
Beach Braces

Protect your Smile [while Playing Sports]

If you are an athlete and always on the go, it’s good for you. You’re going to be physically fit and strong for years to come. However, don’t forget to take care with your mouth. When it comes to any kind of contact sport, mouth guards are a must. Think of it as a minor investment that will protect your pearly whites for a lifetime. Remember that goes for kids too. If your children are signed up for sports, be sure to take a trip to the store or to an orthodontist in Manhattan Beach to get a mouth guard. It’s a simple insurance policy against the risk of major damage.

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Smile: It Enhances many Lives, Including Yours


Smile Quote # 30: “A Smile is like A Tight Underwear – It Makes your Cheeks Go up.”

A lot of things can make a smile and it’s true that we all smile in very different ways but ultimately the best smiles are the ones that make their cheeks go all the way up and expose our beautiful teeth. The best part about sharing one of these big toothy grins was someone else is that most of the time it’s returned which can make your smile last even longer.

With a smile on our face we can appear much sexier and much more approachable. Just as a nice outfit or nice underwear might make us feel more confident, in many cases all we need to boost our confidence is a great smile. Our smile is perhaps one of the best weapons that we can use when it comes to meeting new people and gaining acceptance in many social situations. You should never be afraid to hide your smile and should always embrace showing off a great big smile whenever you can.

For many people however, it can be very difficult to show off this big smile and to let their cheeks go up and expose their teeth whenever they want to share a smile with others. Without having the ability to show off their smile people may not know just how much of life that they might be missing out on. A smile is an unspoken communication device and if you are afraid to use it, you never know the types of connections that you might be missing.

If you need help restoring confidence in your smile contact the experts at Dr. Patricia Panucci’s Beach Braces. The team can assess your situation and provide you with treatment options to suit your lifestyle and condition. You could be showing off a brand-new confident smile in no time with the help of the team in Manhattan Beach.

Beach Braces , 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Smile: It Enhances many Lives, Including Yours

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The Emphasis on Age 7; Explained

Why is Age 7 Considered the Optimal Time for Screening?

You may have heard that the optimal age for receiving your first orthodontic consultation is around the age of seven years old. Most orthodontists will recommend this page based off of the American Dental Association’s recommendations, but why is age 7 optimal for receiving a diagnosis for treatment?

Early evaluation of the child’s condition is extremely important in orthodontics. By creating a treatment plan before a child has fully develop their jaw, or had all of their permanent teeth fully erupt, this can help save time, expense and improve confidence. Early treatment offers a greater opportunity for easier and more effective treatment. Not to say that adults can’t receive orthodontic treatment, but results can be far more dramatic when children are able to receive treatment early on in life because development can be structured by the orthodontist to ensure that children’s teeth come in naturally and that their jaws form to prevent issues.

Intervention in the early stages of life will guide the growth and development which will prevent any serious problems down the road. When teeth are able to grow into a position which is going to cause ongoing oral health issues, this can lead to difficulty with chewing, speech, tooth wear, muscle soreness and a plethora of other issues. This is why early intervention can be so beneficial.

At age 7 adult molars begin to erupt into the mouth which will establish a solid foundation for back bite. Orthodontists will get a clear indication of how permanent teeth are developing as well as the relationship of each tooth inside a child’s mouth and how it will erupt and the order that they will come in. Improper orders and issues like crooked teeth for example can be identified in early x-rays and corrected especially if they are caught early. Indications for future issues can allow an orthodontist plenty of time to plan ongoing treatment for a child as well. When an orthodontist begins to see examples like erupting incisors which are coming in improperly, they can prevent issues like open bite, crowding, overbite and more.

Today orthodontic imaging ( also makes it easier to properly diagnose children during these early years. When a child comes in at just seven years old 3-D x-rays and new imaging software can actually simulate the way did their teeth will erupt and how their jaw will form overall. By examining every little detail and getting a 3-D model of your child’s mouth, orthodontists can structure treatment to ensure that a child ends up with a perfect smile with much quicker results limiting the amount of time that they might have to use an orthodontic appliance. Age 7 is a great time to start intercepted treatment and to ensure that your child never has to experience any difficulty with their permanent teeth.

For an introductory consultation for your child please contact Beach Braces today. We can also answer any questions that you may have about optimal screening and the screening process.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

The Emphasis on Age 7; Explained

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A Secret to Change the World: An Act of Random Kindness at a Time


Smile Quote # 29: A Friendly Look, A Kindly Smile, One Good Act, and Less Worthwhile.

Helping other people is perhaps one of the best ways that we can make a connection and feel great in our lives. Taking the time to volunteer or even helping your friends and family as much as possible can reward you with positivity and happiness that you can carry on with you through your day and beyond. When you help someone out there is a good chance that they will reward you with a smile or more. In some cases however a smile can be all that you need to keep you feeling positive for the rest of your day.

