
dental nurse cartoon

7 Definitive Hacks (for Your Oral Health)

Your family’s oral health should always be at the forefront of your mind. Almost everything you do involves your teeth. For instance, your teeth help to shape your speech, and you clearly know the impact of flashing a beautiful smile.

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11 Ways to Alleviate Discomfort [During Braces]

How to Alleviate Discomfort after Putting on Braces. Your child has just gotten braces. Your child’s excited to get the perfect smile, and you’re excited to do something good for your child. A few hours later, the downside of having wire and brackets in their mouths set in. Your child can’t eat solid foods, they have to brush after every meal (even snacks!), they’re now self-conscious of whether food gets stuck between their wires, and now they’re in pain. They’re just not having a great time.

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Are Direct-to-Consumer (Clear Aligners) Good?

Are direct-to-consumer clear Aligners good? The field of orthodontics is full of new technology that makes it easier than ever to achieve a dazzling smile. While getting straight teeth used to involve years of wearing a mouth full of metal, you can now benefit from options such as aligner trays that are more comfortable.

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I Want Braces (Do I Really Need Teeth Removed?)

Do I really need teeth removed? If you just found out that you, your child or someone that is close to you is going to need braces, also called orthodontic cases, it’s okay. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about. It is incredibly common, especially in childhood, to need braces. Most people who have had them would agree on one thing for sure: the earlier your dentist tells you to see an orthodontist about getting them, the better. The sooner you get them, the sooner they can be taken off and, while they are common in childhood, they’re not nearly as common for adults, so most people prefer to get them during childhood.

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What Guidelines Will Help Children Remain Cavity-Free?

Dental decay is an incredibly common problem found in most offices. Unfortunately, when kids get cavities, they will need to have fillings placed that can affect their teeth for the rest of their teeth. The more fillings that are placed into the tooth, the more it compromises the integrity of the tooth and causes the need for root canals and crowns. Because of this, it is crucial that you work with your child to avoid and prevent cavities altogether so that your child will have clean and healthy teeth for a lifetime. Making changes to their diet and oral hygiene habits may also help other health conditions and will be good habits for them to carry on into adulthood.

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fear of having braces

How to Overcome (Your Fear of Having Braces)

The very mention of the word braces is enough to make any child fearful. Even though orthodontic treatment has become routine, it is still surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. By understanding the source of your child’s fear and working with your orthodontist, you can ease your child’s fear of braces so that they actually look forward to the process and the prospect of a straight, beautiful smile.

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Dental Issues (Pre-orthodontic Treatment)

Does your child have crooked teeth? Are their excessive spaces between them? In the young and formidable years, many children find that their teeth don’t come in as they should have. We handle both children and adults who have crooked teeth and want to improve their smile. With the use of braces, an orthodontist can correct many dental issues.

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Are Braces Painful? (5 ANSWERS)

Are Braces Painful? Your orthodontist just told you that you need to get braces. Undoubtedly, you are feeling a little anxious. When your first learned that you needed some form of tooth-straightening device to improve your smile, it is likely that there were many questions that went through your mind. First and foremost, you may have asked, when am I going to be able to get these things off? You are also no doubt concerned about what the end results would be or how will your teeth look.

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How do I Correct my Buck Teeth? (3 EPIC ANSWERS)

How do I correct my buck teeth? Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, which is why it’s natural to want to make yours a good one. If you’ve been dealing with misaligned teeth, you might feel self-conscious or embarrassed. Fortunately, no matter what you’ve been going through, the right orthodontist can help you get the treatment you need. Whether you want to know about braces, invisible braces, or retainers, it’s possible to find a treatment method that will help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. Ready to learn more? Here’s what you need to know about braces and orthodontics.

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AcceleDent Review by Dr. Panucci

AcceleDent Review by Dr. Panucci

AcceleDent Product Review 1 AcceleDent Review by Dr. Panucci AcceleDent Review by Dr. Panucci AcceleDent Review by Dr. Panucci

Dr. Panucci’s AcceleDent review first appeared in the Spring 2018 Journal of the American Academy of Clear Aligners.

To read the original article, click here.

AcceleDent Review by Dr. Panucci