Braces Or Invisalign For Sticking Out Tooth? (Your 2022 Guide)

If you have been dealing with a tooth sticking out further than the other, you are likely frustrated with having to deal with this particular imperfection. Those with multiple crooked teeth are typically referred to an orthodontic specialist for treatment. Having a wonky tooth which can be a lateral incisor or a canine tooth, can be confusing because it is a somewhat different issue. In this post, we’ll show 4 options to fix a sticking out tooth in 2022. Let’s get started!

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Braces or Veneers (How to Own Your Smile in 2021)

A nice smile is often the first thing people notice about you. Crooked, chipped or stained teeth detract from your appearance. And may have health implications as well. Once you decide it’s time, you may be unsure whether braces or porcelain veneers are the best choices. In this post, we’ll help you decide on braces or veneers and guide you to make a choice. Let’s get cracking.

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