Positivity makes us pass positivity along to other people. It makes us more efficient in our work and also helps us to enjoy less stress in our lives. Taking the time to make others feel positively and to feel positive about yourself is very important to enjoying a good quality of life. Whether you take the time to help someone with an act, a smile, or even just some well-wishing can really affect the way that they feel about you and the positive feelings that they might experience throughout their day as well.

Positivity is contagious and something as simple as sharing a smile with another person means that that smile will most likely carry on to others. You have a great means of communication with other people and it only lies in your smile. Some people however cannot share their smile quite as easily as others. They grow self-conscious about their teeth, bite, or even the way that they look as they smile. With the help of an orthodontic expert like Dr. Patricia Panucci of Beach Braces in Manhattan Beach it’s possible for you to gain the confidence back in your smile so that you can share more smiles with the world around you. Contact Dr. Patricia Panucci beach braces office today and see what life could be like living positively every day.

Beach Braces,  1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

A Secret to Change the World: An Act of Random Kindness at a Time

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Beach Braces: The BEST Kid’s Orthodontist, CA

Maya Got her Braces Off

Beach Braces is the best provider of high quality orthodontic treatment in Manhattan Beach, CA. Dr. Panucci is very friendly and caring orthodontist for both kids and adults. Maya is a highly satisfied little patient of Beach Braces, South Bay, CA. Watch the video to know more about her experience with Beach Braces.


Perfect smile is very important to boost up your kid’s self esteemContact us today for your child orthodontic treatment.

Beach Braces,  1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

Beach Braces: The BEST Kid’s Orthodontist, CA

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A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

The Importance of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment is one of the best ways that you can ensure your child has the most treatment options available to them for future oral health. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children attend their first orthodontic consultation around the age of seven years old. At the age of seven children’s mouths have not fully formed but permanent teeth are beginning to interrupt and replace primary teeth. This can give an orthodontist all of the indications that they need to perform orthodontic treatment at a full orthodontic assessment.

Orthodontists will look for a wide array of different conditions as well as make sure that teeth are erupting in the proper order. When teeth erupt in the wrong order or come in crowded, it can lead to future issues. Making sure that children’s teeth are coming in correctly at an early age is one of the best ways that orthodontists can provide treatment options to spare children difficulty later on in life.

Jaws, bones and teeth are not fully set in place at the early age of seven and manipulating all of these factors with orthodontic treatment is made easier while they are still forming. Instead of requiring extensive surgery or a long treatment process, getting orthodontic treatment at a young age is a great way that orthodontists can structure and guide growth so that children can form a natural jawline with teeth that will come in straight.

Overall, the reason that early orthodontic treatment is extremely recommended is to limit the amount of invasive procedures that a child may require later on in their adult lives. Diagnosing and treating orthodontic issues in their early stages can help to save time and expense on the part of parents and children alike.

Early orthodontic treatment can also help with issues of confidence as a child develops into a youth. Many young adults and teens are forced to wear orthodontic appliances to correct any number of issues that they might face with their oral health. Getting early treatment is one of the best ways that you can shorten the overall length of treatment which will help kids to keep their confidence when they reach their teenage years. They can enjoy less time with braces or potentially avoid them altogether by getting in early consultation and early treatment.

Serious and abnormal conditions can cause permanent dental health problems as well. If children between seven and 10 aren’t able to visit an orthodontist and they have one of these severe oral health issues, that can cause issues with speech, chewing and potentially even excessive stress on their oral health. When teeth are crowded or a child has an irregular bite this can cause extra wear on their gums, their tooth enamel and also can cause issues in the supporting and surrounding jawbones.

If you are interested in scheduling your child’s first orthodontic appointment please contact Beach Braces today for a free consultation so that we can assess your child and diagnose any issues.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

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The Bands of South Bay, CA


Did You Know No. 8: South Bay – The Greatest Bands

South Bay has been the home of various culture, ethnicity, sports, and festivities. South Bay is famous because of its beach cities which include Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, and Redondo Beach, each possessing unique features which attract not only the local residents but also the tourists. Although most people prefer to live in big cities such as New York, others also prefer the relaxing atmosphere that beach cities have to offer. Whether it’s getting tanned under the sun or surfing the big waves, Americans just love to feel the breeze of the ocean and unwind.

The South Bay is also the primary tourist destinations when it comes to holidays. Especially during the 4th of July, Hermosa Beach’s Iron Man Competition attracts big mass of crowd. The Iron Man Competition consists of running a mile, surfing a mile, and then drinking 6-pack beer at the end. The first one to consume all the drinks (6-pack beer) wins. This craziest and wildest activity during the 4th of July starts around 9 A.M onwards. Although, only those people over 21 years old can participate.

Aside from the Hermosa Beach, the South Bay is also known to be the hotbed of some of the world’s greatest bands. This includes the Redd Kross (Hawthorne), Beach Boys, The Decendents (Manhattan), Black Flag (Redondo Beach), Circle Jerks (Hermosa Beach), Pennywise (Hermosa Beach), and 98 Mute (Hermosa Beach). Furthermore, Kurupt (Hawthorne), The Deviates (South Bay), and Driven Out (South Bay) also originated from the South Bay.

