Can You Get Sealants With Braces On? (A Comprehensive Guide)

Dental sealants are intended to provide greater cavity protection. To defend against decay it is painted on the chewing surfaces of molars. Sealants protect the teeth from 80% of cavities for the first two years, and 50% for the next two years after that, according to the Centers for Disease Control. In this post, we’ll answer the question of how do dental sealants work? Let’s get sealing.


  1. Dental sealants are protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars and premolars) to prevent tooth decay and cavities.
  2. Sealants are typically made of a plastic resin material that bonds to the tooth surface, filling in the grooves and depressions to create a smooth surface, making it more challenging for bacteria and food particles to accumulate.
  3. Dental sealants are typically applied to children’s teeth as soon as their permanent molars emerge, around the ages of 6 and 12.
  4. Sealants are a safe and effective preventive measure and can last for several years. However, they may need to be checked during dental visits and reapplied if necessary.
  5. Sealants can be beneficial for patients with braces, as they help protect the teeth from decay in areas that may be harder to clean due to the braces.
  6. According to a HealthTap post, it is possible to have braces if you’ve had fissure sealants put on your teeth. The sealants should not interfere with the braces, as they are applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth, while braces are bonded to the front surfaces.

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Vaping With Braces – Understanding The Risks

As an orthodontist, I know that some of my patients might wonder about vaping while having braces. Vaping will not harm the glue for your brackets or wires, but it’s still bad for your health.

Also, vaping can hide gum disease that you might get from wearing braces. The brackets and wires can make it harder to clean your teeth and gums well, which can cause oral health problems.

To keep your mouth healthy while vaping with braces, you need to take good care of your teeth at home. Brush and floss often, and use tools like interdental brushes or water flossers to reach tricky spots. You should also visit your dentist or orthodontist every six months for a cleaning and a checkup for gum disease.

So, you can vape with braces, but you should know the risks and do things to protect your oral health. By following good oral hygiene habits and getting professional help when needed, you can vape without hurting your well-being.

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girl brushing teeth

How Many Times Should I Brush My Teeth With Braces? (4 Times Per Day?)

Maintaining healthy teeth and gums during your orthodontic treatment requires brushing and flossing very regularly. Our recommendation is to brush at least four times per day while wearing braces: after breakfast, in the morning, and at night. In the afternoon, right after school/work or after lunch.

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Do Braces Make The Roots of Your Teeth Shorter?

People want braces for a number of reasons, but one of the biggest ones is for healthier teeth and gums. As such, many patients are concerned about the effects braces might have on the roots of their teeth. One of the most common questions we are asked is “Do braces make the roots of your teeth shorter?” While it is possible for roots to grow shorter, it’s not necessarily a cause for concern.

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child hugging pregnant mother

Braces and Pregnancy | 7 EXPERT FACTS | LATEST 2023

There is no known problem combining braces with pregnancy, but you need to speak with your orthodontist about your specific situation. The teeth and gums may be affected by hormonal changes during pregnancy, so orthodontic treatment may need to be modified or postponed. Braces may also cause swelling and tenderness in the gums for some women during pregnancy. During pregnancy, maintaining proper oral hygiene and having regular dental checkups, including orthodontic appointments, is essential to ensure mother’s and baby’s health. To determine what is the most appropriate course of action for you regarding braces and pregnancy, speak with your orthodontist.

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X-Ray For Braces? Why Are They Needed?

When it comes to getting braces, X-rays are an important part of the process. Even though many people know what to expect when getting metal braces, not everyone is aware of what to expect when getting an X-ray. X-rays are a crucial part of the orthodontic treatment process and can help orthodontists create a personalized treatment plan for a healthy, straight smile. A dental X-ray can also provide you with valuable information about your treatment plan based on the information gathered.

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Can You Get Your Braces Off Early in 2023?

Are you tired of wearing braces and eager to show off your straight teeth? While it’s important to follow your orthodontist’s treatment plan and wear your braces for the recommended amount of time, you may be wondering if there’s any way to get your braces off early. In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that can affect the length of your orthodontic treatment and discuss whether or not it’s possible to speed up the process. We’ll also provide tips on how to take care of your braces and ensure that your treatment is as efficient as possible. So, read on to learn more about getting your braces off early and achieving a beautiful, straight smile.

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Dry Mouth With Braces & Invisalign (What is Xerostomia)

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, can be a common problem for people with braces. Here are a few tips to help alleviate dry mouth while wearing braces:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Keeping your mouth hydrated is crucial for preventing dryness. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist and comfortable.
  2. Avoid sugary or acidic drinks: Sodas, sports drinks, and other sugary or acidic beverages can contribute to dry mouth by reducing the amount of saliva in your mouth. Instead, opt for water or other non-sugary, non-acidic drinks to keep your mouth hydrated.
  3. Chew sugar-free gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can help stimulate the production of saliva in your mouth, which can help alleviate dryness. Just be sure to choose a gum that’s specifically made for people with braces to avoid damaging your braces or teeth.
  4. Use a saliva substitute: If you’re experiencing severe dry mouth, you may want to try using a saliva substitute, such as a mouth spray or gel. These products can help keep your mouth hydrated and comfortable.

Overall, dry mouth is a common problem for people with braces, but it can be managed with a few simple steps. By staying hydrated, avoiding sugary or acidic drinks, chewing sugar-free gum, and using a saliva substitute if necessary, you can keep your mouth moist and comfortable while wearing braces.

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happy couple

Will Braces Fix My Jaw?

Braces straighten teeth and improve jaw alignment, which can change a person’s jaw/chin shape.

An unbalanced, unhealthy jaw can cause overbites, underbites, and crossbites. You will have an outward extension of your jaw if you have an underbite. A person with an overbite will have an extended upper arch and teeth, as well as a small chin and weak cheeks. Rather than being directly below the upper teeth, the lower jaw sits left or right with a crossbite.

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What Are Power Chains For Braces? (7 EASY FACTS)

In a basic form, power chains for braces are a chain of O-shaped bands linked like a chain would be. These chains replace ligatures or wires between the brackets. Sometimes an orthodontist will use both to aid the movement of teeth. The use will depend on what you need to accomplish the best result. In rare cases, you may use wire power chains. This is where the wire wraps around the bracket instead of rubber bands.  

Power chains work the same as ordinary ‘O’ shaped rubber bands. Those have been used in orthodontics for many years. In this post, we’ll take you through what power chains are and what they do. Let’s get going.

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