. A smile is a universal symbol for showing that you are comfortable and that you are at home in your own skin. You would be amazed at the amount of people that might approach you if you simply include a smile in items that you wear daily.

People who walk around confident with a smile on their face managed to see life in a different way. Not only does it make them more approachable but it can also work to make others feel much more content and happy around them. Smiles are something that is meant to be shared, after all a smile is a universal symbol showing that you are happy and by showing off your smile to other people that care about you they can’t help but feel happy as well.

It can be easy to lose a smile when you are stressed, overthinking aspects of your job or even just having a difficult day but it is important to remember to take some time for yourself and to do something that makes you smile. A smile during a time of weakness or during a difficult time is a great way to show people that you still have hope and that you are still confident in your own abilities. A smile is the perfect way to show that you are happy to be in their company and you are fulfilled as a person.

If you’re having trouble with your teeth, feel free to contact Dr Panucci to increase your happiness showing off your radiant smile. You can get a free consultation by clicking here!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you’re at home.

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Orthodontic fact

The purpose of our lives is to be happy

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy!”

Orthodontic fact

Beach Braces Smile Quote #23 “The purpose of our lives is to be happy!”

Many people get hung up on wealth, possessions, stress, and difficulties in life but it is important to remember that the true purpose of our lives is to be happy and to share our happiness with others. So much of our society has become extremely fast-paced and material, and as more and more people are struggling to find their own version of happiness by consuming and buying more and more each day the root of happiness comes directly from within. You can share this happiness with other people through something as simple as a smile.

A smile is not something that can be bought or sold but it certainly can be traded. If you are able to pass by someone on the street and give them a confident smile you can share your happiness directly with others and truly brighten their day. Remember that there is always something that you can be happy about and that it’s very important to take time out of a busy day or a stressful event to spend time making yourself smile. It is understandable that we can’t be happy at all times but to try and embrace happiness and sheer happiness with others daily is a noble pursuit it can only help to enrich our lives.

As many others may struggle to obtain more material wealth, they are continuing to ignore our base human instinct to simply share happiness with each other and be happy each and every day. Remember to try and stay positive and to share the things that you are happy about. Think of happy memories and try to smile each and every day so that you can share your happiness with others.

Don’t worry if you are not confident with your teeth, Dr Panucci is here to increase your happiness showing off your radiant smile. You can get a free consultation by clicking here!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

The purpose of our lives is to be happy

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straight teeth

Diamonds Are Forever

“Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond”

straight teeth

Beach Braces Smile Quote #19 “Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond”

Many people overlook the care of their teeth as well as truly valuing their smile. A smile is an extremely expressive tool that we all use each and every day, caring for it is imperative to maintaining our confidence, our image and how we depict our happiness to the world. Just as this quote would suggest it’s very important for people to care for their teeth just as they would the most valuable diamond in a jewellery collection.

A smile is what makes us approachable and what we use to communicate happiness to other people. If people are unable to value their teeth they may not be confident in their smile and may also have difficulty smiling without any effort. It’s important that we be able to smile with other people and share a smile as this can brighten somebody’s day. Having the confidence to be able to perform a big open tooth ear to ear grin is what really helps us to connect as human beings. A guarded smile is nowhere near the same as a genuine confident one. Are you happy with your smile?

You never know the type of people that you might meet or who you might impress by showing off your perfect smile. This is why keeping your teeth healthy and regularly caring for each and every tooth in your head, as the quote would suggest is so very important to maintaining your appearance and valuing your happiness. Smiles and teeth truly can be more valuable than any diamond in existence.

If you are considering improving your smile, click here to contact us for a free consultation.

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Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Diamonds Are Forever

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smile quote

Keys, Phone, Bag, Lunch, Smile CHECK!

 ”You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just SMILE”

smile quote

Beach Braces Smile Quote #18 ”You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just SMILE”

To go through life without smiling would have to feel like something is missing.  You might check to make sure you are wearing your shoes, or put on your tie, or grabbed your keys and phone.  After making sure that you have everything that you need for your day, something still seems to be missing.  In order to be fully dressed, you need to put a smile on each morning.

There are so many things in life to be appreciative of.  What better way to show your happiness and excitement than through a smile?  Smiles are the universal way of showing that you are happy or have a positive outlook on something.  When we start to smile, others cannot help but smile themselves.  Why not challenge yourself for the next couple of days to wake up and before you leave the house, put a smile on your face?  You might notice that people will begin to ask you “Why you are smiling?”, or “What are you so happy for?”

What greater response than telling them that today is just a good day and you are happy to be smiling.  I guarantee if you start this trend, people will begin to be more positive and upbeat when they are around you because they know that you are the person they can come to share a smile with.  No one likes a grouch, so why not put a smile on and share it with everyone?