Overall, South Bay is pretty much offering the luxury, convenience, and accessibility (best orthodontic clinics included) that most residents seek. Do you have severe teeth misalignment problems? Don’t hesitate to contact the best orthodontic clinic in California: Beach Braces. Call them now at: 310 – 379 – 0006.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

The Bands of South Bay, CA

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What is the Right Age to Take your Kids to an Orthodontists?

Age 7 is the Best Time See a Child’s Orthodontist


Visiting a dentist to check for the early signs of tooth decay should be done as soon as a parent is confident that their child can handle the situation and this applies to visits to an orthodontist too. If there is any sign of misalignment developing in the child’s teeth then this should be addressed as soon as possible. A treatment program started early will ensure any corrections are made with the best outcome and at a lower cost than later in life. Watch the video by Beach Braces to find the answer to the question: Can Orthodontic Treatment be completed on patients with baby teeth?



The American Association of Orthodontists suggests that a child should have his or her first orthodontic evaluation as soon as any orthodontic problem is noticed and at least by the age of 7. This is because by 7 years old the first molars start to erupt, which determines the back bite. This is when an orthodontist can assess side to side and front to back tooth interactions.  For example, when incisors start to erupt it could mean open bite, possible overbite, crowding and gummy smiles.

Intercepting teeth development in their early stages can:

  • Create a room for erupted teeth that may cause overcrowding
  • Have an influence on jaw growth leading to better facial symmetry
  • Allow enough space for unerupted teeth
  • Lower trauma risk to front teeth that are protruding
  • Lower the necessity to undertake tooth removal and decrease the treatment time through the use of braces

Improving the facial appearance and the smile is all part of the orthodontic treatment processes but there are other improvements that can be made to the functioning of the mouth and teeth through orthodontics. This is orthodontic treatment for a bad bite, which is often called malocclusion. A malocclusion occurs when there is misalignment in the tooth or jaw. A malocclusion can have a variety of effects, including altering how you smile, your chewing motion and how you go about cleaning your teeth.

American Association of Orthodontists’ studies indicate that untreated malocclusions can lead to difficulties when brushing and flossing crowded teeth. The result is a greater likelihood of the onset of tooth decay and more severe gum disease. Protruding teeth can be chipped and damaged more easily. Cross bites can lead to poor growth and the uneven wearing of teeth. Open bites can lead to the habit of tongue-thrusting habits and the onset of speech impediments.

Life can be so much easier later on for your child if an orthodontic assessment is arranged by the age of 7 years at least. Request for your child’s first appointment with Beach Braces now.

Dr Panucci – Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.

What is the Right Age to Take your Kids to an Orthodontists?

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An Early Orthodontic Consultation – A key to a Perfect Smile

When is the right time for an orthodontic checkup?

The short answer to this question is no later than the age of seven years old.

When most people think of orthodontics and patients who have received orthodontic treatment, they think of older children and teenagers. Receiving an early evaluation however can be one of the best ways that you can prepare yourself for an orthodontic treatment as well as get any early treatment out of the way in the event that a child may need two stage treatment. There are number of advantages to your child seeing an orthodontist no later than the age of seven and this figure has been determined by the American Association of Orthodontists.

Benefits of an Early Evaluation

Early evaluation can allow an orthodontist to spot any problems with the growth of a child’s jaw or with teeth as they are just starting to emerge and replace baby teeth. Even though a child’s baby teeth may appear straight but their emerging teeth may tell a different story. Taking the time to do x-rays early on can help an orthodontist to better identify problems and change the way that teeth impact and grow in. If jaws are misaligned, these issues can be fixed using nonsurgical methods. Resetting a jawline can be much more difficult in older patients as the bone structure is more permanently formed and far more difficult to manipulate.

An orthodontic checkup at an early age can help an orthodontist to monitor your child’s jaw growth and development to make sure that everything will form correctly. Monitoring this growth will allow an orthodontist to intervene if there are any issues so that manipulations can be made to make sure that a child’s smile has a chance to come in naturally.

The Risks of Avoiding Early Treatment

Serious and complicated issues can also occur without proper monitoring. A child could have issues with chewing, speaking or breathing if his or her permanent teeth are allowed to come in without proper consultation.

Early treatment reduces the amount of trauma when it comes to overall orthodontic treatment. It can help to improve appearance as a child grows, can help to lower the risk of serious issues arising and also can work to guide the growth and formation of jaws before they set in place.

Early treatment really is the best way that you can give your child an opportunity to form a perfect healthy smile.

If you have a child that requires early treatment or consultation please call Beach Braces today and we can schedule you an appointment.

Beach Braces 1730 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Suite B, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
TEL: 310-379-0006 Fax: (310) 379-7051.
An Early Orthodontic Consultation – A key to Perfect Smile
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happy woman

Operation Gratitude

We need your Candy! Every Pound equals 10 Reward Points!

candy is bad for braces