
Beach Braces

Popularity Didn’t Hinder Her

Beach Braces

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey#3: Serena Williams

Every time tennis powerhouse Serena Williams flashes her smile, you can only admire those beautiful teeth. For someone in the public eye, it’s important for Serena to have a smile that she can be proud of. However, in her younger years, Serena and her famous sister sported braces. Thanks to orthodontic treatment, she’s happy to flash her smile everywhere she goes. If you have problems with your teeth when it comes to too much space, crowding, or issues with your bite, an orthodontist can help you to have a smile transformation as well. You simply need to take that first step and find out how orthodontics could change your life.

Serena’s Path Might Work for You

When Serena had trouble with her teeth falling into perfect alignment, Invisalign was the answer. Ideal for a person who is always in the spotlight, Serena began her journey with invisible braces when she was sixteen. Within two short years, she was able to walk away with a smile that lights up the court with every victory. Look at Invisalign pictures and you can’t even tell that she was having orthodontic treatment. If you are self-conscious and don’t like the idea of wearing traditional braces, you could still get a smile that is the envy of all others. With Invisalign, no one would even know until your orthodontic treatment is complete. You won’t know what will work for you unless you take the time to find out. If you want a smile like Serena’s, you have to see an orthodontist.

Visit an Orthodontist Today

Stop and browse at Beach Braces. Find out how Dr. Patricia Panucci can help you to get a new smile. As a preferred Invisalign provider, she’ll be able to answer your questions about Invisalign and more. Find the orthodontic treatment that will make you smile. Schedule your life changing session today.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Popularity Didn’t Hinder Her

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Beach Braces

Think you’re Too Old for Braces? Ask Tom Cruise!

Beach Braces

Celebrity’s Orthodontic Journey # 2: Tom Cruise

Think you’re too old for braces? Ask Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise. The star of Top Gun, Jerry Maguire, and Edge of Tomorrow, who was 39 years old when he first ventured into the orthodontist’s office! After appearing on magazine covers for nearly two decades–with a crooked smile–he finally took the plunge when one of his own children needed to get braces, and decided he would join in as well! As every magazine photo and movie of him since 2002 testifies: the rest is history.

Instead of the image of wires and rubber bands many of us have when we think about braces, Tom opted for a more discrete ceramic type, the only visible part of which was a thin wire running across the front of his teeth. He wore them for about eighteen months, and was able to have the wire removed when he was doing a movie, then put back on after. In fact, many adults, like Tom, choose ceramic braces, but if those are too obtrusive, there are also clear aligners that are nearly invisible! Or maybe you’re interested in getting Wildsmile braces, metal braces emblazoned with charms and colors? We work with you to choose a style of braces that meets your specific health needs, while also fitting your personal or professional lifestyle.

Even if you’re not planning to walk down the red carpet anytime soon, straightening your teeth is a great way to improve your smile and boost your self-confidence. What are you waiting for? Come on in for a consultation with Dr. Patricia at Beach Braces today. She is a cutting-edge orthodontist, and one of the most qualified in Southern California. More importantly, she is dedicated to finding the right choice for you, so that you can love your braces before and after.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Think you’re Too Old for Braces? Ask Tom Cruise!

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Teeth staining foods, orthodontic specialist Manhattan Beach, Beach Braces

Fruit Juices; The Real Story

Teeth staining foods, orthodontic specialist Manhattan Beach, Beach Braces

Teeth Staining Food No. 10: Does Fruit Juice Damage Your Teeth?

America is full of parents trying to feed their kids the right things and make healthy decisions for your children. When you have a choice between handing over a glass of grape juice or a can of soda, the decision seems easy. Fruit juice is healthier and does better for your kids, or so you might think. The truth is that fruit juice, especially darker juices like cranberry and grape, can do just as much damage as soda.

Why are Fruit Juices so Bad?

Fruit juices often contain a high amount of calories, and some of the more popular juice blends contain less than 10 percent real fruit juice. If you have a few extra pounds around your midsection and can’t figure out why, the juices you drink might be the culprit. While an orthodontist can’t help you get rid of those extra pounds, but he can surely help you get back your smile. Teeth whitening is a process that takes place over the course of several weeks or months. It can lighten yellow spots and other discolorations and make you proud to smile again. Professional teeth cleaning and whitening products work much more effectively than the products you use at home do.

Looking for an Orthodontist?

When it comes to finding an orthodontist specialist, patients often keep putting off the process until it’s too late or they require much more expensive procedures. Patrica J. Panucci, DMD and MS, believes that everyone should love to smile. Her local practice at Beach Braces provides residents with services ranging from teeth whitening to invisible braces. Whether you need Invisalign, affordable braces, teeth whitening or other procedures, find out how Dr. Panucci can assist you. Call us to make your first appointment with the doctor today.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Fruit Juices; The Real Story

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Beach Braces

Soda Wreaks Havoc on Your Teeth

Beach BracesTeeth Staining Food # 6: Soda, Cola and other Carbonated Drinks

The next time that your kids need an idea for a science project, suggest them to study the link between soda and tooth decay. All they need to do is place a tooth in a small amount of cola and watch what happens to that tooth over time. The high level of acidity in the soda will break through the enamel and cause the tooth itself to appear dark yellow, brown or even black. Once you see those results, you’ll think twice before handing over a can or bottle to your child.

