At 50 Years Old Will Braces Work?

Last Updated on August 24, 2019 by Gio Greenard

It’s always the right time to think about your smile, comfort and dental health. Although people often associate orthodontic care with teens and young adults, there are lots of grownups who spend time in an orthodontist’s chair. If you’ve been thinking about straightening your teeth, don’t let your age stop you. In most cases, even older teeth are strong enough to undergo orthodontic care. There are plenty of compelling reasons to seek orthodontic treatment and consider braces, even if you’re 50 years old or over.

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Ease Pain

Crooked teeth may seem like a cosmetic problem on the surface, but misaligned teeth can cause pain and discomfort. What was once a minor problem with your bite can cause uneven wear on your teeth and lead to shifting of your jaw. The result is often facial muscle pain and frequent headaches.

A poorly aligned bite may also make you more likely to bite your tongue or the inside of your cheek. Pain is most common in those with a deep overbite. In people with this issue, the top teeth slide in front of the bottom teeth as the mouth closes. This pushes the lower jaw backward, often causing problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

Patients with TMJ problems experience pain and difficulty when chewing food and sometimes experience jaw locking that makes closing and opening the mouth extremely difficult. In extreme cases, the bottom teeth actually cut into the roof of the mouth behind the top teeth. Fortunately, correcting the tooth alignment alleviates the pain for most people and there is no need for further medical intervention.


Exercise Your Options

When you were a kid, a highly-visible metal system of brackets and wires, also known as metal mouth, was the only way to straighten teeth. Today, however, your orthodontist can give you more choices than ever before. In some cases, the old metal arrangement is still used, but the pieces are placed behind the teeth so others don’t know they are there. Invisalign is also a popular choice. This system uses a series of clear plastic trays to move your teeth discretely so that no one knows about your orthodontic work but you and your orthodontist.

In addition to being more discrete, modern tooth straightening systems like Invisalign are often easier to clean and care for than the old metal and wire standard. Of course, old-fashioned metal braces still serve their purpose and may be less expensive than fancier options. Together, you and your doctor will decide what straightening method will work best for both your teeth and your lifestyle.

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Improve Your Overall Health

In recent years, orthodontists and other dental professionals have learned that your oral health says a lot about your overall health. According to the Mayo Clinic, poor oral health is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, endocarditis and premature birth. Evidence also suggests a sort of symbiotic relationship between oral health and diabetes, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

All of these diseases can make your oral health worse, especially when your 50 years old and poor oral health can exacerbate these conditions. Most of these problems seem to stem from bacteria growth. Bacteria start forming in the mouth as the foods you eat get stuck between your teeth and around your gums. It may not stay in your mouth, however, as it finds its way beneath your gums and into your bloodstream. Once three, it can travel anywhere in your body.

If your teeth are straight, regular brushing and flossing easily remove most of this troublesome food and bacteria. If your teeth are crooked, however, there are likely tight spots and hard to reach spaces your toothbrush will miss. Straightening your teeth at any age makes them easier to clean and helps you prevent the buildup of dangerous bacteria that can have a negative impact on your overall health.


Orthodontic Care is More Affordable Now

Healthcare, including orthodontic care, can come with a hefty price tag. Over time, orthodontics have become more affordable and financing options are more readily available. While care has become more affordable overall, it may also have become more affordable for you personally. In the past, you may have been more focused on your children’s healthcare than your own.

Or, as is true for most of us, financial stability may have felt elusive when you were just getting your start in life. Now that you’re a little older, you’re hopefully reaping the benefits of a lifetime of hard work and enjoying a bit more disposable income. While straightening your teeth felt out of reach before, it may be a much more attainable goal now. You no longer have to just live with a smile that you’ve always wanted to fix.


Boost Your Self-Esteem

There is no age limit on self-esteem. If you’ve spent your life trying to hide a crooked smile, it’s well past time to stop. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, and it makes you appear friendly and approachable. Refusing to smile can give the wrong impression and may have cost you an opportunity or two during your life. Making an effort not to smile also means stifling joy.

Smiles and laughter are both good for the soul and should come freely and spontaneously. If worries about your appearance have stolen center stage throughout your life, do what you can to fix the problem so you are free to flash a grin and be yourself without self-doubt.

Teeth Can Move at Any Time

If you’ve made it to the age of 50 years old or beyond with a straight smile, you may think you’ve dodged the orthodontic bullet. It is possible, however, for your teeth to shift at any time during your life for a variety of reasons. If the appearance of your teeth is changing or if things just don’t feel quite right, it may be time to talk to an orthodontic specialist.

Most offer free consultations and can check your teeth to make sure they are staying where they belong. If they’re not, these professionals can offer advice for fixing the problem before things get worse and start to cause painful issues.


Here’s the Kicker

There is never a bad time to consult with an orthodontist. No matter what your age, whether 50 years old or more…the staff at Beach Braces is ready to greet you with a warm welcome and Dr. Panucci devise a personalized plan to create your best smile. We’ll be happy to assess your teeth and determine if they are strong and healthy enough to be realigned. Give us a call today to learn more about who we are and what we can do for you. Contact us TODAY – because everyone should love to smile!

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I’m 50 Years Old – Can I Still Have Braces?

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