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Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Keys, Phone, Bag, Lunch, Smile CHECK! 

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How Far Away is Your Smile ?

Beach Braces Smile Quote #16“The shortest distance between two people is a smile”


Beach Braces Smile Quote #16 “The shortest distance between two people is a smile”

A great philosopher once said “A smile connects us, you and me…A smile can be a language anyone can learn to speak”. Who is this great philosopher you ask?  None other than the great Kermit the Frog!

No matter where you are in the world a smile is universal. It means the same thing in every country. Even if you have no idea how to speak that language, you will be able to share happiness with them.

Scientists have found that when we smile neuropeptides are released in our brain. This allows the rest of our body to know what is going on. So when we smile endorphins are released giving us an energy boost and the ability to fight off stress. It has also been said that endorphins can cause pain relief. With all of these positives we can see how smile and laughter is the best medicine.

Wouldn’t that be great to get a prescription from the doctor that said, “Must laugh three times daily. Take with a full glass of water for fast relief” The awesome thing here is that we don’t need a prescription to laugh.

All we have to do is just begin smiling! Of course we cannot plan what is going to happen through our entire day. There may be things that happen around you to cause stress or unhappiness. The best way to combat those feeling is to try to stay positive and know that this is not the end of the world and you will be able to smile again soon.

Try your hardest to stay positive and surround yourself with others who do the same. Before you know it you will have that little pep in your step once again, and you will be ready to share your smile with the world!

You can read more smile quotes by clicking here.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

How Far Away is Your Smile ?

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Straight smile

To Smile or Not to Smile that is the Question

“Is a smile a question? Or is it the answer?”

straight smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #15 “Is a smile a question? Or is it the answer?”

Smiling is most definitely an answer. Sometimes when asking a question a smile is all that it takes. Think of all the times in the past couple days that you smiled.

In these instances when you smiled were you content with what you had discovered?  Is this what caused your boost in joy? Or was it because someone made you laugh and you were joyed with the feeling that it gave to you.

We respond to situations with our emotions, be it happy or sad. When we smile its because we are feeling something and we are sure that what is being felt is making us happy or we appreciate the nature of it.

Smiling is the answer for many things, but we need to start using it more often. In a place where there is no smiling, people will become hard and calloused in their hearts. It should be our goal to go to these places and share our joy with them.

Since laughter and smiles are contagious, we should desire to bring that to people who are without happiness. Of course there is a place and a time for everything, but if you feel that you could brighten someone’s day with a smile, by all means smile away!

You might be the only person that day who has tried to boost their spirits and in the end you could have made them very happy. The question shouldn’t be if we should share our smiles with one another. The question should be how.

How can we spread positivity with a smile to others?  Start by just smiling at people. Chances are they will return the favor with a smile.  When you are comfortable with telling jokes, share them with some friends and see their faces change from a blank stare to completely happiness. Whatever you do, be happy and share that smile with everyone!

Unfortunately many people cover their smile with their hand, as they don’t feel comfortable with their smile and don’t wish to wear braces. A good alternative are clear braces, named Invisalign, adults especially feel most at ease using these clear braces.

You can call our office for more information.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

To Smile or Not to Smile that is the Question

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Perfect smile

Smile Day

“If you don’t start the day with a smile, its not to late to start practising for tomorrow”

Perfect smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #13 “If you don’t start the day with a smile, its not to late to start practising for tomorrow”

It is possible that you are so busy throughout the day that you might not have time to smile or take in something that you really appreciate or that makes you happy.

People who get stuck in day-to-day jobs that do not bring them happiness have a harder time staying upbeat and positive in the workplace.  Then when they get home their attitude is negative and all they want to do is go to bed and hope for the weekend.

Why should you live life like this?  Shouldn’t you want to be happy in your job?  I know that this probably sounds crazy, but in the midst of all the hustle and bustle remind yourself every day to smile.  A good old saying that you should remember daily says, “you aren’t fully dressed until you put a smile on”.  It is guaranteed that the more that you smile the more energy and positivity that you will bring to yourself and other around you.

Smiling is contagious, so why wouldn’t you start smiling to bring more upbeat positivity to your workplace or even in your home?  Make it a point to smile at least once after your wake up, twice while you are at work, and then when you get home for the night you should start to see some changes.

Even if you find yourself in the middle of the day and you have forgotten to put on your smile, its not too late.  Go ahead and smile away!  You will begin to see the change on your face and others around you.  Make this your daily habit and you will begin to see the changes in yourself and those dear to you.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

 Smile Day

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