Teeth Whitening:

Teeth whitening can reduce the problems that drinking soda can cause. Whether you have young children or teenagers at home, you might find that you don’t have as much time as you would like. It’s easy to grab a bottle of diet soda from the gas station or grocery store when you need a little extra energy, but drinking even one bottle a day can do more harm that you might think. While cutting back on your soda intake and how much soda your kids drink can help, you should also think about talking to an orthodontist.

An Orthodontist Specialist:

Dr. Patricia J. Panucci ranks as the leading orthodontist specialist serving the needs of her patients. She understands that you want to spend more time on the beach and less time worrying about your teeth. For some people do I need braces is a common question. They worry that their teeth are a little too crooked, and they worry about what others think when they smile. Whether you want a brighter smile or need braces for your child, call us at Beach Braces to get more information and answers to any questions you might have.

Beach Braces, 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Soda Wreaks Havoc on Your Teeth

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smile quote

Keys, Phone, Bag, Lunch, Smile CHECK!

 ”You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just SMILE”

smile quote

Beach Braces Smile Quote #18 ”You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, if you just SMILE”

To go through life without smiling would have to feel like something is missing.  You might check to make sure you are wearing your shoes, or put on your tie, or grabbed your keys and phone.  After making sure that you have everything that you need for your day, something still seems to be missing.  In order to be fully dressed, you need to put a smile on each morning.

There are so many things in life to be appreciative of.  What better way to show your happiness and excitement than through a smile?  Smiles are the universal way of showing that you are happy or have a positive outlook on something.  When we start to smile, others cannot help but smile themselves.  Why not challenge yourself for the next couple of days to wake up and before you leave the house, put a smile on your face?  You might notice that people will begin to ask you “Why you are smiling?”, or “What are you so happy for?”

What greater response than telling them that today is just a good day and you are happy to be smiling.  I guarantee if you start this trend, people will begin to be more positive and upbeat when they are around you because they know that you are the person they can come to share a smile with.  No one likes a grouch, so why not put a smile on and share it with everyone?

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Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

Keys, Phone, Bag, Lunch, Smile CHECK! 

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Hollywood Smile

Lock and Load

“There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.

Hollywood Smile

Beach Braces Smile Quote #17 “There is no weapon in the feminine armory to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.

A smile is one of the best tools that we can have.  A smile never hurt anyone.  If a smile can only help yourself and others, then why do you not smile as often as you should?  Are you embarrassed by the way your smile looks?  If this is the case Beach Braces would like to assist you in correcting your teeth so that you can have a smile that you are proud of.  One method of changing the way your smile looks is by getting braces.  Many adults think that they have waited too long and their smile is a lost cause.

This is not true at all!  Braces are not just limited to children alone.  Beach Braces offers a variety of options for children and adults alike.  If smiling can boost your ego, then how do you think you would feel if your smile had been corrected and you had the smile you have always wanted?  With advances in the technical side of orthodontics, there are many things that have been updated and changed in order to lower pain and discomfort levels as well as the amount of times that you will have to visit for check ups.

Another great thing about braces today is that there are many options to how you would like to straighten your teeth.  You can have metal braces, translucent braces, or even aligners such as Invisalign to help improve your smile.  When you come in for your first visit the orthodontist will go over what your options are and what they think will be the best option to better meet your needs.  You will know what will happen every step of the way and will be sure to get the attention you deserve.  Schedule your complementary consultation today!

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266  TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051


Lock and Load

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You Got to Smile to Be Happy

You Got to Smile to be Happy

You’ve Got to Smile to be H-A-Double-P-Y


You Got to Smile to Be Happy

Beach Braces Smile Quotes #2 “You’ve got to smile to be h-a-double-p-y” – Shirley Temple

Today’s smile quote comes from the child screen star and local legend (Santa Monica) Shirley Temple. Back in 1934 Shirley found international fame aged 5 in the film Bright Eyes. Other films such as Curly Top and Heidi followed throughout the 30’s.

After retiring from films Shirley Temple went on to do many things including taking the post of the United States Ambassador to Czechoslovakia. Today if you go to West Hollywood and look carefully you can see Shirley Temple’s hand and footprints at Grauman’s Chinese Theater.


Shirley Temple– You Gotta S-m-i-l-e To Be H-a-p-p-y

If you mist our smile quote #1 click here.

To schedule your complimentary orthodontic consultation click here.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051

You Got to Smile to be Happy

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